Yosuke 2022年09月22日作成
製作品 製作品
Yosuke 2022年09月22日作成 製作品 製作品



【2022年 SPRESENSE 活用コンテスト】< エンタメ部門 >にエントリーするための作品として








コード名 コード番号
F#m 0
AonE 1
D 2
Bm 3
DonE 4
E7 5
A 6
AonG# 7
F#m7 8
続く 続く




#define C 1 #define CS 2 #define DF 2 #define D 3 #define DS 4 #define EF 4 #define E 5 #define F 6 #define FS 7 #define GF 7 #define G 8 #define GS 9 #define AF 9 #define A 10 #define AS 11 #define BF 11 #define B 12



#define M(メジャー) 1 #define mi(マイナー) 2 #define SUS4(サスフォー) 3 #define DIM(ディミニッシュ) 4 #define AUG(オーギュメント) 5 #define F5(フラットファイブ) 6 ...続く


コード名 コード番号
7, 2, 0(F#m) 0
10, 1, 5(AonE) 1
3, 1, 0(D) 2
12, 2, 0(Bm) 3
3, 1, 5(DonE) 4
続く 続く













ボタン名 機能
DECREMENT_BUTTON このボタンを押しながらほかのボタンを押すと別の機能が使えます
CHANGE_CHORDCHANGINGMODE コード切り換え方式の切替を行います。今回は使用しません。
CHANGE_INDEX コード進行を1つ進めます。DECREMENT_BUTTONを押しながら押すと、コード進行を1つ戻します。
CHANGE_KEY 曲のキーを1つ上げます。DECREMENT_BUTTONを押しながら押すと、キーを1つ下げます。
CHANGE_SONG_STRUCTURE_INDEX 曲の構成番号を1つ進めます。DECREMENT_BUTTONを押しながら押すと、曲の構成番号を1つ戻します。
CHANGE_TRACK 内蔵されてる曲のトラック番号を1つ進めます。DECREMENT_BUTTONを押しながら押すと、内蔵されてる曲のトラック番号を1つ戻します。
CHANGE_KEYLAYOUT 鍵盤配列のモードを切替えます。今回は使用しません。
CHANGE_PLUS_MODE DECREMENT_BUTTONを押しながら押すと、内蔵されてる曲のトラック番号を5つ進ませます。





素材名・部品名 個数
カラーボード10mm厚(ダイソー) 数枚
カラーボード5mm厚(ダイソー) 数枚
はさみ 1挺
カッター 1本
銅線0.28mm(ダイソー) 数個
銅線0.55mm(ダイソー) 1個
精密作業用はんだ(ダイソー) 数本
はんだごて 1本
木工用ボンド(ダイソー) 1本
2リングファイルフォルダー(ダイソー) 1冊
銅箔テープ幅38mm長さ5m(Nitto) 2個
薄い紙製両面テープ(ダイソー) 1個
厚い両面テープ(ダイソー) 1個
方眼のついた工作用紙5枚入り(ダイソー) 1つ
のり 任意
プリンター 任意
長めのブレッドボード 2つ
短いブレッドボード 1つ
ジャンパワイヤ 任意
小信号用ダイオード 1N4148 128本
74HC138(ロジックIC) 1個
タクトスイッチ 8個



[自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 底面 pt.1.pdf](http://keiopress.coolblog.jp/自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 底面 pt.1.pdf)
[自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 底面 pt.2.pdf](http://keiopress.coolblog.jp/自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 底面 pt.2.pdf)




[自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.1.pdf](http://keiopress.coolblog.jp/自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.1.pdf)
[自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.2.pdf](http://keiopress.coolblog.jp/自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.2.pdf)
[自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.3.pdf](http://keiopress.coolblog.jp/自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.2cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔 中面 pt.3.pdf)








自作ピアノ【据え置き】54鍵(2.0cm×10cm)  0.2cm間隔.pdf


























































































#define NUMBER_OF_KEYS 60 #define NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES_FOR_KEYS 120 #define NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES_FOR_CONTROLER 8 #define NUMBER_OF_ALL_SWITCHES 128 #define MAX_MIDI_NOTE 127 #define MAX_MIDI_VELOCITY 120 #define NOTE_VELOCITY 100 #define ARPEGGIO_VELOCITY 100 #define DRUM_VELOCITY 100 #define DRUM_NOTE_NUMBER 36 #define DRUM_MIDI_CHANNEL 10 #define BUTTON_RELEASE_WAIT_TIMES 10 #define USE_LED #define LED 13 #define NUM_LEDS 3 #define BRIGHTNESS 255 #define DATA_PIN PIN_D07 #define LED_FOR_SOUND_HOLE 2 #define LED_FOR_RIGHT_PAD 1 #define LED_FOR_LEFT_PAD 0 #define MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PART_VOICING 36 #define MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_PART_VOICING 41 #define MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING 42 #define MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING 47 #define ONE_OCTAVE 12 #define MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES 64 #define HOW_MANY_SONGS 80 #define KEY_UP 1 // #define KEY_DOWN 0 // #define TENSION_F9TH 1 #define TENSION_N9TH 2 #define TENSION_S9TH 3 #define TENSION_N11TH 5 #define TENSION_S11TH 6 #define TENSION_F13TH 8 #define TENSION_N13TH 9 #define TENSION_F14TH 10 #define TYPE_A 1 #define TYPE_B 0 #define RCT 0 #define RCTCTCT 1 #define RIIIV_R_OR_VII 2 enum DIYKeyID : unsigned char { //0~4 DIY_KEY_LS3, DIY_KEY_LS2, DIY_KEY_LS1, DIY_KEY_RS3, DIY_KEY_RS2, //5~31 DIY_KEY_L1, DIY_KEY_L2, DIY_KEY_L3, DIY_KEY_L4, DIY_KEY_L5, DIY_KEY_L6, DIY_KEY_L7, DIY_KEY_L8, DIY_KEY_L9, DIY_KEY_L10, DIY_KEY_L11, DIY_KEY_L12, DIY_KEY_L13, DIY_KEY_L14, DIY_KEY_L15, DIY_KEY_L16, DIY_KEY_L17, DIY_KEY_L18, DIY_KEY_L19, DIY_KEY_L20, DIY_KEY_L21, DIY_KEY_L22, DIY_KEY_L23, DIY_KEY_L24, DIY_KEY_L25, DIY_KEY_L26, DIY_KEY_L27, //32 DIY_KEY_RS1, //33~59 DIY_KEY_R1, DIY_KEY_R2, DIY_KEY_R3, DIY_KEY_R4, DIY_KEY_R5, DIY_KEY_R6, DIY_KEY_R7, DIY_KEY_R8, DIY_KEY_R9, DIY_KEY_R10, DIY_KEY_R11, DIY_KEY_R12, DIY_KEY_R13, DIY_KEY_R14, DIY_KEY_R15, DIY_KEY_R16, DIY_KEY_R17, DIY_KEY_R18, DIY_KEY_R19, DIY_KEY_R20, DIY_KEY_R21, DIY_KEY_R22, DIY_KEY_R23, DIY_KEY_R24, DIY_KEY_R25, DIY_KEY_R26, DIY_KEY_R27, DIY_KEY_DEFAULT = 0xFF, }; enum KeyID : unsigned char { KEY1_36 = 36, KEY1_37, KEY1_38, KEY1_39, KEY1_40, KEY1_41, KEY1_42, KEY1_43, KEY1_44, KEY1_45, KEY1_46, KEY1_47, KEY1_48, KEY1_49, KEY1_50, KEY1_51, KEY1_52, KEY1_53, KEY1_54, KEY1_55, KEY1_56, KEY1_57, KEY1_58, KEY1_59, KEY1_60, KEY1_61, KEY1_62, KEY1_63, KEY1_64, KEY1_65, KEY1_66, KEY1_67, KEY1_68, KEY1_69, KEY1_70, KEY1_71, KEY1_72, KEY1_73, KEY1_74, KEY1_75, KEY1_76, KEY1_77, KEY1_78, KEY1_79, KEY1_80, KEY1_81, KEY1_82, KEY1_83, KEY1_84, KEY1_85, KEY1_86, KEY1_87, KEY1_88, KEY1_89, KEY1_90, KEY1_91, KEY1_92, KEY1_93, KEY1_94, KEY1_95, KEY1_96, KEY2_36, KEY2_37, KEY2_38, KEY2_39, KEY2_40, KEY2_41, KEY2_42, KEY2_43, KEY2_44, KEY2_45, KEY2_46, KEY2_47, KEY2_48, KEY2_49, KEY2_50, KEY2_51, KEY2_52, KEY2_53, KEY2_54, KEY2_55, KEY2_56, KEY2_57, KEY2_58, KEY2_59, KEY2_60, KEY2_61, KEY2_62, KEY2_63, KEY2_64, KEY2_65, KEY2_66, KEY2_67, KEY2_68, KEY2_69, KEY2_70, KEY2_71, KEY2_72, KEY2_73, KEY2_74, KEY2_75, KEY2_76, KEY2_77, KEY2_78, KEY2_79, KEY2_80, KEY2_81, KEY2_82, KEY2_83, KEY2_84, KEY2_85, KEY2_86, KEY2_87, KEY2_88, KEY2_89, KEY2_90, KEY2_91, KEY2_92, KEY2_93, KEY2_94, KEY2_95, KEY2_96,//157 }; enum MidiCH : byte { MIDICH1, MIDICH2, MIDICH3, MIDICH4, MIDICH5, MIDICH6, MIDICH7, MIDICH8, MIDICH9, MIDICH10, MIDICH11, MIDICH12, MIDICH13, MIDICH14, MIDICH15, MIDICH16, }; #define KEY_A KEY1_36 // #define KEY_B KEY1_37 // #define KEY_C KEY1_38 // #define KEY_D KEY1_39 // #define KEY_E KEY1_40 // #define KEY_F KEY1_41 // #define KEY_G KEY1_42 // #define KEY_H KEY1_43 // #define KEY_I KEY1_44 // #define KEY_J KEY1_45 // #define KEY_K KEY1_46 // #define KEY_L KEY1_47 // #define KEY_L_V1 KEY1_91 // #define KEY_L_V2 KEY1_93 // #define KEY_L_V3 KEY1_95 // #define KEY_L_V4 KEY1_96 // #define KEY_R_V1 KEY2_91 // #define KEY_R_V2 KEY2_93 // #define KEY_R_V3 KEY2_95 // #define KEY_R_V4 KEY2_96 // #define KEY_0 KEY1_50 #define KEY_0_ER KEY1_52 #define KEY_0_EST KEY1_53 //#define KEY_LOWEST_ROOT KEY1_53 #define KEY_1_D KEY1_55 #define KEY_1 KEY1_57 #define KEY_1_U KEY1_59 #define KEY_2 KEY1_48 #define KEY_2_ER KEY1_49 #define KEY_2_EST KEY1_51 #define KEY_3_D KEY1_54 #define KEY_3 KEY1_56 #define KEY_3_U KEY1_58 //#define KEY_2 KEY1_71 //#define KEY_3 KEY1_72 #define KEY_4 KEY1_74 #define KEY_5 KEY1_76 #define KEY_6 KEY1_77 #define KEY_7 KEY1_73 #define KEY_L8 KEY1_60 #define KEY_LT2 170 #define KEY_L9 KEY1_62 #define KEY_LB2 171 #define KEY_L10 KEY1_64 #define KEY_L11 KEY1_65 #define KEY_LB3 KEY1_66 #define KEY_L12 KEY1_67 #define KEY_LT3 172 #define KEY_L13 KEY1_69 #define KEY_L14 KEY1_71 #define KEY_L15 KEY1_72 #define KEY_L16 KEY1_74 #define KEY_LT4 173 #define KEY_L17 KEY1_76 #define KEY_L18 KEY1_77 #define KEY_L19 KEY1_79 #define KEY_L20 KEY1_81 #define KEY_LT5 174 #define KEY_L21 KEY1_83 #define KEY_L22 KEY1_84 #define KEY_L23 KEY1_86 #define KEY_L24 KEY1_88 #define KEY_L25 KEY1_89 #define KEY_LT6 175 #define KEY_L26 KEY1_91 #define KEY_L27 KEY1_93 #define KEY_L28 KEY1_95 #define KEY_L29 KEY1_96 #define KEY_R1 KEY2_48 #define KEY_RTLT KEY2_49 #define KEY_R2 KEY2_50 #define KEY_R3 KEY2_52 #define KEY_R4 KEY2_53 #define KEY_R5 KEY2_55 #define KEY_R8 176 #define KEY_RT2 177 #define KEY_R9 178 #define KEY_R10 179 #define KEY_R11 180 #define KEY_R12 KEY1_61 #define KEY_RT3 181 #define KEY_R13 KEY1_63 #define KEY_R14 KEY1_66 #define KEY_R15 KEY1_68 #define KEY_R16 KEY1_70 #define KEY_RT4 182 #define KEY_R17 KEY1_73 #define KEY_R18 KEY1_75 #define KEY_R19 KEY1_78 #define KEY_R20 KEY1_80 #define KEY_RT5 183 #define KEY_R21 KEY1_82 #define KEY_R22 KEY1_85 #define KEY_R23 KEY1_87 #define KEY_R24 KEY1_90 #define KEY_R25 KEY1_92 #define KEY_RT6 184 #define KEY_R26 KEY1_94 #define KEY_R27 185 #define KEY_R28 186 #define KEY_R29 187 #define KEY_EXP_R1_2 DIY_KEY_R1 #define KEY_EXP_R1_1 DIY_KEY_R2 #define KEY_EXP_R1 DIY_KEY_R4 #define KEY_EXP_R2 DIY_KEY_R5 #define KEY_EXP_R3 DIY_KEY_R6 #define KEY_EXP_R4 DIY_KEY_R7 #define KEY_EXP_R5 DIY_KEY_R8 #define KEY_EXP_R6 DIY_KEY_R10 #define KEY_EXP_R7 DIY_KEY_R11 #define KEY_EXP_R8 DIY_KEY_R12 #define KEY_EXP_R9 DIY_KEY_R13 #define KEY_EXP_R10 DIY_KEY_R15 #define KEY_EXP_R11 DIY_KEY_R16 #define KEY_EXP_R12 DIY_KEY_R17 #define KEY_EXP_R13 DIY_KEY_R18 #define KEY_EXP_R14 DIY_KEY_R20 #define KEY_EXP_R15 DIY_KEY_R21 #define KEY_EXP_R16 DIY_KEY_R22 #define KEY_EXP_R17 DIY_KEY_R23 #define KEY_EXP_R18 DIY_KEY_R25 #define KEY_EXP_R19 DIY_KEY_R26 #define KEY_EXP_R20 DIY_KEY_R27 #define KEY_EXP_RU1 DIY_KEY_R3 #define KEY_EXP_RU2 DIY_KEY_R9 #define KEY_EXP_RU3 DIY_KEY_R14 #define KEY_EXP_RU4 DIY_KEY_R19 #define KEY_EXP_RU5 DIY_KEY_R24 #define KEY_EXP_RU6 KEY2_85 #define KEY_EXP_L1_2 DIY_KEY_L1 #define KEY_EXP_L1_1 DIY_KEY_L2 #define KEY_EXP_L1 DIY_KEY_L4 #define KEY_EXP_L2 DIY_KEY_L5 #define KEY_EXP_LB KEY1_58 #define KEY_EXP_L3 DIY_KEY_L6 #define KEY_EXP_L4 DIY_KEY_L7 #define KEY_EXP_L5 DIY_KEY_L8 #define KEY_EXP_L6 DIY_KEY_L10 #define KEY_EXP_L7 DIY_KEY_L11 #define KEY_EXP_L8 DIY_KEY_L12 #define KEY_EXP_L9 DIY_KEY_L13 #define KEY_EXP_L10 DIY_KEY_L15 #define KEY_EXP_L11 DIY_KEY_L16 #define KEY_EXP_L12 DIY_KEY_L17 #define KEY_EXP_L13 DIY_KEY_L18 #define KEY_EXP_L14 DIY_KEY_L20 #define KEY_EXP_L15 DIY_KEY_L21 #define KEY_EXP_L16 DIY_KEY_L22 #define KEY_EXP_L17 DIY_KEY_L23 #define KEY_EXP_L18 DIY_KEY_L25 #define KEY_EXP_L19 DIY_KEY_L26 #define KEY_EXP_L20 DIY_KEY_L27 #define KEY_EXP_LU1 DIY_KEY_L3 #define KEY_EXP_LU2 DIY_KEY_L9 #define KEY_EXP_LU3 DIY_KEY_L14 #define KEY_EXP_LU4 DIY_KEY_L19 #define KEY_EXP_LU5 DIY_KEY_L24 #define KEY_EXP_LU6 KEY1_85 #define THREE_NOTES_CHORD 3 // #define FOUR_NOTES_CHORD 4 // #define FIVE_NOTES_CHORD 5 // #define SIX_NOTES_CHORD 6 // #define SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD 7 // #define SEMITONE_DOWN_1 -1 // #define SEMITONE_DOWN_2 -2 // #define SEMITONE_UP_1 1 // #define SEMITONE_UP_2 2 // #define INTRO 0 #define VER 1 #define PRE 2 #define CHO 3 #define INTER 4 #define BRI 5 #define OUT 6 #define C 1 #define CS 2 #define DF 2 #define D 3 #define DS 4 #define EF 4 #define E 5 #define F 6 #define FS 7 #define GF 7 #define G 8 #define GS 9 #define AF 9 #define A 10 #define AS 11 #define BF 11 #define B 12 #define M 1 #define mi 2 #define SUS4 3 #define DIM 4 #define AUG 5 #define F5 6 #define M7 7 #define N7 8 #define m7 9 #define ADD9 10 #define mADD9 11 #define mM7 12 #define m7SUS4 13 #define N7SUS4 14 #define N7F5 15 #define m7F5 16 #define N7S5 17 #define DIM7 18 #define AUG7 19 #define AUGM7 20 #define N6 21 #define m6 22 #define ADD2 23 #define ADD4 24 #define M9 25 #define N9 26 #define m9 27 #define N7F9 28 #define N7S9 29 #define N7S11 30 #define m7N11 31 #define N7N13 32 #define N9F5 33 #define AUG7F9 34 #define AUG9 35 #define N69 36 #define m69 37 #define N11 38 #define m11 39 #define N13 40 #define m13 41 #define BASE_NOTE 35 //#define BASE_NOTE 47 //#define BASE_NOTE 59 //#define BASE_NOTE 71 #define X 128 #define SSEND 1000 #define RMEND 128 const char title[HOW_MANY_SONGS][60]={}; const byte chord_list[HOW_MANY_SONGS][100][3]={}; const byte chord_progression_array[HOW_MANY_SONGS][300]={}; const int song_structure[HOW_MANY_SONGS][100]{}; const byte riff_melody[HOW_MANY_SONGS][30]{}; class HC138Decoder { protected: // SPRESENSE GPIO 14..16 connected to 74HC138 decoder input volatile uint8_t *modePinA = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D14)); volatile uint8_t *modePinB = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D15)); volatile uint8_t *modePinC = portModeRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D16)); volatile uint8_t *portPinA = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D14)); volatile uint8_t *portPinB = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D15)); volatile uint8_t *portPinC = portOutputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D16)); //DEMUX control pins static const uint32_t DEMUX_MASK = 0b00000000000000000000000000011100; static const uint32_t DEMUX_STEP = 0b00000000000000000000000000000100; uint32_t demuxChannel[8][3] = { {0, 0, 0}, //channel 0 {1, 0, 0}, //channel 1 {0, 1, 0}, //channel 2 {1, 1, 0}, //channel 3 {0, 0, 1}, //channel 4 {1, 0, 1}, //channel 5 {0, 1, 1}, //channel 6 {1, 1, 1}, //channel 7 }; uint8_t pin[3] = {0,0,0}; // Bit status after sendOut() uint8_t output; // Decoded output (/Y7 .. /Y0, LOW active == bit 1) uint8_t input; // Decoder binary input 0b000..0b111 (0..7) void reset() { input = 0; output = 1; } public: HC138Decoder() { reset(); } void setup() { // Set SPRESENSE pins OUTPUT for 74HC138 input //gpio_set_dir_masked(DEMUX_MASK, DEMUX_MASK); //pinMode( PIN_D14, OUTPUT); pinMode( PIN_D15, OUTPUT); pinMode( PIN_D16, OUTPUT); *modePinA = 0; *modePinB = 0; *modePinC = 0;/* Output setting */ //digitalWrite( PIN_D14, LOW ); digitalWrite( PIN_D15, LOW ); digitalWrite( PIN_D16, LOW ); *portPinA = 0; *portPinB = 0; *portPinC = 0;/* Low */ //gpio_put_masked(DEMUX_MASK, DEMUX_MASK); /*uint8_t n = 0; for(uint32_t mask = 1, i = 0; mask < DEMUX_MASK; mask <<= 1, i++){ if( ( DEMUX_MASK & mask ) == mask ){ pin[n] = i; n++; } }*/ } void next() { if ( (output <<= 1) == 0 ) reset(); else input++; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { if(demuxChannel[input][i]) { if(i==0) { *portPinA = 1; } else if(i==1) { *portPinB = 1; } else if(i==2) { *portPinC = 1; } }else{ if(i==0) { *portPinA = 0; } else if(i==1) { *portPinB = 0; } else if(i==2) { *portPinC = 0; } } }//*/ } uint8_t getOutput() { return output; } uint8_t getInput() { return input; } };//*/ enum ButtonID : uint8_t { //0~9 KEY_LS3_A, KEY_LS3_B, KEY_LS2_A, KEY_LS2_B, KEY_LS1_A, KEY_LS1_B, KEY_RS3_A, KEY_RS3_B, KEY_RS2_A, KEY_RS2_B, //10~63 KEY_L1_A, KEY_L1_B, KEY_L2_A, KEY_L2_B, KEY_L3_A, KEY_L3_B, KEY_L4_A, KEY_L4_B, KEY_L5_A, KEY_L5_B, KEY_L6_A, KEY_L6_B, KEY_L7_A, KEY_L7_B, KEY_L8_A, KEY_L8_B, KEY_L9_A, KEY_L9_B, KEY_L10_A, KEY_L10_B, KEY_L11_A, KEY_L11_B, KEY_L12_A, KEY_L12_B, KEY_L13_A, KEY_L13_B, KEY_L14_A, KEY_L14_B, KEY_L15_A, KEY_L15_B, KEY_L16_A, KEY_L16_B, KEY_L17_A, KEY_L17_B, KEY_L18_A, KEY_L18_B, KEY_L19_A, KEY_L19_B, KEY_L20_A, KEY_L20_B, KEY_L21_A, KEY_L21_B, KEY_L22_A, KEY_L22_B, KEY_L23_A, KEY_L23_B, KEY_L24_A, KEY_L24_B, KEY_L25_A, KEY_L25_B, KEY_L26_A, KEY_L26_B, KEY_L27_A, KEY_L27_B, //64、65 KEY_RS1_A, KEY_RS1_B, //66~119 KEY_R1_A, KEY_R1_B, KEY_R2_A, KEY_R2_B, KEY_R3_A, KEY_R3_B, KEY_R4_A, KEY_R4_B, KEY_R5_A, KEY_R5_B, KEY_R6_A, KEY_R6_B, KEY_R7_A, KEY_R7_B, KEY_R8_A, KEY_R8_B, KEY_R9_A, KEY_R9_B, KEY_R10_A, KEY_R10_B, KEY_R11_A, KEY_R11_B, KEY_R12_A, KEY_R12_B, KEY_R13_A, KEY_R13_B, KEY_R14_A, KEY_R14_B, KEY_R15_A, KEY_R15_B, KEY_R16_A, KEY_R16_B, KEY_R17_A, KEY_R17_B, KEY_R18_A, KEY_R18_B, KEY_R19_A, KEY_R19_B, KEY_R20_A, KEY_R20_B, KEY_R21_A, KEY_R21_B, KEY_R22_A, KEY_R22_B, KEY_R23_A, KEY_R23_B, KEY_R24_A, KEY_R24_B, KEY_R25_A, KEY_R25_B, KEY_R26_A, KEY_R26_B, KEY_R27_A, KEY_R27_B, //120~128 DECREMENT_BUTTON, CHANGE_CHORDCHANGINGMODE, CHANGE_INDEX, CHANGE_KEY, CHANGE_SONG_STRUCTURE_INDEX, CHANGE_TRACK, CHANGE_KEYLAYOUT, CHANGE_PLUS_MODE }; class ButtonHandler { public: virtual void handlePressedSwitches( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type ); virtual void handleReleasedSwitches( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type ); virtual void pressed(ButtonID button_id); virtual void released(ButtonID button_id); }; class ButtonInput { protected: static const uint32_t THIRTY_TWO_BIT_FULL = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_START = 0b00000000000000000000000000000001; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_FINISH = 0b00000000000000001111111111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_A = 0b11111111111111111111111111111110; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_B = 0b11111111111111111111111111111101; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_C = 0b11111111111111111111111111111011; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_D = 0b11111111111111111111111111110111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_E = 0b11111111111111111111111111101111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_F = 0b11111111111111111111111111011111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_G = 0b11111111111111111111111110111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_H = 0b11111111111111111111111101111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_I = 0b11111111111111111111111011111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_J = 0b11111111111111111111110111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_K = 0b11111111111111111111101111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_L = 0b11111111111111111111011111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_M = 0b11111111111111111110111111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_N = 0b11111111111111111101111111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_O = 0b11111111111111111011111111111111; // SPRESENSE static const uint32_t MASK_P = 0b11111111111111110111111111111111; // SPRESENSE volatile uint8_t *portInputPinA = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D17)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinB = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D18)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinC = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D19)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinD = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D20)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinE = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D21)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinF = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D22)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinG = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D23)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinH = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D24)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinI = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D25)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinJ = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D26)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinK = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D08)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinL = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D09)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinM = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D10)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinN = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D11)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinO = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D12)); volatile uint8_t *portInputPinP = portInputRegister(digitalPinToPort(PIN_D13)); uint32_t waiting_after_off[128]; uint32_t input_status[8]; public: boolean isOn(ButtonID bid) { return waiting_after_off[(uint8_t)bid]; } ButtonInput() { memset(waiting_after_off, 0, sizeof(waiting_after_off)); memset(input_status, 0xFFFFFFFF, sizeof(input_status)); } void setup() { pinMode( PIN_D17, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D18, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D19, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D20, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D21, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D22, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D23, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D24, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D25, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D26, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D08, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D09, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D11, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode( PIN_D13, INPUT_PULLUP); } void scan(ButtonHandler *handler, HC138Decoder *decoder) { uint8_t new_inputA = *portInputPinA; uint8_t new_inputB = *portInputPinB; uint8_t new_inputC = *portInputPinC; uint8_t new_inputD = *portInputPinD; uint8_t new_inputE = *portInputPinE; uint8_t new_inputF = *portInputPinF; uint8_t new_inputG = *portInputPinG; uint8_t new_inputH = *portInputPinH; uint8_t new_inputI = *portInputPinI; uint8_t new_inputJ = *portInputPinJ; uint8_t new_inputK = *portInputPinK; uint8_t new_inputL = *portInputPinL; uint8_t new_inputM = *portInputPinM; uint8_t new_inputN = *portInputPinN; uint8_t new_inputO = *portInputPinO; uint8_t new_inputP = *portInputPinP; uint32_t new_new_input = THIRTY_TWO_BIT_FULL; if( new_inputA == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_A ; } if( new_inputB == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_B ; } if( new_inputC == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_C ; } if( new_inputD == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_D ; } if( new_inputE == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_E ; } if( new_inputF == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_F ; } if( new_inputG == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_G ; } if( new_inputH == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_H ; } if( new_inputI == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_I ; } if( new_inputJ == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_J ; } if( new_inputK == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_K ; } if( new_inputL == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_L ; } if( new_inputM == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_M ; } if( new_inputN == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_N ; } if( new_inputO == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_O ; } if( new_inputP == 0){ new_new_input = new_new_input & MASK_P ; } //Serial.print( "new_new_input is " ); Serial.println( new_new_input ); uint32_t index = decoder->getInput();//byte index = loop8bit; uint32_t *input = input_status + index; uint32_t change = *input ^ new_new_input; if( change == 0 ) return; //Serial.print( "new_new_input is " ); Serial.print( new_new_input ); Serial.print( " change is " ); Serial.println( change ); *input = new_new_input; for( uint32_t mask = MASK_START; mask <= MASK_FINISH; mask <<= 1, index += 8 ) { if( (change & mask) == 0 ) continue; uint32_t *waiting = waiting_after_off + index; if( (*input & mask) == 0 ) { //Serial.print("Pressed ");Serial.println(index); handler->pressed((ButtonID)index); *waiting = BUTTON_RELEASE_WAIT_TIMES; continue; } if( *waiting == 0 ) { //Serial.print("Released ");Serial.println(index); handler->released((ButtonID)index); continue; } // Cancel bit, and countdown *input ^= mask; (*waiting)--; }//*/ } };//*/ HC138Decoder decoder; ButtonInput button_input; class ChordProgression { protected: uint32_t index; int8_t song_keys; bool kernTriad; uint32_t index_A; uint32_t index_B; //bool chord_A, chord_B, isIndexMinusOne; bool isL_KeysOn, isR_KeysOn, isIndexMinusOne; bool key_layout; bool chord_changing_mode; //bool isABLast; bool isLRLast; uint8_t track; uint32_t total_number_of_cp; uint8_t song_structure_index; uint8_t total_song_structure_index; bool isPlus; bool isBasicBefore; uint8_t padlayout_three_state; bool isFirstLR; bool isRightLast; bool isChangeSongStructureIndex; bool isChangeIndex; bool isRightZero; uint8_t total_number_of_rm; uint8_t riff_melody_r_d_index; uint8_t riff_melody_d_index; uint8_t riff_melody_index; uint8_t riff_melody_u_index; uint8_t riff_melody_r_u_index; uint8_t keylayout_three_state; public: ChordProgression() { index = index_A = song_keys = kernTriad = key_layout = chord_changing_mode = track = total_number_of_cp = song_structure_index = total_song_structure_index = 0; padlayout_three_state = keylayout_three_state = 0; isRightLast = isChangeSongStructureIndex = isChangeIndex = false; total_number_of_rm = riff_melody_r_d_index = riff_melody_d_index = riff_melody_index = riff_melody_u_index = riff_melody_r_u_index = 0; index_B = isBasicBefore = isFirstLR = 1; isIndexMinusOne = isPlus = false; isL_KeysOn = isR_KeysOn = isLRLast = isRightZero = false;} uint32_t getIndex(){ return index; } int8_t getKey(){ return song_keys; } bool getKernTriad(){ return kernTriad; } uint32_t getIndex_A(){ return index_A; } uint32_t getIndex_B(){ return index_B; } //bool getChord_A(){ return chord_A; } //bool getChord_B(){ return chord_B; } bool getIsL_KeysOn(){ return isL_KeysOn; } bool getIsR_KeysOn(){ return isR_KeysOn; } bool getIsIndexMinusOne(){ return isIndexMinusOne; } bool getKey_Layout(){ return key_layout; } bool getChordChangingMode(){ return chord_changing_mode; } //bool getIsABLast(){ return isABLast; } bool getIsLRLast(){ return isLRLast; } uint8_t getTrack(){ return track; } uint32_t getTotalNumberOfCp(){ return total_number_of_cp; } uint8_t getSongStructureIndex(){ return song_structure_index; } uint8_t getTotalSongStructureIndex(){ return total_song_structure_index; } bool getIsPlus(){ return isPlus; } bool getIsBasicBefore(){ return isBasicBefore; } uint8_t getTotal_Number_Of_Rm(){ return total_number_of_rm; } uint8_t getRiff_Melody_R_D_Index(){ return riff_melody_r_d_index; } uint8_t getRiff_Melody_D_Index(){ return riff_melody_d_index; } uint8_t getRiff_Melody_Index(){ return riff_melody_index; } uint8_t getRiff_Melody_U_Index(){ return riff_melody_u_index; } uint8_t getRiff_Melody_R_U_Index(){ return riff_melody_r_u_index; } uint8_t getPadLayout_Three_State(){ return padlayout_three_state; } bool getIsFirstLR(){ return isFirstLR; } bool getIsRightLast(){ return isRightLast; } bool getIsChangeSongStructureIndex(){ return isChangeSongStructureIndex; } bool getIsChangeIndex(){ return isChangeIndex; } bool getIsRightZero(){ return isRightZero; } uint8_t getKeyLayoutThreeState(){ return keylayout_three_state; } void setIndex(uint32_t num_index){ index = num_index; } void setKey(int8_t num_key){ song_keys = num_key; } void setKernTriad(bool kt){ kernTriad = kt; } void setIndex_A(uint32_t num_index){ index_A = num_index; } void setIndex_B(uint32_t num_index){ index_B = num_index; } //void setChord_A(bool flag){ chord_A = flag; } //void setChord_B(bool flag){ chord_B = flag; } void setIsL_KeysOn(bool ilko){ isL_KeysOn = ilko; } void setIsR_KeysOn(bool orko){ isR_KeysOn = orko; } void setIsIndexMinusOne(bool iimo){ isIndexMinusOne = iimo; } void setKey_Layout(bool kl){ key_layout = kl; } void setChordChangingMode(bool ccm){ chord_changing_mode = ccm; } //void setIsABLast(bool iabl){ isABLast = iabl; } void setIsLRLast(bool ilrl){ isLRLast = ilrl; } void setTrack(uint8_t t){ track = t; } void setSongStructureIndex(uint8_t ssi){ song_structure_index = ssi; } void setIsPlus(bool ip){ isPlus = ip; } void setIsBasicBefore(bool ibb){ isBasicBefore = ibb; } void setTotal_Number_Of_Rm(uint8_t tnor){ total_number_of_rm = tnor; } void setRiff_Melody_R_D_Index(uint8_t rmrdi){ riff_melody_r_d_index = rmrdi; } void setRiff_Melody_D_Index(uint8_t rmdi){ riff_melody_d_index = rmdi; } void setRiff_Melody_Index(uint8_t rmi){ riff_melody_index = rmi; } void setRiff_Melody_U_Index(uint8_t rmui){ riff_melody_u_index = rmui; } void setRiff_Melody_R_U_Index(uint8_t rmrui){ riff_melody_r_u_index = rmrui; } void setPadLayout_Three_State(uint8_t plts){ padlayout_three_state = plts; } void setIsFirstLR(bool iflr){ isFirstLR = iflr; } void setIsRightLast(bool irl){ isRightLast = irl; } void setIsChangeSongStructureIndex(bool icssi){ isChangeSongStructureIndex = icssi; } void setIsChangeIndex(bool ici){ isChangeIndex = ici; } void setIsRightZero(bool irz){ isRightZero = irz; } void setKeyLayoutThreeState(uint8_t klts){ keylayout_three_state = klts; } void track_init(){ track = 0; } void indexInit(){ index = index_A = 0; index_B = 1; isIndexMinusOne = false; isL_KeysOn = isR_KeysOn = isLRLast = false; } void song_init(){ index = 0; isL_KeysOn = isR_KeysOn = isIndexMinusOne = isLRLast = false; index_A = 0; index_B = isBasicBefore = isFirstLR = 1; song_keys = total_number_of_cp = song_structure_index = 0; total_number_of_rm = riff_melody_r_d_index = riff_melody_d_index = riff_melody_index = riff_melody_u_index = riff_melody_r_u_index = 0; isRightLast = isRightZero = isChangeSongStructureIndex = isChangeIndex = false; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 100; i++){ //if(song_structure[track][i] == SSEND) {total_song_structure_index = i/3; break;} if(song_structure[track][i] == SSEND) {total_song_structure_index = i; break;} } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 300; i++){ if(chord_progression_array[track][i] == X) {total_number_of_cp = i; break;} } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 30; i++){ if( riff_melody[ track ][ i ] == RMEND ){ total_number_of_rm = i; break; } } } void compare_index(){ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < total_song_structure_index; i++){ if( index == song_structure[ track ][ i ] ){ song_structure_index = i; break; } } } void compare_index_less_than(){ if( index < song_structure[ track ][ song_structure_index ] ){ if( song_structure_index != 0 ) song_structure_index--; } } }; class PrintIntervalsHandler { protected: public: PrintIntervalsHandler() { } void setup() { } void print_root( int32_t r ){ if( r <= 0 ) r += ONE_OCTAVE; else if( 13 <= r ) r -= ONE_OCTAVE; switch( r ){ case 1 : Serial.print("C"); break; case 2 : Serial.print("C#(D♭)"); break; case 3 : Serial.print("D"); break; case 4 : Serial.print("D#(E♭)"); break; case 5 : Serial.print("E"); break; case 6 : Serial.print("F"); break; case 7 : Serial.print("F#(G♭)"); break; case 8 : Serial.print("G"); break; case 9 : Serial.print("G#(A♭)"); break; case 10 : Serial.print("A"); break; case 11 : Serial.print("A#(B♭)"); break; case 12 : Serial.print("B"); break; } } void print_identifier( uint8_t i ){ switch( i ){ case M : Serial.print("M"); break; case mi : Serial.print("m"); break; case SUS4 : Serial.print("sus4"); break; case DIM : Serial.print("dim"); break; case AUG : Serial.print("aug"); break; case F5 : Serial.print("-5"); break; case M7 : Serial.print("M7"); break; case N7 : Serial.print("7"); break; case m7 : Serial.print("m7"); break; case ADD9 : Serial.print("add9"); break; case mADD9 : Serial.print("madd9"); break; case mM7 : Serial.print("mM7"); break; case N7SUS4 : Serial.print("7sus4"); break; case N7F5 : Serial.print("7-5"); break; case m7F5 : Serial.print("m7-5"); break; case N7S5 : Serial.print("7+5"); break; case DIM7 : Serial.print("dim7"); break; case AUG7 : Serial.print("aug7"); break; case AUGM7 : Serial.print("augM7"); break; case N6 : Serial.print("6"); break; case m6 : Serial.print("m6"); break; case ADD2 : Serial.print("add2"); break; case ADD4 : Serial.print("add4"); break; case M9 : Serial.print("M9"); break; case N9 : Serial.print("9"); break; case m9 : Serial.print("m9"); break; case N7F9 : Serial.print("7(♭9)"); break; case N7S9 : Serial.print("7(#9)"); break; case N7S11 : Serial.print("7(#11)"); break; case m7N11 : Serial.print("m7(11)"); break; case N7N13 : Serial.print("7(13)"); break; case N9F5 : Serial.print("9-5"); break; case AUG7F9 : Serial.print("aug7(♭9)"); break; case AUG9 : Serial.print("aug9"); break; case N69 : Serial.print("69"); break; case m69 : Serial.print("m69"); break; case N11 : Serial.print("11"); break; case m11 : Serial.print("m11"); break; case N13 : Serial.print("13"); break; case m13 : Serial.print("m13"); break; } } void print_compound( uint32_t c ){ switch( c ){ case 0 : Serial.println(""); break; case 1 : Serial.println(" / C"); break; case 2 : Serial.println(" / C#(D♭)"); break; case 3 : Serial.println(" / D"); break; case 4 : Serial.println(" / D#(E♭)"); break; case 5 : Serial.println(" / E"); break; case 6 : Serial.println(" / F"); break; case 7 : Serial.println(" / F#(G♭)"); break; case 8 : Serial.println(" / G"); break; case 9 : Serial.println(" / G#(A♭)"); break; case 10 : Serial.println(" / A"); break; case 11 : Serial.println(" / A#(B♭)"); break; case 12 : Serial.println(" / B"); break; } } void print_compound( int32_t c, int32_t k ){ if( k == 0 ){} else if( 0 < k ){ if( 13 <= c ) c -= ONE_OCTAVE; } else if( k < 0 ){ if( c == 0 ) c = 12; else if( c < 0 ) c += ONE_OCTAVE; } switch( c ){ case 0 : Serial.println(""); break; case 1 : Serial.println(" / C"); break; case 2 : Serial.println(" / C#(D♭)"); break; case 3 : Serial.println(" / D"); break; case 4 : Serial.println(" / D#(E♭)"); break; case 5 : Serial.println(" / E"); break; case 6 : Serial.println(" / F"); break; case 7 : Serial.println(" / F#(G♭)"); break; case 8 : Serial.println(" / G"); break; case 9 : Serial.println(" / G#(A♭)"); break; case 10 : Serial.println(" / A"); break; case 11 : Serial.println(" / A#(B♭)"); break; case 12 : Serial.println(" / B"); break; } } void mod12( uint8_t m ){ Serial.print("音階: "); Serial.print(m); uint8_t the_octave = m/12; uint8_t the_interval = m%12; switch( the_interval ){ case 0 : Serial.print(" / ド / C"); break; case 1 : Serial.print(" / ド#(レ♭) / C#(D♭)"); break; case 2 : Serial.print(" / レ / D"); break; case 3 : Serial.print(" / レ#(ミ♭) / D#(E♭)"); break; case 4 : Serial.print(" / ミ / E"); break; case 5 : Serial.print(" / ファ / F"); break; case 6 : Serial.print(" / ファ#(ソ♭) / F#(G♭)"); break; case 7 : Serial.print(" / ソ / G"); break; case 8 : Serial.print(" / ソ#(ラ♭) / G#(A♭)"); break; case 9 : Serial.print(" / ラ / A"); break; case 10 : Serial.print(" / ラ#(シ♭) / A#(B♭)"); break; case 11 : Serial.print(" / シ / B"); break; } Serial.println( the_octave-1 ); //国際式は-1 //Serial.println(the_octave-2); //ヤマハ式は-2 } };//*/ PrintIntervalsHandler print_intervals; class Interval { protected: uint8_t root_note; uint8_t flat_second_note; uint8_t second_note; uint8_t flat_third_note; uint8_t third_note; uint8_t fourth_note; uint8_t flat_fifth_note; uint8_t fifth_note; uint8_t flat_sixth_note; uint8_t sixth_note; uint8_t flat_seventh_note; uint8_t seventh_note; uint8_t eighth_note; uint8_t flat_ninth_note; uint8_t ninth_note; uint8_t flat_tenth_note; uint8_t tenth_note; uint8_t eleventh_note; uint8_t flat_twelveth_note; uint8_t twelveth_note; uint8_t flat_thirteenth_note; uint8_t thirteenth_note; uint8_t flat_fourteenth_note; uint8_t fourteenth_note; uint8_t b_root_note; uint8_t b_flat_second_note; uint8_t b_second_note; uint8_t b_flat_third_note; uint8_t b_third_note; uint8_t b_fourth_note; uint8_t b_flat_fifth_note; uint8_t b_fifth_note; uint8_t b_flat_sixth_note; uint8_t b_sixth_note; uint8_t b_flat_seventh_note; uint8_t b_seventh_note; uint8_t b_eighth_note; uint8_t b_flat_ninth_note; uint8_t b_ninth_note; uint8_t b_flat_tenth_note; uint8_t b_tenth_note; uint8_t b_eleventh_note; uint8_t b_flat_twelveth_note; uint8_t b_twelveth_note; uint8_t b_flat_thirteenth_note; uint8_t b_thirteenth_note; uint8_t b_flat_fourteenth_note; uint8_t b_fourteenth_note; uint8_t next_root_note; byte b_next_root_note; bool isSemitoneKeysOn; uint8_t semitone_up_down_1; uint8_t semitone_up_down_2; bool flag_next_compound; uint8_t next_compound_diff; bool flag_compound; uint8_t compound_diff; bool is_root_greater_than_compound; bool is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound; uint8_t ichi; uint8_t san; uint8_t go; uint8_t nana; uint8_t keys_on_off[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; uint8_t compounds[5]; uint8_t current_simultaneous_tones; uint8_t assigned_note[ MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES ]; uint8_t four_notes[4] = {}; bool flag_triad; bool flag_five_notes_chord; bool flag_six_notes_chord; bool flag_seven_notes_chord; uint8_t number_of_notes; uint8_t the_lowest_note_index; uint8_t tension_diff; uint8_t walking_bass_root_note; uint8_t walking_bass_next_root_note; uint8_t walking_bass_recent_next; uint8_t walking_bass_note1; uint8_t walking_bass_note2; uint8_t walking_bass_note3; uint8_t walking_bass_note4; uint8_t v1,v2,v3,v4,v5; public: Interval() { root_note = 0; flat_second_note = 0; second_note = 0; flat_third_note = 0; third_note = 0; fourth_note = 0; flat_fifth_note = 0; fifth_note = 0; flat_sixth_note = 0; sixth_note = 0; flat_seventh_note = 0; seventh_note = 0; eighth_note = 0; flat_ninth_note = 0; ninth_note = 0; flat_tenth_note = 0; tenth_note = 0; eleventh_note = 0; flat_twelveth_note = 0; twelveth_note = 0; flat_thirteenth_note = 0; thirteenth_note = 0; flat_fourteenth_note = 0; fourteenth_note = 0; b_root_note = 0; b_flat_second_note = 0; b_second_note = 0; b_flat_third_note = 0; b_third_note = 0; b_fourth_note = 0; b_flat_fifth_note = 0; b_fifth_note = 0; b_flat_sixth_note = 0; b_sixth_note = 0; b_flat_seventh_note = 0; b_seventh_note = 0; b_eighth_note = 0; b_flat_ninth_note = 0; b_ninth_note = 0; b_flat_tenth_note = 0; b_tenth_note = 0; b_eleventh_note = 0; b_flat_twelveth_note = 0; b_twelveth_note = 0; b_flat_thirteenth_note = 0; b_thirteenth_note = 0; b_flat_fourteenth_note = 0; b_fourteenth_note = 0; next_root_note = 0; b_next_root_note = 0; isSemitoneKeysOn = false; semitone_up_down_1 = 0; semitone_up_down_2 = 0; flag_next_compound = false; next_compound_diff = 0; flag_compound = false; compound_diff = 0; is_root_greater_than_compound = false; is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound = false; ichi = san = go = nana = 0; flag_triad = false; flag_five_notes_chord = false; flag_six_notes_chord = false; flag_seven_notes_chord = false; number_of_notes = 0; the_lowest_note_index = 0; tension_diff = 0; walking_bass_root_note = 0; walking_bass_next_root_note = 0; walking_bass_recent_next = 0; walking_bass_note1 = 0; walking_bass_note2 = 0; walking_bass_note3 = 0; walking_bass_note4 = 0; v1 = v2 = v3 = v4 = v5 = 0; memset(keys_on_off, 0, sizeof(keys_on_off)); memset(assigned_note, 0, sizeof(assigned_note)); memset(compounds, 0, sizeof(compounds)); memset(four_notes, 0, sizeof(four_notes)); current_simultaneous_tones = 0; } void swap(uint8_t *interval1, uint8_t *interval2){ uint8_t var = 0; var = *interval1; *interval1 = *interval2; *interval2 = var; } void set_intevals( ChordProgression* cp ){ uint8_t root, identifier, compound, next_root, next_compound = 0; flag_next_compound = false; flag_compound = false; is_root_greater_than_compound = false; is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound = false; flag_triad = false; flag_five_notes_chord = false; flag_six_notes_chord = false; flag_seven_notes_chord = false; number_of_notes = 0; the_lowest_note_index = 0; tension_diff = 0; Serial.print("cp->getIndex() is ");Serial.println(cp->getIndex()); root = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ cp->getIndex() ]][0]; identifier = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ cp->getIndex() ]][1]; compound = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ cp->getIndex() ]][2];//*/ if( cp->getIndex() == ( cp->getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ){ next_root = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ 0 ]][0]; next_compound = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ 0 ]][2]; }else{ next_root = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ cp->getIndex()+1 ]][0]; next_compound = chord_list[ cp->getTrack() ][ chord_progression_array[ cp->getTrack() ][ cp->getIndex()+1 ]][2]; } long randNumber = random(2); if( randNumber == 0 ){ semitone_up_down_1 = SEMITONE_DOWN_1; semitone_up_down_2 = SEMITONE_DOWN_2; }else{ semitone_up_down_1 = SEMITONE_UP_1; semitone_up_down_2 = SEMITONE_UP_2; } Serial.print("コードネーム: "); print_intervals.print_root( root ); print_intervals.print_identifier( identifier ); print_intervals.print_compound( compound ); if( cp->getKey() != 0 ){ Serial.print("曲のキーが ");Serial.print(cp->getKey());Serial.print(" の時のコードネーム: "); print_intervals.print_root( root + cp->getKey() ); print_intervals.print_identifier( identifier ); if( compound != 0 ) print_intervals.print_compound( compound + cp->getKey(), cp->getKey() ); else Serial.println(""); } //1st root_note = BASE_NOTE+root; b_root_note = BASE_NOTE+root; next_root_note = BASE_NOTE+next_root; b_next_root_note = BASE_NOTE+next_root; walking_bass_root_note = b_root_note; walking_bass_next_root_note = next_root_note; if(cp->getKey_Layout()){ if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_PART_VOICING <= root_note && root_note <= MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_PART_VOICING){ //Flat 2nd flat_second_note = root_note+1; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= flat_second_note) flat_second_note -= 12; //2nd second_note = root_note+2; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= second_note) second_note -= 12; //flat 3rd flat_third_note = root_note+3; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= flat_third_note) flat_third_note -= 12; //3rd third_note = root_note+4; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= third_note) third_note -= 12; //4th fourth_note = root_note+5; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= fourth_note) fourth_note -= 12; //flat 5th flat_fifth_note = root_note+6; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= flat_fifth_note) flat_fifth_note -= 12; //5th fifth_note = root_note+7; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= fifth_note) fifth_note -= 12; //flat 6th flat_sixth_note = root_note+8; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= flat_sixth_note) flat_sixth_note -= 12; //6th sixth_note = root_note+9; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= sixth_note) sixth_note -= 12; //flat 7th flat_seventh_note = root_note+10; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= flat_seventh_note) flat_seventh_note -= 12; //7th seventh_note = root_note+11; if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= seventh_note) seventh_note -= 12; } else if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= root_note && root_note <= MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING) { root_note -= 12; //Flat 2nd flat_second_note = root_note+1; //2nd second_note = root_note+2; //flat 3rd flat_third_note = root_note+3; //3rd third_note = root_note+4; //4th fourth_note = root_note+5; //flat 5th flat_fifth_note = root_note+6; //5th fifth_note = root_note+7; //flat 6th flat_sixth_note = root_note+8; //6th sixth_note = root_note+9; //flat 7th flat_seventh_note = root_note+10; //7th seventh_note = root_note+11; }//*/ //8th eighth_note = root_note+12; //flat 9th flat_ninth_note = flat_second_note+12; //9th ninth_note = second_note+12; //flat 10th flat_tenth_note = flat_third_note+12; //10th tenth_note = third_note+12; //11th eleventh_note = fourth_note+12; //flat 12th flat_twelveth_note = flat_fifth_note+12; //12th twelveth_note = fifth_note+12; //flat 13th flat_thirteenth_note = flat_sixth_note+12; //13th thirteenth_note = sixth_note+12; //flat 14th flat_fourteenth_note = flat_seventh_note+12; //14th fourteenth_note = seventh_note+12; } else{ //Flat 2nd flat_second_note = root_note+1; //2nd second_note = root_note+2; //flat 3rd flat_third_note = root_note+3; //3rd third_note = root_note+4; //4th fourth_note = root_note+5; //flat 5th flat_fifth_note = root_note+6; //5th fifth_note = root_note+7; //flat 6th flat_sixth_note = root_note+8; //6th sixth_note = root_note+9; //flat 7th flat_seventh_note = root_note+10; //7th seventh_note = root_note+11; //8th eighth_note = root_note+12; //flat 9th flat_ninth_note = flat_second_note+12; //9th ninth_note = second_note+12; //flat 10th flat_tenth_note = flat_third_note+12; //10th tenth_note = third_note+12; //11th eleventh_note = fourth_note+12; //flat 12th flat_twelveth_note = flat_fifth_note+12; //12th twelveth_note = fifth_note+12; //flat 13th flat_thirteenth_note = flat_sixth_note+12; //13th thirteenth_note = sixth_note+12; //flat 14th flat_fourteenth_note = flat_seventh_note+12; //14th fourteenth_note = seventh_note+12; } if( cp->getIsPlus() ){ //b_root_note += 12; /*if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= b_root_note && b_root_note <= MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING) { b_root_note -= 12; }*/ } //Flat 2nd b_flat_second_note = b_root_note+1; //2nd b_second_note = b_root_note+2; //flat 3rd b_flat_third_note = b_root_note+3; //3rd b_third_note = b_root_note+4; //4th b_fourth_note = b_root_note+5; //flat 5th b_flat_fifth_note = b_root_note+6; //5th b_fifth_note = b_root_note+7; //flat 6th b_flat_sixth_note = b_root_note+8; //6th b_sixth_note = b_root_note+9; //flat 7th b_flat_seventh_note = b_root_note+10; //7th b_seventh_note = b_root_note+11; //8th b_eighth_note = b_root_note+12; //flat 9th b_flat_ninth_note = b_flat_second_note+12; //9th b_ninth_note = b_second_note+12; //flat 10th b_flat_tenth_note = b_flat_third_note+12; //10th b_tenth_note = b_third_note+12; //11th b_eleventh_note = b_fourth_note+12; //flat 12th b_flat_twelveth_note = b_flat_fifth_note+12; //12th b_twelveth_note = b_fifth_note+12; //flat 13th b_flat_thirteenth_note = b_flat_sixth_note+12; //13th b_thirteenth_note = b_sixth_note+12; //flat 14th b_flat_fourteenth_note = b_flat_seventh_note+12; //14th b_fourteenth_note = b_seventh_note+12; if(cp->getKey_Layout()){ if(MIN_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING <= next_root_note && next_root_note <= MAX_INTERVAL_FOR_ALL_VOICING) { next_root_note -= 12; } } //1st & compound note if( compound!=0 ){ flag_compound = true; if( compound > root ){ is_root_greater_than_compound = false; compound_diff = 12 - ( compound - root ); } else if( root > compound ){ is_root_greater_than_compound = true; compound_diff = root - compound; } } if( next_compound!=0 ){ flag_next_compound = true; if( next_compound > next_root ){ is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound = false; next_compound_diff = 12 - ( next_compound - next_root ); } else if( next_root > next_compound ){ is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound = true; next_compound_diff = next_root - next_compound; } } //Serial.println( random(0, 100) ); switch(identifier){ case M : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case mi : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F14TH;//10;//TENSION_F14TH;//TENSION_N11TH; break; case SUS4 : swap(&third_note,&fourth_note); swap(&tenth_note,&eleventh_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case DIM : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F13TH; break; case AUG : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case F5 : swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case M7 : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m7 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case ADD9 : swap(&ninth_note,&seventh_note); second_note = ninth_note - 12; fourteenth_note = seventh_note + 12; tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case mADD9 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&ninth_note,&seventh_note); second_note = ninth_note - 12; fourteenth_note = seventh_note + 12; tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case mM7 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case m7SUS4 : swap(&third_note,&fourth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&tenth_note,&eleventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7SUS4 : swap(&third_note,&fourth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&tenth_note,&eleventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7F5 : swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m7F5 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F13TH; break; case N7S5 : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case DIM7 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&sixth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&thirteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case AUG7 : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case AUGM7 : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N6 : swap(&sixth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&thirteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m6 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&sixth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&thirteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case ADD2 : swap(&second_note,&seventh_note); swap(&ninth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case ADD4 : swap(&fourth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&eleventh_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case M9 : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N9 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m9 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7F9 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_ninth_note,&ninth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); swap(&flat_second_note,&second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F9TH; break; case N7S9 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&ninth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); swap(&flat_third_note,&second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_S9TH; break; case N7S11 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&eleventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fourth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_S11TH; break; case m7N11 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case N7N13 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case N9F5 : swap(&flat_fifth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_twelveth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case AUG7F9 : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_ninth_note,&ninth_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); swap(&flat_second_note,&second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F9TH; break; case AUG9 : swap(&flat_sixth_note,&fifth_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_thirteenth_note,&twelveth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N69 : swap(&sixth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&thirteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m69 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&sixth_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&thirteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N11 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case m11 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case N13 : swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case m13 : swap(&flat_third_note,&third_note); swap(&flat_seventh_note,&seventh_note); swap(&flat_tenth_note,&tenth_note); swap(&flat_fourteenth_note,&fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; } switch(identifier){ case M : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case mi : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F14TH;//10;//TENSION_F14TH;//TENSION_N11TH; break; case SUS4 : swap(&b_third_note,&b_fourth_note); swap(&b_tenth_note,&b_eleventh_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case DIM : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F13TH; break; case AUG : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case F5 : swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case M7 : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m7 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case ADD9 : swap(&b_ninth_note,&b_seventh_note); second_note = ninth_note - 12; fourteenth_note = seventh_note + 12; tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case mADD9 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_ninth_note,&b_seventh_note); b_second_note = b_ninth_note - 12; b_fourteenth_note = b_seventh_note + 12; tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case mM7 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case m7SUS4 : swap(&b_third_note,&b_fourth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_tenth_note,&b_eleventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7SUS4 : swap(&b_third_note,&b_fourth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_tenth_note,&b_eleventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7F5 : swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m7F5 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F13TH; break; case N7S5 : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case DIM7 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_sixth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_thirteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case AUG7 : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case AUGM7 : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N6 : swap(&b_sixth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_thirteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m6 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_sixth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_thirteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case ADD2 : swap(&b_second_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_ninth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case ADD4 : swap(&b_fourth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_eleventh_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case M9 : tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N9 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m9 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N7F9 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_ninth_note,&b_ninth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); swap(&b_flat_second_note,&b_second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F9TH; break; case N7S9 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_ninth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_S9TH; break; case N7S11 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_eleventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fourth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_S11TH; break; case m7N11 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case N7N13 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case N9F5 : swap(&b_flat_fifth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_twelveth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case AUG7F9 : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_ninth_note,&b_ninth_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); swap(&b_flat_second_note,&b_second_note); tension_diff = TENSION_F9TH; break; case AUG9 : swap(&b_flat_sixth_note,&b_fifth_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_thirteenth_note,&b_twelveth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N69 : swap(&b_sixth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_thirteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case m69 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_sixth_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_thirteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N9TH; break; case N11 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case m11 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N11TH; break; case N13 : swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; case m13 : swap(&b_flat_third_note,&b_third_note); swap(&b_flat_seventh_note,&b_seventh_note); swap(&b_flat_tenth_note,&b_tenth_note); swap(&b_flat_fourteenth_note,&b_fourteenth_note); tension_diff = TENSION_N13TH; break; } if(identifier==M || identifier==mi || identifier==SUS4 || identifier==DIM || identifier==AUG || identifier==F5) { seventh_note = X; fourteenth_note = X; //b_seventh_note = X; b_fourteenth_note = X; flag_triad = true; number_of_notes = 3; } if( identifier==M7 || identifier==N7 || identifier==m7 || identifier==ADD9 || identifier==mADD9 || identifier==mM7 || identifier==m7SUS4 || identifier==N7SUS4 || identifier==N7F5 || identifier==m7F5 || identifier==N7S5 || identifier==DIM7 || identifier==AUG7 || identifier==AUGM7 || identifier==N6 || identifier==m6 || identifier==ADD2 || identifier==ADD4 ) { number_of_notes = 4; } if( identifier==M9 || identifier==N9 || identifier==m9 || identifier==N7F9 || identifier==N7S9 || identifier==N7S11 || identifier==m7N11 || identifier==N7N13 || identifier==N9F5 || identifier==AUG7F9 || identifier==AUG9 || identifier==N69 || identifier==m69 ) { number_of_notes = 5; flag_five_notes_chord = true; } if( identifier==N11 || identifier==m11 ){ number_of_notes = 6; flag_six_notes_chord = true; } if( identifier==N13 || identifier==m13 ){ number_of_notes = 7; flag_seven_notes_chord = true; } if(cp->getKey_Layout()){ four_notes[0] = root_note; four_notes[1] = third_note; four_notes[2] = fifth_note; four_notes[3] = seventh_note; uint8_t i, j; for (i = 0; i < 4 - 1; i++){ for (j = 4 - 1; j >= i + 1; j--){ if (four_notes[j] < four_notes[j-1]) { swap(&four_notes[j], &four_notes[j-1]); } } } ichi = four_notes[0]; san = four_notes[1]; go = four_notes[2]; nana = four_notes[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ if( four_notes[i] == root_note ){ Serial.print("ルート音は "); Serial.print(i); Serial.println("番目の音 "); the_lowest_note_index = i;} }//*/ memset(four_notes, 0, sizeof(four_notes)); } if( number_of_notes == THREE_NOTES_CHORD ){ v1 = b_root_note + 24; v2 = b_third_note + 24; v3 = b_fifth_note + 24; v4 = b_root_note + 36; } else{ v1 = b_root_note + 24; v2 = b_third_note + 24; v3 = b_fifth_note + 24; v4 = b_seventh_note + 24; } } void set_song_keys( ChordProgression* cp, bool flag){ if( flag ){ if(cp->getKey() < 6) cp->setKey(cp->getKey()+1); } else{ if(-5 < cp->getKey()) cp->setKey(cp->getKey()-1); } } void midiNoteOnOff(uint8_t command, uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel) { if(pitch < X && pitch != 0){//if(pitch != X && pitch != 0){ Serial.write(command); Serial.write(pitch); Serial.write(velocity); } } void HandleNoteOff(uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel) { if(pitch < X && pitch != 0){ // uint8_t Off_channel = 0x80 + channel; uint8_t mididata[]={0x82, 0x84, Off_channel, pitch, 0x00}; Serial2.write((int)Off_channel); Serial2.write((int)pitch); Serial2.write((int)0x00); //MIDI.sendNoteOff(pitch, 0, channel); } } void HandleNoteOn(uint8_t pitch, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel) { if( velocity == 0x00 ) { HandleNoteOff(pitch,velocity,channel); return; } if(pitch < X && pitch != 0){ //if( pitch != 0x80 && pitch != 0 ) { uint8_t On_channel = 0x90 + channel; velocity += 30; if(127 < velocity) velocity = 127; //Serial.print("velocity is ");Serial.println(velocity); //Serial.print("pitch is ");Serial.println(pitch); print_intervals.mod12( pitch ); uint8_t mididata[]={0x82, 0x84, On_channel, pitch, velocity}; Serial2.write((int)On_channel); Serial2.write((int)pitch); Serial2.write((int)velocity); //MIDI.sendNoteOn(pitch, velocity, channel); } } void set_root( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji ){ if( flag_compound ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+12; } else{ if( suji < 36 ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+12; Serial.println("Y");} else { *parameter_pitch += suji; Serial.println("N");} } } void show_tension( uint8_t td ){ switch( td ){ case TENSION_F9TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、♭9th"); break; case TENSION_N9TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、9th"); break; case TENSION_S9TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、#9th"); break; case TENSION_N11TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、11th"); break; case TENSION_S11TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、#11th"); break; case TENSION_F13TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、♭13th"); break; case TENSION_N13TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、13th"); break; case TENSION_F14TH : Serial.println("テンションノートは、♭7th"); break; } } void set_tension( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji ){ if( 72 < suji+36+tension_diff ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+24+tension_diff; } else { *parameter_pitch += suji+36+tension_diff; } show_tension( tension_diff ); } void set_tension( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji, bool frag_td ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+24+tension_diff; show_tension( tension_diff ); } void set_ninth( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji ){ if( 72 < suji+36+2 ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+24+2; } else { *parameter_pitch += suji+36+2; } } void set_eleventh( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji ){ if( 72 < suji+36+5 ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+24+5; } else { *parameter_pitch += suji+36+5; } } void set_thirteenth( uint8_t *parameter_pitch, uint8_t suji ){ if( 72 < suji+36+9 ){ *parameter_pitch += suji+24+9; } else { *parameter_pitch += suji+36+9; } } uint8_t getCurrentSimultaneousTones(){ return current_simultaneous_tones; } void setCurrentSimultaneousTones(uint8_t cst){ current_simultaneous_tones = cst; } bool is_same_note_playing( int ind, uint8_t note ){ if( assigned_note[ ind ] == note ) return true; else return false; } void incrementCurrentSimultaneousTones(){ if( 0 <= current_simultaneous_tones && current_simultaneous_tones <= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES - 1 ){ current_simultaneous_tones++; } else{ //error } } void decrementCurrentSimultaneousTones(){ if( 1 <= current_simultaneous_tones && current_simultaneous_tones <= MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES ){ current_simultaneous_tones--; } else{ //error } } void adding_one_element_last_array( uint8_t note_number ){ if( current_simultaneous_tones < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES ){ assigned_note[ current_simultaneous_tones ] = note_number; } else{ //error } } void moving_the_element_forward_one_by_one( int index ){ if( index < current_simultaneous_tones ){ if( current_simultaneous_tones == MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES ){ assigned_note[ MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES - 1 ] = 0; if( 0 <= index && index <= 62 ){ for( int i = index; i < current_simultaneous_tones - 1; i++ ){ assigned_note[ i ] = assigned_note[ i + 1 ]; } } }else if( 1 <= current_simultaneous_tones && current_simultaneous_tones < MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TONES ){ for( int i = index; i < current_simultaneous_tones; i++ ){ assigned_note[ i ] = assigned_note[ i + 1 ]; } } else{ //error } } else{ //error } } void displaying_all_elements_in_array(){ if( current_simultaneous_tones == 0 ){ Serial.println("今出ている音はありません"); }else{ Serial.println( current_simultaneous_tones ); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < current_simultaneous_tones; i++ ){ Serial.print( i );Serial.print("番目の音は ");Serial.println( assigned_note[ i ] ); } } } void handleKeyOn(uint8_t cmd, unsigned char keyID, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel, ChordProgression* cp){ uint8_t pitch = 0; uint8_t plus_alpha = 0; if( cp->getIsPlus() ) plus_alpha = ONE_OCTAVE; if( !cp->getChordChangingMode() ){ if( keyID==DIY_KEY_LS3 || keyID==DIY_KEY_LS2 || keyID==DIY_KEY_LS1 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L3 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L4 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L5 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L6 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L7 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L8 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L9 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L10 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L11 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L12 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L13 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L14 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L15 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L16 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L17 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L18 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L19 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L20 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L21 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L22 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L23 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L24 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L25 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L26 || keyID==DIY_KEY_L27 ){ if(cp->getIsL_KeysOn()==false){ cp->setIsFirstLR(false); cp->setIsL_KeysOn(true); cp->setIsR_KeysOn(false); if(cp->getIndex() == 0){ if( !cp->getIsRightLast() ) { if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == true ){ set_intevals(cp); } else{ if( cp->getIsRightZero() == true ){ cp->setIsRightZero( false ); cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); set_intevals(cp); } else{ set_intevals(cp); } } } else{ cp->setIsRightLast( false ); cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); set_intevals(cp); } } else{ if( cp->getIndex() == ( cp->getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ){ if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == false && cp->getIsChangeIndex() == false ){ cp->setIndex(0); } else{ } set_intevals(cp); } else{ if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == false && cp->getIsChangeIndex() == false ){ cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); } else{ } set_intevals(cp); } //cp->setIsChangeSongStructureIndex( false ); //cp->setIsChangeIndex( false ); } cp->compare_index(); } cp->setIsChangeSongStructureIndex( false ); cp->setIsChangeIndex( false ); } if( keyID==DIY_KEY_RS3 || keyID==DIY_KEY_RS2 || keyID==DIY_KEY_RS1 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R3 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R4 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R5 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R6 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R7 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R8 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R9 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R10 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R11 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R12 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R13 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R14 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R15 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R16 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R17 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R18 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R19 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R20 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R21 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R22 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R23 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R24 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R25 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R26 || keyID==DIY_KEY_R27 ){ if(cp->getIsR_KeysOn()==false){ cp->setIsFirstLR(false); cp->setIsR_KeysOn(true); cp->setIsL_KeysOn(false); if(cp->getIndex() == 0){ if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == true || cp->getIsChangeIndex() == true ){ cp->setIsRightZero( true ); set_intevals(cp); } else{ cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); set_intevals(cp); } } else{ if( cp->getIndex() == ( cp->getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ){ cp->setIsRightLast( true ); if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == false && cp->getIsChangeIndex() == false ){ cp->setIndex(0); } else{ } set_intevals(cp); } else{ if( cp->getIsChangeSongStructureIndex() == false && cp->getIsChangeIndex() == false ){ cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); } else{ } set_intevals(cp); } //cp->setIsChangeSongStructureIndex( false ); //cp->setIsChangeIndex( false ); } cp->compare_index(); } cp->setIsChangeSongStructureIndex( false ); cp->setIsChangeIndex( false ); } byte next_semitone = 0; if( flag_next_compound ){ if( is_next_root_greater_than_next_compound ){ next_semitone = b_next_root_note - next_compound_diff; } else{ next_semitone = b_next_root_note + 12 - next_compound_diff; } }else{ next_semitone = b_next_root_note; } if( cp->getIsFirstLR() == true ){ if( keyID==KEY_EXP_L1_2 || keyID==KEY_EXP_L1_1 || keyID==KEY_EXP_R1_2 || keyID==KEY_EXP_R1_1 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = 0; } }else{ switch( keyID ){ case KEY_EXP_R1_2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = next_semitone + semitone_up_down_2 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R1_1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = next_semitone + semitone_up_down_1 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L1_2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = next_semitone + semitone_up_down_2 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L1_1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = next_semitone + semitone_up_down_1 + cp->getKey(); break; } } if(flag_compound){ if( keyID == DIY_KEY_RS1 || keyID == DIY_KEY_LS1 || keyID == KEY_EXP_R1 || keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 ){ if( is_root_greater_than_compound ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note - compound_diff + cp->getKey(); } else{ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 - compound_diff + cp->getKey(); if( b_third_note - 1 < keys_on_off[ keyID ] ){ b_third_note += ONE_OCTAVE; b_fifth_note += ONE_OCTAVE; b_seventh_note += ONE_OCTAVE; b_root_note += ONE_OCTAVE; root_note += ONE_OCTAVE; } } } } else{ if( keyID == DIY_KEY_RS1 || keyID == DIY_KEY_LS1 || keyID == KEY_EXP_R1 || keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + cp->getKey(); } } if(flag_triad){ switch( keyID ){ case DIY_KEY_RS3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_RS2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R4 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R5 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R6 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R7 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R8 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R9 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R10 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R11 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R12 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R13 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R14 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R15 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R16 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R17 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R18 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_LS3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_LS2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L4 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L5 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L6 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L7 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L8 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L9 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L10 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L11 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L12 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L13 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L14 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L15 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L16 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L17 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L18 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 60 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_RU1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_RU2 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU3 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU4 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU5 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; /*case KEY_EXP_RU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break;*/ case KEY_EXP_LU1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_LU2 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU3 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU4 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU5 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; /*case KEY_EXP_LU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break;*/ } confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else{ switch( keyID ){ case DIY_KEY_RS3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_RS2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R4 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R5 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R6 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R7 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R8 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R9 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R10 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R11 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R12 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R13 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R14 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R15 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R16 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R17 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R18 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R19 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_R20 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_LS3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case DIY_KEY_LS2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L2 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L3 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L4 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L5 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L6 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L7 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L8 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L9 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L10 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L11 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L12 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L13 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L14 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L15 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L16 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L17 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L18 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L19 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_L20 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 48 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_RU1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_RU2 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU3 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU4 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU5 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_RU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; /*case KEY_EXP_RU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break;*/ case KEY_EXP_LU1 : keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(); break; case KEY_EXP_LU2 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU3 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU4 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU5 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; case KEY_EXP_LU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break; /*case KEY_EXP_LU6 : set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 48 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; break;*/ } confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } } else{ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LB ){ if( cp->getIndex() == ( cp->getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ){ cp->setIndex(0); } else{ cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); } set_intevals(cp); cp->compare_index(); } if( keyID==KEY_EXP_L1_2 || keyID==KEY_EXP_L1_1 ){ if( isSemitoneKeysOn == false ){ isSemitoneKeysOn = true; if( cp->getIndex() == ( cp->getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ){ cp->setIndex(0); } else{ cp->setIndex( cp->getIndex()+1 ); } set_intevals(cp); } } if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 || keyID == KEY_EXP_L3 ){ isSemitoneKeysOn = false; } if(flag_compound){ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_1 ){ keys_on_off[keyID] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey() - compound_diff + semitone_up_down_1; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_2 ){ keys_on_off[keyID] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey() - compound_diff + semitone_up_down_2; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey() - compound_diff ; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } } else{ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_1 ){ keys_on_off[keyID] = b_root_note + cp->getKey() + semitone_up_down_1; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_2 ){ keys_on_off[keyID] = b_root_note + cp->getKey() + semitone_up_down_2; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } } if(flag_triad){ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L2 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L3 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L4 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L5 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L6 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 8 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 2, keys_on_off[ 2 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 3, keys_on_off[ 3 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 4, keys_on_off[ 4 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 5, keys_on_off[ 5 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 6, keys_on_off[ 6 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 7, keys_on_off[ 7 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 8, keys_on_off[ 8 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L7 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L8 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L9 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 15 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 9, keys_on_off[ 9 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 10, keys_on_off[ 10 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 11, keys_on_off[ 11 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 12, keys_on_off[ 12 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 13, keys_on_off[ 13 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 14, keys_on_off[ 14 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 15, keys_on_off[ 15 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L10 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L11 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L12 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 20 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 22 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 16, keys_on_off[ 16 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 17, keys_on_off[ 17 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 18, keys_on_off[ 18 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 19, keys_on_off[ 19 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 20, keys_on_off[ 20 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 21, keys_on_off[ 21 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 22, keys_on_off[ 22 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU1 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note - 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU2 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU3 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU4 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU5 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU6 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } } else{ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L2 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L3 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L4 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L5 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L6 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 8 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 2 ] = b_root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 3 ] = b_third_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 4 ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 5 ] = b_seventh_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 6 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 7 ] = b_root_note + 24 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 8 ] = b_root_note + 24 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 2, keys_on_off[ 2 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 3, keys_on_off[ 3 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 4, keys_on_off[ 4 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 5, keys_on_off[ 5 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 6, keys_on_off[ 6 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 7, keys_on_off[ 7 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 8, keys_on_off[ 8 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L7 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L8 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L9 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 15 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 9 ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 10 ] = b_third_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 11 ] = b_fifth_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 12 ] = b_seventh_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 13 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 14 ] = b_root_note + 36 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 15 ] = b_root_note + 36 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 9, keys_on_off[ 9 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 10, keys_on_off[ 10 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 11, keys_on_off[ 11 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 12, keys_on_off[ 12 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 13, keys_on_off[ 13 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 14, keys_on_off[ 14 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 15, keys_on_off[ 15 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L10 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L11 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L12 ){ switch( number_of_notes ){ case THREE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 20 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case FOUR_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case FIVE_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = 0; keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case SIX_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); keys_on_off[ 22 ] = 0; break; case SEVEN_NOTES_CHORD : keys_on_off[ 16 ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 17 ] = b_third_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 18 ] = b_fifth_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 19 ] = b_seventh_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 20 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 2 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 21 ] = b_root_note + 48 + 5 + cp->getKey(); keys_on_off[ 22 ] = b_root_note + 48 + tension_diff + cp->getKey(); show_tension( tension_diff ); break; } confirm_if_assigned_note( 16, keys_on_off[ 16 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 17, keys_on_off[ 17 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 18, keys_on_off[ 18 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 19, keys_on_off[ 19 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 20, keys_on_off[ 20 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 21, keys_on_off[ 21 ], velocity, channel ); confirm_if_assigned_note( 22, keys_on_off[ 22 ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU1 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_fifth_note + 12 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU2 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU3 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU4 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 12 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU5 ){ keys_on_off[ keyID ] = b_root_note + 36 + cp->getKey(); confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU6 ){ set_tension( &pitch, root_note + 24 + cp->getKey(), 0 ); keys_on_off[ keyID ] = pitch; confirm_if_assigned_note( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], velocity, channel ); } } } } void handleKeyOff( uint8_t cmd, uint8_t keyID, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel, ChordProgression* cp ){ if( !cp->getChordChangingMode() ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else{ if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L2 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L3 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L4 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L5 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L6 ){ note_off_assign_zero( 2, keys_on_off[ 2 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 3, keys_on_off[ 3 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 4, keys_on_off[ 4 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 5, keys_on_off[ 5 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 6, keys_on_off[ 6 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 7, keys_on_off[ 7 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 8, keys_on_off[ 8 ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L7 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L8 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L9 ){ note_off_assign_zero( 9, keys_on_off[ 9 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 10, keys_on_off[ 10 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 11, keys_on_off[ 11 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 12, keys_on_off[ 12 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 13, keys_on_off[ 13 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 14, keys_on_off[ 14 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 15, keys_on_off[ 15 ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L10 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L11 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L12 ){ note_off_assign_zero( 16, keys_on_off[ 16 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 17, keys_on_off[ 17 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 18, keys_on_off[ 18 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 19, keys_on_off[ 19 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 20, keys_on_off[ 20 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 21, keys_on_off[ 21 ], 0, channel); note_off_assign_zero( 22, keys_on_off[ 22 ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU1 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU2 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU3 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU4 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU5 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_LU6 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_1 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } else if( keyID == KEY_EXP_L1_2 ){ note_off_assign_zero( keyID, keys_on_off[ keyID ], 0, channel); } } } void confirm_if_assigned_note( uint8_t index_of_the_array, uint8_t a_note, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel ){ if( a_note != 0 ){ bool flag_same_note = false; uint8_t num = 0b11111111; for( uint8_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_KEYS; i++ ){ //for( uint8_t i = 0; i < 60; i++ ){ if( index_of_the_array == i ) continue; if( keys_on_off[ i ] == 0 ) continue; else if( keys_on_off[ i ] == a_note ){ flag_same_note = true; num = i; break; } } if( flag_same_note ){ HandleNoteOff( keys_on_off[ num ], 0, channel ); keys_on_off[ num ] = 0; HandleNoteOn( keys_on_off[ index_of_the_array ], velocity, channel ); } else{ HandleNoteOn( keys_on_off[ index_of_the_array ], velocity, channel ); } } } void all_note_off(){ for( uint8_t i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_KEYS; i++ ){ if( keys_on_off[ i ] == 0 ) continue; else { HandleNoteOff( keys_on_off[ i ], 0, MIDICH1 ); keys_on_off[ i ] = 0; } } } void note_off_assign_zero( uint8_t index_of_the_array, uint8_t a_note, uint8_t velocity, uint8_t channel ){ if( a_note != 0 ){ HandleNoteOff(a_note, 0, channel); keys_on_off[ index_of_the_array ] = 0; } } }; class Switch { protected: bool isSwitchOn[ NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES_FOR_KEYS ]; uint8_t isPressredFirst[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; byte recently_note[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; unsigned long time_pressed_switch[ NUMBER_OF_SWITCHES_FOR_KEYS ]; unsigned long temporal_difference[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; byte diff[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; byte velocity[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; bool pressed_keys_or_not[ NUMBER_OF_KEYS ]; public: Switch() { memset(isSwitchOn, false, sizeof(isSwitchOn)); memset(isPressredFirst, 0xFF, sizeof(isPressredFirst)); memset(recently_note, 0, sizeof(recently_note)); //memset(note_on_off, false, sizeof(note_on_off)); //memset(note_on_time, 0, sizeof(note_on_time)); memset(time_pressed_switch, 0, sizeof(time_pressed_switch)); memset(temporal_difference, 0, sizeof(temporal_difference)); memset(diff, 0, sizeof(diff)); memset(velocity, 0, sizeof(velocity)); memset(pressed_keys_or_not, false, sizeof(pressed_keys_or_not)); } void init_switches(){ memset(isSwitchOn, false, sizeof(isSwitchOn)); memset(isPressredFirst, 0xFF, sizeof(isPressredFirst)); memset(recently_note, 0, sizeof(recently_note)); memset(time_pressed_switch, 0, sizeof(time_pressed_switch)); memset(temporal_difference, 0, sizeof(temporal_difference)); memset(diff, 0, sizeof(diff)); memset(velocity, 0, sizeof(velocity)); memset(pressed_keys_or_not, false, sizeof(pressed_keys_or_not)); } bool getIsSwitchOn( ButtonID button_id ){ return isSwitchOn[ button_id ]; } void setIsSwitchOn( ButtonID button_id, bool iso ){ isSwitchOn[ button_id ] = iso; } uint8_t getIsPressredFirst( DIYKeyID diy_key_id ){ return isPressredFirst[ diy_key_id ]; } void setIsPressredFirst( DIYKeyID diy_key_id, uint8_t ipf ){ isPressredFirst[ diy_key_id ] = ipf; } unsigned long getTimePressedSwitch( ButtonID button_id ){ return time_pressed_switch[ button_id ]; } //DIYKeyID getDiyKeyIdArray( ButtonID button_id ){ return diy_key_id_array[ button_id ]; } void set_time(ButtonID button_id){ time_pressed_switch[ button_id ] = millis(); isSwitchOn[ button_id ] = true; } void trigger_time_on(ButtonID button_id){ time_pressed_switch[button_id] = millis(); pressed_keys_or_not[button_id] = true; } void pressedkey( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type, DIYKeyID diy_key_id, Interval* iv, ChordProgression* cp ){ byte key_id = 0; if( calculation_type ) key_id = button_id + 1; else key_id = button_id - 1; if( isSwitchOn[ button_id ] && isSwitchOn[ key_id ] ){ temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] = time_pressed_switch[ button_id ] - time_pressed_switch[ key_id ]; unsigned long hiku = 0; if( temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] <= 5 ){ hiku = 0; } else if( 6 <= temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] && temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] <= 5 + 87 ){ hiku = temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] - 5; } else if( 5 + 87 < temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] ){ hiku = 87; } velocity[ diy_key_id ] = 127 - hiku; Serial.print("音量は"); Serial.println( velocity[ diy_key_id ] ); iv->handleKeyOn( 0x90, diy_key_id, velocity[ diy_key_id ], 1, cp); //isPressredFirst[ diy_key_id ] = 0xFF; time_pressed_switch[ button_id ] = 0; time_pressed_switch[ key_id ] = 0; temporal_difference[ diy_key_id ] = 0; velocity[ diy_key_id ] = 0; pressed_keys_or_not[ diy_key_id ] = true; } } void releasedkey( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type, DIYKeyID diy_key_id, Interval* iv, ChordProgression* cp ){ byte key_id = 0; if( calculation_type ) key_id = button_id + 1; else key_id = button_id - 1; if( pressed_keys_or_not[ diy_key_id ] && !isSwitchOn[ button_id ] && !isSwitchOn[ key_id ] ){ iv->handleKeyOff( 0x80, diy_key_id, 0, 1, cp); pressed_keys_or_not[ diy_key_id ] = false; } } }; ChordProgression chord_progression; Interval interval; Switch switch_class; uint32_t loop_0_7 = 0; bool isStart; DIYKeyID diy_key_id_array[]={ //0~9 DIY_KEY_LS3, DIY_KEY_LS3, DIY_KEY_LS2, DIY_KEY_LS2, DIY_KEY_LS1, DIY_KEY_LS1, DIY_KEY_RS3, DIY_KEY_RS3, DIY_KEY_RS2, DIY_KEY_RS2, //10~63 DIY_KEY_L1, DIY_KEY_L1, DIY_KEY_L2, DIY_KEY_L2, DIY_KEY_L3, DIY_KEY_L3, DIY_KEY_L4, DIY_KEY_L4, DIY_KEY_L5, DIY_KEY_L5, DIY_KEY_L6, DIY_KEY_L6, DIY_KEY_L7, DIY_KEY_L7, DIY_KEY_L8, DIY_KEY_L8, DIY_KEY_L9, DIY_KEY_L9, DIY_KEY_L10, DIY_KEY_L10, DIY_KEY_L11, DIY_KEY_L11, DIY_KEY_L12, DIY_KEY_L12, DIY_KEY_L13, DIY_KEY_L13, DIY_KEY_L14, DIY_KEY_L14, DIY_KEY_L15, DIY_KEY_L15, DIY_KEY_L16, DIY_KEY_L16, DIY_KEY_L17, DIY_KEY_L17, DIY_KEY_L18, DIY_KEY_L18, DIY_KEY_L19, DIY_KEY_L19, DIY_KEY_L20, DIY_KEY_L20, DIY_KEY_L21, DIY_KEY_L21, DIY_KEY_L22, DIY_KEY_L22, DIY_KEY_L23, DIY_KEY_L23, DIY_KEY_L24, DIY_KEY_L24, DIY_KEY_L25, DIY_KEY_L25, DIY_KEY_L26, DIY_KEY_L26, DIY_KEY_L27, DIY_KEY_L27, //64,65 DIY_KEY_RS1, DIY_KEY_RS1, //66~119 DIY_KEY_R1, DIY_KEY_R1, DIY_KEY_R2, DIY_KEY_R2, DIY_KEY_R3, DIY_KEY_R3, DIY_KEY_R4, DIY_KEY_R4, DIY_KEY_R5, DIY_KEY_R5, DIY_KEY_R6, DIY_KEY_R6, DIY_KEY_R7, DIY_KEY_R7, DIY_KEY_R8, DIY_KEY_R8, DIY_KEY_R9, DIY_KEY_R9, DIY_KEY_R10, DIY_KEY_R10, DIY_KEY_R11, DIY_KEY_R11, DIY_KEY_R12, DIY_KEY_R12, DIY_KEY_R13, DIY_KEY_R13, DIY_KEY_R14, DIY_KEY_R14, DIY_KEY_R15, DIY_KEY_R15, DIY_KEY_R16, DIY_KEY_R16, DIY_KEY_R17, DIY_KEY_R17, DIY_KEY_R18, DIY_KEY_R18, DIY_KEY_R19, DIY_KEY_R19, DIY_KEY_R20, DIY_KEY_R20, DIY_KEY_R21, DIY_KEY_R21, DIY_KEY_R22, DIY_KEY_R22, DIY_KEY_R23, DIY_KEY_R23, DIY_KEY_R24, DIY_KEY_R24, DIY_KEY_R25, DIY_KEY_R25, DIY_KEY_R26, DIY_KEY_R26, DIY_KEY_R27, DIY_KEY_R27, }; class MyButtonHandler : public ButtonHandler { public: void handlePressedSwitches( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type ){ switch_class.set_time( button_id ); DIYKeyID diy = diy_key_id_array[ button_id ]; if( switch_class.getIsPressredFirst( diy ) == 0xFF ){ switch_class.setIsPressredFirst( diy, button_id ); } else{ switch_class.pressedkey( button_id, calculation_type, diy, &interval, &chord_progression ); }// } void pressed( ButtonID button_id ) { //if( ( KEY_L1_A <= button_id && button_id <= KEY_L27_B ) || // ( KEY_R1_A <= button_id && button_id <= KEY_R27_B ) ){ if( KEY_LS3_A <= button_id && button_id <= KEY_R27_B ){ if( !( button_id % 2 ) ) handlePressedSwitches( button_id, TYPE_A ); else handlePressedSwitches( button_id, TYPE_B ); } switch(button_id){ case CHANGE_CHORDCHANGINGMODE: interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ if( !chord_progression.getChordChangingMode() ){ chord_progression.setChordChangingMode(true); chord_progression.compare_index(); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); }//falseならtrue else{ chord_progression.setChordChangingMode(false); chord_progression.compare_index(); interval.set_intevals( &chord_progression ); } }else{ chord_progression.song_init(); if( chord_progression.getChordChangingMode() ){ if( chord_progression.getKey_Layout() ){ chord_progression.setIsBasicBefore( false ); } else{ chord_progression.setIsBasicBefore( true ); } chord_progression.setKey_Layout(true); } else{ chord_progression.setKey_Layout( true ); } interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); } break; case CHANGE_INDEX: chord_progression.setIsChangeIndex( true ); interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ if( chord_progression.getIndex() == (chord_progression.getTotalNumberOfCp() - 1) ) { chord_progression.setIndex(0); } else { chord_progression.setIndex( chord_progression.getIndex()+1 ); } interval.set_intevals( &chord_progression ); chord_progression.compare_index(); }else{ if( chord_progression.getIndex() != 0 ){ chord_progression.setIndex( chord_progression.getIndex()-1 ); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); } chord_progression.compare_index_less_than(); } Serial.print("Index is ");Serial.println(chord_progression.getIndex()); chord_progression.setIsRightLast( false ); chord_progression.setIsRightZero( false ); break; case DECREMENT_BUTTON: break; case CHANGE_KEY: interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ interval.set_song_keys(&chord_progression, KEY_UP); }else{ interval.set_song_keys(&chord_progression, KEY_DOWN); } Serial.print("Song KEY is ");Serial.println(chord_progression.getKey()); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); if( chord_progression.getIsFirstLR() ){ } else{ } break; case CHANGE_SONG_STRUCTURE_INDEX: { chord_progression.setIsChangeSongStructureIndex( true ); interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); int cpgi = chord_progression.getIndex(); int cpgt = chord_progression.getTrack(); int cpgssi = chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ if( chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() == chord_progression.getTotalSongStructureIndex() - 1 ){ chord_progression.setSongStructureIndex( 0 ); } else{ chord_progression.setSongStructureIndex( chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() + 1 ); } } else{ if( chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() == 0 ){ //chord_progression.setSongStructureIndex( 0 ); } else{ if( cpgi - song_structure[ cpgt ][ cpgssi ] == 0 ){ chord_progression.setSongStructureIndex( chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() - 1 ); } else{ chord_progression.setSongStructureIndex( chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() ); } } } chord_progression.setIndex( song_structure[ chord_progression.getTrack() ][ chord_progression.getSongStructureIndex() ] ); Serial.print("Index is ");Serial.println(chord_progression.getIndex()); if( !chord_progression.getChordChangingMode() ){ } chord_progression.compare_index(); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); chord_progression.setIsRightLast( false ); chord_progression.setIsRightZero( false ); break; } case CHANGE_TRACK: interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ if(chord_progression.getTrack() != ( HOW_MANY_SONGS -1 )){ chord_progression.setTrack(chord_progression.getTrack()+1); } else{ chord_progression.track_init(); } }else{ if( chord_progression.getTrack() != 0 ){ chord_progression.setTrack(chord_progression.getTrack()-1); }else{ } } chord_progression.song_init(); chord_progression.setKey_Layout( true ); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); break; case CHANGE_KEYLAYOUT: if( !chord_progression.getKey_Layout() ){ chord_progression.setKey_Layout(true); } else { chord_progression.setKey_Layout(false); } interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); if( chord_progression.getIsFirstLR() ){ } else{ } break; case CHANGE_PLUS_MODE: interval.all_note_off(); switch_class.init_switches(); if( !button_input.isOn( DECREMENT_BUTTON ) ){ byte now_state = chord_progression.getKeyLayoutThreeState(); if( now_state == 2 ) chord_progression.setKeyLayoutThreeState( 0 ); else chord_progression.setKeyLayoutThreeState( now_state + 1 ); switch( chord_progression.getKeyLayoutThreeState() ){ case 0 : Serial.println("4 keys R CT"); break; case 1 : Serial.println("8 keys R CT CT CT"); break; case 2 : Serial.println("8 keys R Ⅲ Ⅴ R or Ⅶ "); break; } if( !chord_progression.getIsPlus() ){ chord_progression.setIsPlus(true); } else { chord_progression.setIsPlus(false); } }else{ if( chord_progression.getTrack() + 5 <= ( HOW_MANY_SONGS -1 ) ){ chord_progression.setTrack( chord_progression.getTrack() + 5 ); }else{} chord_progression.song_init(); interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression); } break; } } void handleReleasedSwitches( ButtonID button_id, bool calculation_type ){ DIYKeyID diy = diy_key_id_array[ button_id ]; switch_class.setIsPressredFirst( diy, 0xFF ); switch_class.setIsSwitchOn( button_id, false ); switch_class.releasedkey( button_id, calculation_type, diy, &interval, &chord_progression ); } void released(ButtonID button_id) { //Serial.print("Released"); Serial.println(button_id); if( ( KEY_L1_A <= button_id && button_id <= KEY_L27_B ) || ( KEY_R1_A <= button_id && button_id <= KEY_R27_B ) ){ if( !( button_id % 2 ) ) handleReleasedSwitches( button_id, TYPE_A ); else handleReleasedSwitches( button_id, TYPE_B ); } } };//*/ MyButtonHandler handler; void setup() { decoder.setup(); button_input.setup(); Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(31250); loop_0_7 = 0; Serial.println("hello world, SPRESENSE!"); isStart = true; chord_progression.song_init(); if( chord_progression.getChordChangingMode() ){ if( chord_progression.getKey_Layout() ){ chord_progression.setIsBasicBefore( false ); } else{ chord_progression.setIsBasicBefore( true ); } chord_progression.setKey_Layout(true); } else{ chord_progression.setKey_Layout( true ); } interval.set_intevals(&chord_progression);//*/ } void loop() { decoder.next(); if( 0 <= loop_0_7 && loop_0_7 <= 7 ){ delay(1); button_input.scan( &handler, &decoder ); }//*/ if(loop_0_7==7) loop_0_7=0; else loop_0_7++; }