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# 概要 Tech Seeker ハッカソンにて作成したゆるアバター(https://protopedia.net/prototype/3946) で使用したハードウェアです。 Kintone上に保存されるパラメータ(感情パラメータ)をLTE-Mで読み込み、それに応じた音声とLED(Neopixel)の光り方を提供します。 # 使用部品 - Spresenseメインボード ×2 - Spresense 拡張ボード ×1 - Spresense LTE拡張ボード ×1 - Neo Pixel - LTE-M SIMカード(さくらインターネット) - SDカード # 構成 編集中(回路図・画像等) # やっていること ## メイン側(Spresense+LTE拡張ボード) LTE-Mを使ってKintoneサーバにアクセスし、パラメータを読みます。そのパラメータに応じて、SDカードに記録している、パラメータごとの音声データを再生します。 また、GPIOを利用して、もう1台のSpresenseと同期を取り、音声再生開始とLED点灯開始を同時に行います。 ## メイン側サブコア NeoPixelLEDを10個だけ点灯します。メインでLTEを使って、サブコアでNeopixelをAdafruit_NeoPixel_Spresenseライブラリを使って動かそうとするとチラツキが生じるので、SPIを使って点灯しています。(なぜか10個しか使えなかった・・) ## サブ側(Spresense+LTE拡張ボード) メイン側の信号を受けて、NeoPixelを点灯させます。 NeoPixelの点灯にはAdafruit_NeoPixel_Spresenseライブラリを使用しています。 *具体的な点灯制御は割愛、TOP_RESET()だけ掲載します ###TOP_RESET() # ソースコード ```arduino:メイン // libraries #include <ArduinoHttpClient.h> #include <RTC.h> #include <SDHCI.h> #include <LTE.h> #include <Arduino_JSON.h> // Audio set #include <SDHCI.h> #include <Audio.h> #include <MP.h> SDClass theSD; AudioClass *theAudio; File myFile; bool ErrEnd = false; int pattern_read = 0; int pattern_now = 0; struct MyPacket { volatile int status; /* 0:ready, 1:busy */ int pattern; }; MyPacket packet; // APN name #define APP_LTE_APN "sakura" // replace your APN #define APP_LTE_USER_NAME "" // replace with your username #define APP_LTE_PASSWORD "" // replace with your password // APN IP type #define APP_LTE_IP_TYPE (LTE_NET_IPTYPE_V4V6) // IP : IPv4v6 // APN authentication type #define APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE (LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_CHAP) // Authentication : CHAP #define APP_LTE_RAT (LTE_NET_RAT_CATM) // RAT : LTE-M (LTE Cat-M1) char server[] = "<userID>.com"; char getPath[] = "/k/V1/records.json"; int port = 443; // port 443 is the default for HTTPS #define ROOTCA_FILE "CERTS/USERTrust_RSA_Certification_Authority.der" // Define the path to a file containing CA // certificates that are trusted. // initialize the library instance LTE lteAccess; LTETLSClient tlsClient; HttpClient client = HttpClient(tlsClient, server, port); //SDClass theSD; void printClock(RtcTime &rtc) { printf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", rtc.year(), rtc.month(), rtc.day(), rtc.hour(), rtc.minute(), rtc.second()); } String readFromSerial() { /* Read String from serial monitor */ String str; int read_byte = 0; while (true) { if (Serial.available() > 0) { read_byte = Serial.read(); if (read_byte == '\n' || read_byte == '\r') { Serial.println(""); break; } Serial.print((char)read_byte); str += (char)read_byte; } } return str; } void readApnInformation(char apn[], LTENetworkAuthType *authtype, char user_name[], char password[]) { /* Set APN parameter to arguments from readFromSerial() */ String read_buf; while (strlen(apn) == 0) { Serial.print("Enter Access Point Name:"); readFromSerial().toCharArray(apn, LTE_NET_APN_MAXLEN); } while (true) { Serial.print("Enter APN authentication type(CHAP, PAP, NONE):"); read_buf = readFromSerial(); if (read_buf.equals("NONE") == true) { *authtype = LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE; } else if (read_buf.equals("PAP") == true) { *authtype = LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_PAP; } else if (read_buf.equals("CHAP") == true) { *authtype = LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_CHAP; } else { /* No match authtype */ Serial.println("No match authtype. type at CHAP, PAP, NONE."); continue; } break; } if (*authtype != LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE) { while (strlen(user_name)== 0) { Serial.print("Enter username:"); readFromSerial().toCharArray(user_name, LTE_NET_USER_MAXLEN); } while (strlen(password) == 0) { Serial.print("Enter password:"); readFromSerial().toCharArray(password, LTE_NET_PASSWORD_MAXLEN); } } return; } //Audio setup /** * @brief Audio attention callback * * When audio internal error occurs, this function will be called back. */ static void audio_attention_cb(const ErrorAttentionParam *atprm) { puts("Attention!"); if (atprm->error_code >= AS_ATTENTION_CODE_WARNING) { ErrEnd = true; } } void setup() { char apn[LTE_NET_APN_MAXLEN] = APP_LTE_APN; LTENetworkAuthType authtype = APP_LTE_AUTH_TYPE; char user_name[LTE_NET_USER_MAXLEN] = APP_LTE_USER_NAME; char password[LTE_NET_PASSWORD_MAXLEN] = APP_LTE_PASSWORD; pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //GPIO_5と6で状態を伝える pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //GPIO_5と6で状態を伝える pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); //GPIO_2を入力に pinMode(33, INPUT_PULLUP); //test専用 pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); //マニュアルモード用 digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet)); // initialize serial communications and wait for port to open: Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } /* Launch SubCore1 */ int ret = 0; ret = MP.begin(1); if (ret < 0) { printf("MP.begin error = %d\n", ret); } Serial.println("Starting secure HTTP client."); /* Set if Access Point Name is empty */ if (strlen(APP_LTE_APN) == 0) { Serial.println("This sketch doesn't have a APN information."); readApnInformation(apn, &authtype, user_name, password); } Serial.println("=========== APN information ==========="); Serial.print("Access Point Name : "); Serial.println(apn); Serial.print("Authentication Type: "); Serial.println(authtype == LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_CHAP ? "CHAP" : authtype == LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE ? "NONE" : "PAP"); if (authtype != LTE_NET_AUTHTYPE_NONE) { Serial.print("User Name : "); Serial.println(user_name); Serial.print("Password : "); Serial.println(password); } /* Initialize SD */ while (!theSD.begin()) { ; /* wait until SD card is mounted. */ } while (true) { /* Power on the modem and Enable the radio function. */ if (lteAccess.begin() != LTE_SEARCHING) { Serial.println("Could not transition to LTE_SEARCHING."); Serial.println("Please check the status of the LTE board."); for (;;) { sleep(1); } } /* The connection process to the APN will start. * If the synchronous parameter is false, * the return value will be returned when the connection process is started. */ if (lteAccess.attach(APP_LTE_RAT, apn, user_name, password, authtype, APP_LTE_IP_TYPE) == LTE_READY) { Serial.println("attach succeeded."); break; } Serial.println("An error has occurred. Shutdown and retry the network attach process after 1 second."); lteAccess.shutdown(); sleep(1); } // Set local time (not UTC) obtained from the network to RTC. RTC.begin(); unsigned long currentTime; while(0 == (currentTime = lteAccess.getTime())) { sleep(1); } RtcTime rtc(currentTime); printClock(rtc); RTC.setTime(rtc); } void loop() { int8_t sndid = 100; /* user-defined msgid */ int ret; // MyPacket *packet; while(digitalRead(3) == 0){ int Sw_Value = analogRead(A5); // GPIO_setting(pattern_read); if (Sw_Value <= 240){ Serial.println("anger_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, LOW); pattern_read = 2; } else if (Sw_Value > 240 || Sw_Value < 400){ Serial.println("sad_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, LOW); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); pattern_read = 1; } else if (Sw_Value >= 400){ Serial.println("happy_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, LOW); digitalWrite(5, LOW); pattern_read = 0; } // Serial.println("GPIO_Response wait"); while (digitalRead(2) != 0){ delay (100); } Serial.println("GPIO_Response OK"); delay (1000); digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); packet.pattern = pattern_read; Serial.print("Send: "); Serial.println(packet.pattern); ret = MP.Send(sndid, &packet, 1); if (ret < 0) { printf("MP.Send error = %d\n", ret); }else{ printf("MP.Send May be OK"); } soundplay(pattern_read); } // Set certifications via a file on the SD card before connecting to the server File rootCertsFile = theSD.open(ROOTCA_FILE, FILE_READ); tlsClient.setCACert(rootCertsFile, rootCertsFile.available()); rootCertsFile.close(); // HTTP GET method Serial.println("making GET request"); client.beginRequest(); client.get("https://<userID>.com/k/v1/record.json?app=5&id=1"); client.sendHeader("X-Cybozu-API-Token", "<APItoken>"); client.endRequest(); // read the status code and body of the response int statusCode = client.responseStatusCode(); String response = client.responseBody(); // read the status code and body of the response JSONVar Object1; Object1 = JSON.parse(response); //JSON foromat Serial.print("Status code: "); Serial.println(statusCode); pattern_read = atoi(Object1["record"]["pattern"]["value"]); Serial.print("Read pattern No = "); Serial.println(pattern_read); if (pattern_read != pattern_now ){ GPIO_setting(pattern_read); packet.pattern = pattern_read; Serial.print("Send: "); Serial.println(packet.pattern); ret = MP.Send(sndid, &packet, 1); if (ret < 0) { printf("MP.Send error = %d\n", ret); }else{ printf("MP.Send May be OK"); } soundplay(pattern_read); pattern_now = pattern_read; } else{ Serial.println("Sound Skip"); } sleep(10); } void GPIO_setting(int pattern){ switch (pattern){ case 0: Serial.println("happy_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, LOW); digitalWrite(5, LOW); break; case 1: Serial.println("sad_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, LOW); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); break; case 2: Serial.println("anger_GPIO"); digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, LOW); break; } Serial.println("GPIO_Response wait"); while (digitalRead(2) != 0){ delay (100); } Serial.println("GPIO_Response OK"); delay (1000); digitalWrite(6, HIGH); digitalWrite(5, HIGH); } void soundplay(int pattern){ //SET UP// /* Initialize SD */ while (!theSD.begin()) { /* wait until SD card is mounted. */ Serial.println("Insert SD card."); } // start audio system theAudio = AudioClass::getInstance(); theAudio->begin(audio_attention_cb); puts("initialization Audio Library"); /* Set clock mode to normal */ theAudio->setRenderingClockMode(AS_CLKMODE_NORMAL); theAudio->setPlayerMode(AS_SETPLAYER_OUTPUTDEVICE_SPHP, AS_SP_DRV_MODE_LINEOUT); err_t err = theAudio->initPlayer(AudioClass::Player0, AS_CODECTYPE_MP3, "/mnt/sd0/BIN", AS_SAMPLINGRATE_AUTO, AS_CHANNEL_STEREO); /* Verify player initialize */ if (err != AUDIOLIB_ECODE_OK) { printf("Player0 initialize error\n"); exit(1); } /* Open file placed on SD card */ switch (pattern){ case 0: Serial.println("happy"); myFile = theSD.open("happy.mp3"); break; case 1: Serial.println("sad"); myFile = theSD.open("sad.mp3"); break; case 2: Serial.println("anger"); myFile = theSD.open("anger.mp3"); break; } /* Verify file open */ if (!myFile) { printf("File open error\n"); exit(1); } printf("Open! 0x%08lx\n", (uint32_t)myFile); /* Send first frames to be decoded */ err = theAudio->writeFrames(AudioClass::Player0, myFile); if ((err != AUDIOLIB_ECODE_OK) && (err != AUDIOLIB_ECODE_FILEEND)) { printf("File Read Error! =%d\n",err); myFile.close(); exit(1); } puts("Play!"); /* Main volume set to -16.0 dB */ theAudio->setVolume(-80); theAudio->startPlayer(AudioClass::Player0); /** * @brief Play stream * * Send new frames to decode in a loop until file ends */ while(1){ puts("loop!!"); /* Send new frames to decode in a loop until file ends */ int err_0 = theAudio->writeFrames(AudioClass::Player0, myFile); /* Tell when player file ends */ if (err_0 == AUDIOLIB_ECODE_FILEEND) { printf("Main player File End!\n"); } /* Show error code from player and stop */ if (err_0) { printf("Main player error code: %d\n", err_0); stop_player(); break; } if (ErrEnd) { printf("Error End\n"); stop_player(); break; } usleep(40000); /* Don't go further and continue play */ return; } Serial.println("Loopend"); } void stop_player(){ theAudio->stopPlayer(AudioClass::Player0); myFile.close(); theAudio->setReadyMode(); theAudio->end(); } ``` ```arduino:サブコア /* include the SPI library */ #include <SPI.h> #include <MP.h> const uint8_t RGB_PARAM = 24; const uint8_t LED_count = 9; const uint8_t elements = RGB_PARAM * LED_count; //24*52 uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*)malloc(elements); uint8_t* p = data; typedef struct Color { uint32_t R; uint32_t G; uint32_t B; } LED_color; struct MyPacket { volatile int status; /* 0:ready, 1:busy */ int pattern; }; LED_color setcolor = {0,64,0}; int getpattern; #if (SUBCORE != 1) #error "Core selection is wrong!!" #endif void setup() { /* put your setup code here, to run once: */ /* start the serial port */ Serial.begin(115200); MP.begin(); MP.RecvTimeout(MP_RECV_POLLING); /* Start the SPI library */ SPI3.begin(); /* Configure the SPI port */ SPI3.beginTransaction(SPISettings(6500000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1)); // LED reset uint32_t pixelcolor = 0; uint8_t* p = data; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < LED_count; ++j){ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RGB_PARAM; ++i){ *p++ = pixelcolor & 0x800000 >> i ? 0xFE : 0xC0; } } SPI3.transfer(data,elements); SPI3.transfer(0x00); SPI3.transfer(0x00); sleep(1); getpattern = 0; LED_SPI(setcolor.R,setcolor.G,setcolor.B); } void loop() { /* put your main code here, to run repeatedly: */ /* Set data element values to an increasing series */ uint32_t rcvdata; int8_t msgid; int8_t rcvid; int ret; MyPacket *packet; ret = MP.Recv(&rcvid, &packet); if (ret > 0) { Serial.print ("receive Data : "); Serial.println(packet->pattern); getpattern = packet->pattern; switch (getpattern){ case 0: Serial.println("happy_LED_SET"); LED_SPI(0,63,0); setcolor = {0,63,0}; break; case 1: Serial.println("sad_LED_SET"); LED_SPI(0,0,63); setcolor = {0,0,63}; break; case 2: Serial.println("anger_LED_SET"); LED_SPI(63,0,0); setcolor = {63,0,0}; break; } } delay(500); } void LED_SPI(int LED_R,int LED_G,int LED_B){ LED_color littcolor = {LED_R,LED_G,LED_B} ; uint32_t pixelcolor = (littcolor.G << 16) | (littcolor.R << 8) | littcolor.B; uint8_t* p = data; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < LED_count; ++j){ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RGB_PARAM; ++i){ *p++ = pixelcolor & 0x800000 >> i ? 0xFE : 0xC0; } } SPI3.transfer(data,elements); } ``` ```arduino:サブ #include <math.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel_Spresense.h> #ifdef __AVR__ #include <avr/power.h> // Required for 16 MHz Adafruit Trinket #endif // Which pin on the Arduino is connected to the NeoPixels? // On a Trinket or Gemma we suggest changing this to 1: #define LED_PIN 3 // How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino? #define LED_COUNT 102 // Declare our NeoPixel strip object: Adafruit_NeoPixel_Spresense strip(LED_COUNT, LED_PIN); struct LED_SET{ int R; int G; int B; }; struct LED_SET LED_past; int pattern = 0; // setup() function -- runs once at startup -------------------------------- void setup() { // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: int ret = 0; pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); //GPIO_5をスイッチ入力に pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); //GPIO_6をスイッチ入力に pinMode(2, OUTPUT); //GPIO_2を出力に Serial.begin(115200); // These lines are specifically to support the Adafruit Trinket 5V 16 MHz. // Any other board, you can remove this part (but no harm leaving it): #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) && (F_CPU == 16000000) clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); #endif strip.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel strip object (REQUIRED) strip.show(); // Turn OFF all pixels ASAP strip.setBrightness(255); // Set BRIGHTNESS to about 1/5 (max = 255) delay(1000); LED_past = {0,0,0}; } void loop() { digitalWrite(2, LOW); if (digitalRead(5) == 0 && digitalRead(6)== 1){ Serial.println (digitalRead(5)); pattern = 2; } if(digitalRead(5) == 1 && digitalRead(6) == 0){ Serial.println (digitalRead(6)); pattern = 1; } if(digitalRead(5) == 0 && digitalRead(6) == 0){ pattern = 0; } delay (200); digitalWrite(2, HIGH); switch (pattern){ case 0: LED_Pattern_A(); break; case 1: LED_Pattern_B(); break; case 2: LED_Pattern_C(); break; } } void LED_patternA(void){ TOP_RESET(); //点灯制御1(割愛)// } void LED_patternB(void){ TOP_RESET(); //点灯制御2(割愛)// } void LED_patternC(void){ TOP_RESET(); //点灯制御3(割愛)// } void TOP_RESET(){ struct LED_SET target1_LED; struct LED_SET target2_LED; struct LED_SET target3_LED; target1_LED = {0,48,48}; target2_LED = {64,32,32}; target3_LED = {0,64,0}; uint32_t color_0 = 0; uint32_t color_1 = strip.Color(target1_LED.R,target1_LED.G,target1_LED.B); uint32_t color_2 = strip.Color(target2_LED.R,target2_LED.G,target2_LED.B); uint32_t color_3 = strip.Color(target3_LED.R,target3_LED.G,target3_LED.B); for (int i=0; i<50; i++ ){ strip.setPixelColor(i, color_0); } for (int i=50; i<62; i++ ){ strip.setPixelColor(i, color_1); } for (int i=62; i<76; i++ ){ strip.setPixelColor(i, color_2); } for (int i=76; i<102; i++ ){ strip.setPixelColor(i, color_3); } strip.show(); } ```