tktk360 2022年09月11日作成 (2024年01月22日更新) © Apache-2.0
製作品 製作品 閲覧数 803
tktk360 2022年09月11日作成 (2024年01月22日更新) © Apache-2.0 製作品 製作品 閲覧数 803



この作品は、「アバターと暮らす情報端末」 です。
SONY Spresenseを使った「時計」「天気」情報を画像と音声で知らせるものです。



カメラの画像認識で実行する機能(Tensorflow lite microを使ったリアルタイム認識)



  • 作成に使用したパーツは下記となります。
品目 価格
SONY SPRESENSE メインボード 6,050
SONY SPRESENSE 拡張ボード 3,850
SONY SPRESENSE カメラモジュール 3,850
ESP32 DevKitC 1,230
ad keyboard simulate five key 130
Speaker 180
ケース(100円ショップ) 110
合計 15,400





3.3V VCC

ad keyboard simulate five key

SPRESENSE ad keyboard simulate five key
Vout VCC



D00(RX) 16(TX)
D01(TX) 17(RX)


ESP32 スピーカー
D25 赤線
GND 黒線

-Spresense tensorflow Board Version 2.4.1
Arduino IDEの「環境設定」を開いて、「追加のボードマネージャのURL」に次のURLを追加します。







#include <Camera.h> #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/all_ops_resolver.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_error_reporter.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/micro_interpreter.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/micro/system_setup.h" #include "tensorflow/lite/schema/schema_generated.h" #include "person_detect_model.h" #include "SPI.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include "Adafruit_ILI9341.h" #include "avator.h" #include "avator2.h" #include "cloud1.h" #include "cloud2.h" #include "cloud3.h" //Button #define BTN_PIN A0 #define CMD_DATE 1 #define CMD_WEATHER 2 #define CMD_LIGHT 5 #define CMD_SILENT 6 #define CMD_HELLO 7 #define CMD_BYE 8 // BUTTONN KEY ID int push_index = 0; //TFT #define TFT_RST 8 #define TFT_DC 9 #define TFT_CS 10 //Dispaly #define TFT_BACKLIGHT_PIN 7 Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(&SPI, TFT_DC, TFT_CS, TFT_RST); bool isTftLight = true; int g_sendCmd = 0; int g_weather = 0; String g_day = "2022/-/-"; String g_time = "-:-"; String g_tempMax = "-"; String g_tempMin = "-"; //TF tflite::ErrorReporter* error_reporter = nullptr; const tflite::Model* model = nullptr; tflite::MicroInterpreter* interpreter = nullptr; TfLiteTensor* input = nullptr; TfLiteTensor* output = nullptr; int inference_count = 0; constexpr int kTensorArenaSize = 100000; uint8_t tensor_arena[kTensorArenaSize]; // cropping and scaling parameters const int offset_x = 32; const int offset_y = 12; const int width = 320; const int height = 240; const int target_w = 96; const int target_h = 96; uint16_t disp[width*height]; uint32_t last_mills = 0; bool g_isPerson = false; int getButtonKey(){ int index = 0; int data = analogRead(BTN_PIN); //Serial.println(data); if (5 <= data && data <= 70) { push_index = 1; } else if (90 <= data && data <= 150) { push_index = 2; } else if (300 <= data && data <= 350) { push_index = 3; } else if (360 <= data && data <= 500) { push_index = 4; } else if (530 <= data && data <= 700) { push_index = 5; } else { if (push_index != 0) { index = push_index; push_index = 0; Serial.print("btn= "); Serial.println(index); } } return index; } //setup_display void setup_display() { tft.begin(40000000); tft.setRotation(3); } void disp_image(int weather) { //avator if (g_isPerson) { tft.drawRGBBitmap(320-200, 40, avator2, 200, 200); } else { tft.drawRGBBitmap(320-145, 0, avator, 145, 240); } yield(); //weather //晴れ if (weather == 2) { tft.drawRGBBitmap(2, 240-82, cloud1, 70, 72); } //雨 else if (weather == 1) { tft.drawRGBBitmap(2, 240-82, cloud2, 70, 72); } //くもり else if (weather == 3) { tft.drawRGBBitmap(2, 240-82, cloud3, 70, 72); } } void disp_watch(String day, String time){ tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); tft.setCursor(10, 38); tft.setTextSize(3); tft.print(day.c_str()); tft.setCursor(10, 72); tft.setTextSize(4); tft.print(time.c_str()); yield(); Serial.print("day="); Serial.println(day); Serial.print("time="); Serial.println(time); } void disp_temperature(String max, String min){ tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED); tft.setCursor(70, 175); tft.setTextSize(4); tft.print(max.c_str()); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_WHITE); tft.print("/"); tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_BLUE); tft.print(min.c_str()); } void disp_refresh(){ tft.setCursor(0, 0); tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK); yield(); disp_image(g_weather); yield(); disp_watch(g_day, g_time); yield(); disp_temperature(g_tempMax, g_tempMin); } void disp_light(){ if (isTftLight){ Serial.println("light on"); digitalWrite(TFT_BACKLIGHT_PIN,HIGH); disp_refresh(); } else { Serial.println("light off"); digitalWrite(TFT_BACKLIGHT_PIN,LOW); } isTftLight = !isTftLight; } void commandFunction(int cmd) { if (g_sendCmd != 0){ return; } if (cmd == CMD_DATE){ Serial.println("date"); Serial2.println("date"); g_sendCmd = CMD_DATE; } else if (cmd == CMD_WEATHER){ Serial.println("weather"); Serial2.println("weather"); g_sendCmd = CMD_WEATHER; } else if (cmd == CMD_LIGHT){ disp_light(); disp_refresh(); g_sendCmd = 0; } else if (cmd == CMD_SILENT){ Serial.println("silent"); Serial2.println("silent"); g_sendCmd = CMD_SILENT; } else if (cmd == CMD_HELLO){ Serial.println("hello"); Serial2.println("hello"); g_sendCmd = CMD_HELLO; } else if (cmd == CMD_BYE){ Serial.println("bye"); Serial2.println("bye"); g_sendCmd = CMD_BYE; } } int Split(String data, char delimiter, String *dst){ int index = 0; int arraySize = (sizeof(data)/sizeof((data)[0])); int datalength = data.length(); for (int i = 0; i < datalength; i++) { char tmp = data.charAt(i); if ( tmp == delimiter ) { index++; if ( index > (arraySize - 1)) return -1; } else { dst[index] += tmp; } } } void DrawDate(String data) { //2022/9/6,22:18 String cmds[3] = {"", "", "\0"}; Split(data, ',', cmds); g_day = cmds[0]; g_time = cmds[1]; disp_refresh(); } void DrawWeather(String data) { //1,30,25 String cmds[4] = {"", "", "", "\0"}; Split(data, ',', cmds); g_weather = cmds[0].toInt(); g_tempMax = cmds[1]; g_tempMin = cmds[2]; disp_refresh(); } void CamCB(CamImage img) { uint32_t current_mills = millis(); uint32_t duration = current_mills - last_mills; if (duration < 5000 || g_sendCmd != 0) { return; } Serial.println("start detect"); tft.writeFillRect(20, 0, 20, 20, ILI9341_YELLOW); if (!img.isAvailable()) { Serial.println("img is not available"); return; } CamImage small; CamErr err = img.resizeImageByHW(small, 160, 120); if (!small.isAvailable()) { Serial.println("small is not available"); return; } uint16_t* buf = (uint16_t*)small.getImgBuff(); int n = 0; for (int y = offset_y; y < offset_y + target_h; ++y) { for (int x = offset_x; x < offset_x + target_w; ++x) { // extracting luminance data from YUV422 data uint16_t value = buf[y*width + x]; uint16_t y_h = (value & 0xf000) >> 8; uint16_t y_l = (value & 0x00f0) >> 4; value = (y_h | y_l); /* luminance data */ /* set the grayscale data to the input buffer for TensorFlow */ input->data.f[n++] = (float)(value)/255.0; } } Serial.println("detect"); TfLiteStatus invoke_status = interpreter->Invoke(); if (invoke_status != kTfLiteOk) { Serial.println("Invoke failed"); return; } bool result = false; int8_t person_score = output->data.uint8[1]; int8_t no_person_score = output->data.uint8[0]; Serial.print("Person = " + String(person_score) + ", "); Serial.print("No_person = " + String(no_person_score)); if ((person_score > no_person_score) && (person_score > 60)) { digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH); result = true; Serial.println(" : ON"); if (!g_isPerson) { g_isPerson = true; tft.writeFillRect(0, 0, 20, 20, ILI9341_RED); commandFunction(CMD_HELLO); disp_refresh(); } } else { digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); Serial.println(" : OFF"); if (g_isPerson) { g_isPerson = false; tft.writeFillRect(0, 0, 20, 20, ILI9341_BLUE); commandFunction(CMD_BYE); disp_refresh(); } } tft.writeFillRect(20, 0, 20, 20, ILI9341_BLACK); last_mills = millis(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1); // Button pinMode(BTN_PIN, INPUT); //pinMode(TFT_BACKLIGHT_PIN,OUTPUT); // Display Serial.println("setup_display"); setup_display(); disp_light(); // TF Serial.println("InitializeTarget"); tflite::InitializeTarget(); memset(tensor_arena, 0, kTensorArenaSize*sizeof(uint8_t)); // Set up logging. static tflite::MicroErrorReporter micro_error_reporter; error_reporter = &micro_error_reporter; // Map the model into a usable data structure.. Serial.println("GetModel"); model = tflite::GetModel(model_tflite); if (model->version() != TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION) { Serial.println("Model provided is schema version " + String(model->version()) + " not equal " + "to supported version " + String(TFLITE_SCHEMA_VERSION)); return; } else { Serial.println("Model version: " + String(model->version())); } // This pulls in all the operation implementations we need. static tflite::AllOpsResolver resolver; // Build an interpreter to run the model with. static tflite::MicroInterpreter static_interpreter( model, resolver, tensor_arena, kTensorArenaSize, error_reporter); interpreter = &static_interpreter; // Allocate memory from the tensor_arena for the model's tensors. TfLiteStatus allocate_status = interpreter->AllocateTensors(); if (allocate_status != kTfLiteOk) { Serial.println("AllocateTensors() failed"); return; } else { Serial.println("AllocateTensor() Success"); } size_t used_size = interpreter->arena_used_bytes(); Serial.println("Area used bytes: " + String(used_size)); input = interpreter->input(0); output = interpreter->output(0); Serial.println("Model input:"); Serial.println("dims->size: " + String(input->dims->size)); for (int n = 0; n < input->dims->size; ++n) { Serial.println("dims->data[" + String(n) + "]: " + String(input->dims->data[n])); } Serial.println("Model output:"); Serial.println("dims->size: " + String(output->dims->size)); for (int n = 0; n < output->dims->size; ++n) { Serial.println("dims->data[" + String(n) + "]: " + String(output->dims->data[n])); } Serial.println("Completed tensorflow setup"); digitalWrite(LED0, HIGH); Serial.println("theCamera.begin"); CamErr err = theCamera.begin(1, CAM_VIDEO_FPS_5, width, height, CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_YUV422); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) { Serial.println("camera begin err: " + String(err)); return; } err = theCamera.startStreaming(true, CamCB); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) { Serial.println("start streaming err: " + String(err)); return; } Serial.println("setup"); } void loop() { int key = getButtonKey(); commandFunction(key); if(Serial2.available() >0) { String data = ""; data = Serial2.readString(); Serial.print("read = "); Serial.print(data); if (g_sendCmd == CMD_DATE || g_sendCmd == CMD_SILENT) { DrawDate(data); } else if (g_sendCmd == CMD_WEATHER) { DrawWeather(data); } g_sendCmd = 0; } delay(200); }


#include <WiFi.h> #include <time.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> //Speaker #include <HTTPClient.h> #include <base64.h> // for http basic auth #include <driver/dac.h> // Audio dac #define JST 3600* 9 // Your WiFi credentials. const char* ssid = "XXXXXX"; const char* pass = "XXXXXX"; String retData; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Weather example 愛知県西部の天気予報を取得 const char* endpoint = ""; const char* region = "西部"; DynamicJsonDocument weatherInfo(20000); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VoiceText Web API uint16_t data16; // wav data 16bit(2 bytes) uint8_t left; // Audio dac voltage // You should get apikey // visit const String tts_url = ""; const String tts_user = "XXXXX SET YOUR ID"; const String tts_pass = ""; // passwd is blank uint16_t delayus = 60; // depends on the sampling rate uint8_t wavHeadersize = 44; // depends on the wav format String tts_parms ="&speaker=show&volume=200&speed=120"; // he has natural(16kHz) wav voice // play 16bit wav data void playWav16(uint8_t * buffPlay, int len) { for( int i=0 ; i<len; i+=sizeof(data16)) { memcpy(&data16, (char*)buffPlay + i, sizeof(data16)); left = ((uint16_t) data16 + 32767) >> 8; // convert 16bit to 8bit dac_output_voltage(DAC_CHANNEL_1, left); ets_delay_us(delayus); } } // text to speech void text2speech(char * text) { Serial.println("text to speech"); if ((WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)) { //Check the current connection status HTTPClient http; // Initialize the client library size_t size = 0; // available streaming data size http.begin(tts_url); //Specify the URL Serial.println("\nStarting connection to tts server..."); //request header for VoiceText Web API String auth = base64::encode(tts_user + ":" + tts_pass); http.addHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + auth); http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); String request = String("text=") + URLEncode(text) + tts_parms; http.addHeader("Content-Length", String(request.length())); //Make the request int httpCode = http.POST(request); if (httpCode > 0) { // HTTP header has been send and Server response header has been handled Serial.printf("[HTTP] POST... code: %d\n", httpCode); // file found at server if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK) { // get lenght of data (is -1 when Server sends no Content-Length header) int len = http.getSize(); Serial.printf("lenght of data: %d\n", len); // create buffer for read uint8_t buff[128] = { 0 }; int buffPoint = 0; // get tcp stream WiFiClient * stream = http.getStreamPtr(); // read wav header from server while(size < wavHeadersize && http.connected() && (len > 0 || len == -1)) { // get available data size size = stream->available(); } if (size >= wavHeadersize) { int c = stream->readBytes(buff, wavHeadersize); if (strncmp((char*)buff + wavHeadersize -8, "data", 4)) { Serial.printf("Error: wav file\n"); return; } if (len >= wavHeadersize ) len -=wavHeadersize; } else { Serial.printf("Error: wav file\n"); return; } Serial.printf("wav header confirmed\n"); // read streaming data from server while (http.connected() && (len > 0 || len == -1)) { // get available data size size = stream->available(); if (size > 0 ) { int buffLeft = sizeof(buff)-buffPoint; int c = stream->readBytes(buff+buffPoint, ((size > buffLeft) ? buffLeft : size )); //Serial.printf("read stream size: %d\n",c); buffPoint += c; if (len >=0) len -= c; if (buffPoint >= sizeof(buff)) { playWav16(buff, buffPoint); buff[0] = buff[buffPoint-1]; buffPoint = buffPoint % sizeof(data16); } } } if (buffPoint > sizeof(data16)) { playWav16(buff, buffPoint); } Serial.printf("len: %d buffPoint: %d\n",len,buffPoint); } Serial.println("finish play"); } else { Serial.printf("[HTTP] POST... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str()); } http.end(); //Free resources } else { Serial.println("Error in WiFi connection"); } dac_output_voltage(DAC_CHANNEL_1, 0); } //日付 String GetDate() { time_t t; struct tm *tm; t = time(NULL); tm = localtime(&t); String date = String(tm->tm_year+1900); retData = date; date += "年"; retData += "/"; date += String(tm->tm_mon+1); retData += String(tm->tm_mon+1); date += "月"; retData += "/"; date += String(tm->tm_mday); retData += String(tm->tm_mday); date += "日"; retData += ","; date += String(tm->tm_hour); retData += String(tm->tm_hour); date += "時"; retData += ":"; date += String(tm->tm_min); retData += String(tm->tm_min); date += "分"; date += String(tm->tm_sec); date += "秒"; return date; } //天気 DynamicJsonDocument getJson() { DynamicJsonDocument doc(20000); if ((WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)) { HTTPClient http; http.begin(endpoint); int httpCode = http.GET(); if (httpCode > 0) { //jsonオブジェクトの作成 String jsonString = createJson(http.getString()); deserializeJson(doc, jsonString); } else { Serial.println("Error on HTTP request"); } http.end(); //リソースを解放 } return doc; } // JSONP形式からJSON形式に変える String createJson(String jsonString) { jsonString.replace("drk7jpweather.callback(",""); return jsonString.substring(0,jsonString.length()-2); } String drawWeather(String infoWeather) { String data = "今日の天気は、"; DynamicJsonDocument doc(20000); deserializeJson(doc, infoWeather); String weather = doc["weather"]; retData = "2,"; if (weather.indexOf("雨") != -1) { if (weather.indexOf("くもり") != -1) { data += "雨のち曇り"; } else { data += "雨"; } retData = "1,"; } else if (weather.indexOf("晴") != -1) { if (weather.indexOf("くもり") != -1) { data += "晴れのち曇り"; } else { data += "晴れ"; } retData = "2,"; } else if (weather.indexOf("くもり") != -1) { data += "曇り"; retData = "3,"; } else if (weather.indexOf("雪") != -1) { data += "雪"; retData = "4,"; } else { retData = "5,"; } String maxTemperature = doc["temperature"]["range"][0]["content"]; String minTemperature = doc["temperature"]["range"][1]["content"]; data += "、最高気温は"; data += maxTemperature; data += "度、最低気温は"; data += minTemperature; data += "度です。"; retData += maxTemperature; retData += ","; retData += minTemperature; return data; } String GetWeather() { weatherInfo = getJson(); String today = weatherInfo["pref"]["area"][region]["info"][0]; return drawWeather(today); } String URLEncode(const char* msg) { const char *hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"; String encodedMsg = ""; while (*msg != '\0') { if ( ('a' <= *msg && *msg <= 'z') || ('A' <= *msg && *msg <= 'Z') || ('0' <= *msg && *msg <= '9') || *msg == '-' || *msg == '_' || *msg == '.' || *msg == '~' ) { encodedMsg += *msg; } else { encodedMsg += '%'; encodedMsg += hex[*msg >> 4]; encodedMsg += hex[*msg & 0xf]; } msg++; } return encodedMsg; } //Hello String GetHello() { retData = "hello"; return "こんにちは!"; } //Bye String GetBye() { retData = "bye"; return "さようなら!"; } //setup void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1); Serial.println("setup-start"); // Speaker dac_output_enable(DAC_CHANNEL_1); // use DAC_CHANNEL_1 (pin 25 fixed) dac_output_voltage(DAC_CHANNEL_1, 0); // WiFi setup WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Disable Access Point WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(1000); Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi.."); } Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network"); Serial.println("configTime"); configTime( JST, 0, "", ""); Serial.println("setup-end"); } //loop void loop() { if(Serial2.available() > 0) { String data = Serial2.readString(); Serial.print("get= "); Serial.println(data.c_str()); //Command Get //[date] if(data.indexOf("date") >= 0){ data = GetDate(); } else if(data.indexOf("silent") >= 0){ GetDate(); data = ""; } //[weather] else if(data.indexOf("weather") >= 0) { data = GetWeather(); } //[hello] else if(data.indexOf("hello") >= 0) { data = GetHello(); } //[bye] else if(data.indexOf("bye") >= 0) { data = GetBye(); } else { return; } //send Serial2.println(retData.c_str()); //speak if (data.length() > 1) { Serial.println(data.c_str()); text2speech((char *)data.c_str()); } } }



using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; namespace ConsoleApp1{ class Program{ static void Main(string[] args){ WriteData(@"C:\Work\src.bmp", @"C:\Work\src.h"); } static ushort color565(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue){ return (ushort)(((red & 0xF8) << 8) | ((green & 0xFC) << 3) | (blue >> 3)); } static void WriteData(string bmpPath, string writePath){ using (var bitmap = new Bitmap(bmpPath)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(writePath, false, Encoding.UTF8)){ int w = bitmap.Width, h = bitmap.Height; var fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(bmpPath); writer.Write("uint16_t "); writer.Write(fileName); writer.WriteLine("[]={"); for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { Color pixel = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y); // ARGB var d = color565(pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B); if (x + 1 != w) { writer.Write(string.Format("0x{0:x},", d)); } else { writer.Write(string.Format("0x{0:x},\n", d)); } } } writer.Write(@"};"); } } } }


  • まだまだ機能的には少ないため、改良の余地があります。
  • 人物認識は処理速度が遅く、今回のような使い方では常に動かし続けるメリットはあまりないため、

