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おつかれさまでございます リナちゃん X@chrmlinux03 です # 動画で液晶に再生出来たよ Spresense の カメラで撮った写真をパラパラ漫画で動画に出来たよっ @[twitter](https://twitter.com/chrmlinux03/status/1754795753145511939?s=20) ```c++:spresense用"spreGraphics.hpp" #ifndef __GRAPHIC_HPP__ #define __GRAPHIC_HPP__ #define SPI4_SCLK (13) #define SPI4_MISO (12) #define SPI4_MOSI (11) #define SPI4_CS (10) #define SPI4_DC ( 9) #define SPI4_RST ( 8) #define SPI4_CS2 ( 7) #define IO_SW4 ( 7) #define IO_SW3 ( 6) #define IO_SW2 ( 5) #define IO_SW1 ( 4) #define ROT0 (0) #define ROT90 (1) #define ROT180 (2) #define ROT270 (3) #define MEGA (1000 * 1000) #define LGFX_AUTODETECT #define LGFX_USE_V1 #include <LovyanGFX.hpp> class LGFX : public lgfx::LGFX_Device { lgfx::Panel_ILI9341 _panel_instance; lgfx::Bus_SPI _bus_instance; public: LGFX(void) { { auto cfg = _bus_instance.config(); cfg.spi_mode = 0; cfg.spi_port = 4; cfg.freq_write = (20 * MEGA); cfg.freq_read = (16 * MEGA); cfg.pin_dc = SPI4_DC; _bus_instance.config(cfg); _panel_instance.setBus(&_bus_instance); } { auto cfg = _panel_instance.config(); cfg.pin_cs = SPI4_CS; cfg.pin_rst = SPI4_RST; cfg.pin_busy = -1; cfg.panel_width = 240; cfg.panel_height = 320; cfg.bus_shared = true; _panel_instance.config(cfg); } setPanel(&_panel_instance); } }; static LGFX lcd; static LGFX_Sprite spr; static bool useGraphics = false; static uint16_t _w, _h, _hw, _hh; int16_t setupGraphics(int16_t rot) { lcd.init(); lcd.setRotation(rot); spr.setColorDepth(16); spr.createSprite(lcd.width(), lcd.height()); _w = spr.width(); _h = spr.height(); _hw = _w >> 1; _hh = _h >> 1; useGraphics = true; return 0; } //================================== // getfps //================================== uint32_t getfps(void) { static uint32_t psec = 0; static uint32_t cnt = 0; static uint32_t fps = 0; uint32_t sec = 0; sec = millis() / 1000; ++cnt; if (psec != sec) { psec = sec; fps = cnt; cnt = 0; } return fps; } //================================== // drawAst //================================== void drawAst(LGFX_Sprite *spr, int gx, int gy) { static int cnt = 0; char ast[4] = "|/-\\"; spr->setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLACK); spr->setCursor(gx, gy); spr->printf("[%c] %3d fps\n", ast[cnt], getfps()); cnt = (cnt + 1) % 4; } #endif ``` ```c++:cam2.ino #include <SDHCI.h> SDClass theSD; #include <Camera.h> #define CIMG_H CAM_IMGSIZE_QVGA_H #define CIMG_V CAM_IMGSIZE_QVGA_V //#define CIMG_FMT CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_JPG #define CIMG_FMT CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_RGB565 #include <spreGraphics.hpp> void printError(enum CamErr err) { Serial.print("Error: "); switch (err) { case CAM_ERR_NO_DEVICE: Serial.println("No Device"); break; case CAM_ERR_ILLEGAL_DEVERR: Serial.println("Illegal device error"); break; case CAM_ERR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED: Serial.println("Already initialized"); break; case CAM_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED: Serial.println("Not initialized"); break; case CAM_ERR_NOT_STILL_INITIALIZED: Serial.println("Still picture not initialized"); break; case CAM_ERR_CANT_CREATE_THREAD: Serial.println("Failed to create thread"); break; case CAM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: Serial.println("Invalid parameter"); break; case CAM_ERR_NO_MEMORY: Serial.println("No memory"); break; case CAM_ERR_USR_INUSED: Serial.println("Buffer already in use"); break; case CAM_ERR_NOT_PERMITTED: Serial.println("Operation not permitted"); break; default: break; } } void CamCB(CamImage img) {} void setup(void) { CamErr err; Serial.begin( 115200 ); while (!Serial); while (!theSD.begin()); err = theCamera.begin(); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) printError(err); //err = theCamera.startStreaming(true, CamCB); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) printError(err); err = theCamera.setAutoWhiteBalanceMode(CAM_WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) printError(err); err = theCamera.setStillPictureImageFormat(CIMG_H, CIMG_V, CIMG_FMT); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) printError(err); setupGraphics(ROT90); } void loop(void) { spr.startWrite(); spr.clear(TFT_BLACK); CamImage img = theCamera.takePicture(); if (img.isAvailable()) { switch (CIMG_FMT) { case CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_RGB565: spr.setSwapBytes(true); spr.pushImage(0, 0, CIMG_H, CIMG_V, (uint16_t*)img.getImgBuff(), img.getImgSize()); spr.setSwapBytes(false); break; case CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_JPG: spr.drawJpg(img.getImgBuff(), img.getImgSize(), 0, 0); break; } } drawAst(&spr, 8, _h - 8); spr.pushSprite(&lcd, 0, 0); spr.endWrite(); } ``` # ポイント1 ## RGB565 の並びが逆だった img.getImgBuff() で返って来る イメージがどうも 上下バイト逆になってるっぽいので spr.setSwapBytes(true); : この間は並びが逆に出来る : spr.setSwapBytes(false); で回避した٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و # ポイント2 ## startStream しなくても動くっぽい // err = theCamera.startStreaming(true, CamCB); if (err != CAM_ERR_SUCCESS) printError(err); # ポイント3 ## spr.drawJpgだと激重 RGB565であればなんとか使えるかなぁと言う感じ # ポイント4 ## イメージサイズは QVGA_H/ QVGA_V (320x240) #define CIMG_H CAM_IMGSIZE_QVGA_H #define CIMG_V CAM_IMGSIZE_QVGA_V //#define CIMG_FMT CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_JPG #define CIMG_FMT CAM_IMAGE_PIX_FMT_RGB565 QQVGA_H/QQVGA_V(160x120) でも動くけどちょっと寂しい💕 デフォルトで書かれていたサイズだと色々重いっぽい # callback は空でも動く ## 無理に色々しなくてもOK void CamCB(CamImage img) {} # 最後に これでやっとオブジェクトトラッキングが出来るようになる ご清聴ありがとうございましたっ