kjakx 2022年09月25日作成
製作品 製作品 閲覧数 1795
kjakx 2022年09月25日作成 製作品 製作品 閲覧数 1795










今回はSpectral Subtractionという手法を採用しました。


/* * MainAudio.ino - FFT Example with Audio (voice changer) * Copyright 2019, 2021 Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <MP.h> #include <FrontEnd.h> #include <OutputMixer.h> #include <MemoryUtil.h> #include <arch/board/board.h> FrontEnd *theFrontEnd; OutputMixer *theMixer; /* Setting audio parameters */ static const int32_t channel_num = AS_CHANNEL_MONO; static const int32_t bit_length = AS_BITLENGTH_16; static const int32_t frame_sample = 1024; static const int32_t capture_size = frame_sample * (bit_length / 8) * channel_num; static const int32_t render_size = frame_sample * (bit_length / 8) * 2; /* Multi-core parameters */ const int subcore = 1; struct Request { void *buffer; int sample; }; struct Result { void *buffer; int sample; }; /* Application flags */ bool isCaptured = false; bool isEnd = false; bool ErrEnd = false; /** * @brief Frontend attention callback * * When audio internal error occurc, this function will be called back. */ static void frontend_attention_cb(const ErrorAttentionParam *param) { puts("Attention!"); if (param->error_code >= AS_ATTENTION_CODE_WARNING) { ErrEnd = true; } } /** * @brief OutputMixer attention callback * * When audio internal error occurc, this function will be called back. */ static void mixer_attention_cb(const ErrorAttentionParam *param) { puts("Attention!"); if (param->error_code >= AS_ATTENTION_CODE_WARNING) { ErrEnd = true; } } /** * @brief Frontend done callback procedure * * @param [in] event AsMicFrontendEvent type indicator * @param [in] result Result * @param [in] sub_result Sub result * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ static bool frontend_done_callback(AsMicFrontendEvent ev, uint32_t result, uint32_t sub_result) { UNUSED(ev); UNUSED(result); UNUSED(sub_result); return true; } /** * @brief Mixer done callback procedure * * @param [in] requester_dtq MsgQueId type * @param [in] reply_of MsgType type * @param [in,out] done_param AsOutputMixDoneParam type pointer */ static void outputmixer_done_callback(MsgQueId requester_dtq, MsgType reply_of, AsOutputMixDoneParam* done_param) { UNUSED(requester_dtq); UNUSED(reply_of); UNUSED(done_param); return; } /** * @brief Pcm capture on FrontEnd callback procedure * * @param [in] pcm PCM data structure */ static void frontend_pcm_callback(AsPcmDataParam pcm) { int8_t sndid = 100; /* user-defined msgid */ static Request request; if (pcm.size > capture_size) { puts("Capture size is too big!"); pcm.size = capture_size; } request.buffer = pcm.mh.getPa(); request.sample = pcm.size / (bit_length / 8) / channel_num; if (!pcm.is_valid) { puts("Invalid data !"); memset(request.buffer , 0, request.sample); } MP.Send(sndid, &request, subcore); if (pcm.is_end) { isEnd = true; } return; } /** * @brief Mixer data send callback procedure * * @param [in] identifier Device identifier * @param [in] is_end For normal request give false, for stop request give true */ static void outmixer0_send_callback(int32_t identifier, bool is_end) { /* Do nothing, as the pcm data already sent in the main loop. */ UNUSED(identifier); UNUSED(is_end); return; } static bool send_mixer(Result* res) { AsPcmDataParam pcm_param; /* Alloc MemHandle */ while (pcm_param.mh.allocSeg(S0_REND_PCM_BUF_POOL, render_size) != ERR_OK) { delay(1); } if (isEnd) { pcm_param.is_end = true; isEnd = false; } else { pcm_param.is_end = false; } /* Set PCM parameters */ pcm_param.identifier = OutputMixer0; pcm_param.callback = 0; pcm_param.bit_length = bit_length; pcm_param.size = render_size; pcm_param.sample = frame_sample; pcm_param.is_valid = true; memcpy(pcm_param.mh.getPa(), res->buffer, pcm_param.size); int err = theMixer->sendData(OutputMixer0, outmixer0_send_callback, pcm_param); if (err != OUTPUTMIXER_ECODE_OK) { printf("OutputMixer send error: %d\n", err); return false; } return true; } /** * @brief Setup Audio & MP objects */ void setup() { int8_t rcvid = 0; /* Initialize serial */ Serial.begin(115200); while (!Serial); /* Initialize memory pools and message libs */ Serial.println("Init memory Library"); initMemoryPools(); createStaticPools(MEM_LAYOUT_RECORDINGPLAYER); /* Begin objects */ theFrontEnd = FrontEnd::getInstance(); theMixer = OutputMixer::getInstance(); theFrontEnd->begin(frontend_attention_cb); theMixer->begin(); puts("begin FrontEnd and OutputMixer"); /* Create Objects */ theMixer->create(mixer_attention_cb); /* Set capture clock */ theFrontEnd->setCapturingClkMode(FRONTEND_CAPCLK_NORMAL); /* Activate objects */ theFrontEnd->activate(frontend_done_callback); theMixer->activate(OutputMixer0, outputmixer_done_callback); usleep(100 * 1000); /* waiting for Mic startup */ /* Initialize each objects */ AsDataDest dst; dst.cb = frontend_pcm_callback; theFrontEnd->init(channel_num, bit_length, frame_sample, AsDataPathCallback, dst); /* Set rendering volume */ theMixer->setVolume(0, 0, 0); /* Unmute */ board_external_amp_mute_control(false); theFrontEnd->start(); /* Launch SubCore */ int ret = MP.begin(subcore); if (ret < 0) { printf("MP.begin error = %d\n", ret); } /* receive with non-blocking */ // MP.RecvTimeout(20); } /** * @brief Audio loop */ void loop() { int8_t rcvid = 0; static Result* result; /* Receive sound from SubCore */ int ret = MP.Recv(&rcvid, &result, subcore); if (ret < 0) { printf("MP error! %d\n", ret); return; } if (result->sample != frame_sample) { printf("Size miss match.%d,%ld\n", result->sample, frame_sample); goto exitCapturing; } if (!send_mixer(result)) { printf("Rendering error!\n"); goto exitCapturing; } /* This sleep is adjusted by the time to write the audio stream file. * Please adjust in according with the processing contents * being processed at the same time by Application. * * The usleep() function suspends execution of the calling thread for usec microseconds. * But the timer resolution depends on the OS system tick time * which is 10 milliseconds (10,000 microseconds) by default. * Therefore, it will sleep for a longer time than the time requested here. */ // usleep(10 * 1000); return; exitCapturing: board_external_amp_mute_control(true); theFrontEnd->deactivate(); theMixer->deactivate(OutputMixer0); theFrontEnd->end(); theMixer->end(); puts("Exit."); exit(1); }


/* * SubFFT.ino - FFT Example with Audio (voice changer) * Copyright 2019 Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <MP.h> #include <math.h> #include "FFT.h" /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * FFT parameters */ /* Select FFT length */ //#define OVERLAP 0 //#define FFT_LEN 32 //#define FFT_LEN 64 //#define FFT_LEN 128 //#define FFT_LEN 256 //#define FFT_LEN 512 #define FFT_LEN 1024 //#define FFT_LEN 2048 //#define FFT_LEN 4096 /* Number of channels*/ #define MAX_CHANNEL_NUM 1 //#define MAX_CHANNEL_NUM 2 //#define MAX_CHANNEL_NUM 4 /* Parameters */ const int g_channel = MAX_CHANNEL_NUM; /* Number of channels */ const int g_result_size = 8; /* Result buffer size */ FFTClass<MAX_CHANNEL_NUM, FFT_LEN> FFT; arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 iS; /* Allocate the larger heap size than default */ USER_HEAP_SIZE(64 * 1024); /* MultiCore definitions */ struct Request { void *buffer; int sample; }; struct Result { void *buffer; int sample; }; static float meanMagnNoise[FFT_LEN / 2] = {0.0}; void magn_from_fft(float* fft, float* magn) { arm_cmplx_mag_f32(fft, magn, FFT_LEN); } void phase_from_fft(float* fft, float* phase) { for (int i = 0; i < FFT_LEN / 2; i++) { phase[i] = atan2(fft[2 * i + 1], fft[2 * i]); } } void subtract_noise(float* magnIn, float* magnOut) { static float noiseSubtracted[FFT_LEN / 2]; arm_sub_f32(magnIn, meanMagnNoise, noiseSubtracted, FFT_LEN / 2); // subtract noise spectrum arm_clip_f32(noiseSubtracted, magnOut, 0.0, FLT_MAX, FFT_LEN / 2); // negative value to zero } void fft_from_magn_phase(float* magn, float* phase, float* fft) { for (int i = 0; i < FFT_LEN / 2; i++) { fft[2 * i] = magn[i] * arm_cos_f32(phase[i]); fft[2 * i + 1] = magn[i] * arm_sin_f32(phase[i]); } } void make_noise_profile(unsigned long timespan) { printf("make_noise_profile called!\n"); int ret; int8_t rcvid; Request *request; int cnt_noise_add = 0; float magnTmp[FFT_LEN / 2]; // collect noise profile while timespan bool time_limit_exceed = false; unsigned long start = millis(); while (!time_limit_exceed) { unsigned long now = millis(); if (now-start > timespan) time_limit_exceed = true; ret = MP.Recv(&rcvid, &request); if (ret >= 0) { FFT.put((q15_t*)request->buffer,request->sample); } while (!FFT.empty(0)) { int cnt = FFT.get(magnTmp,0); for (int i = 0; i < FFT_LEN / 2; i++) { meanMagnNoise[i] += magnTmp[i]; } cnt_noise_add += 1; } } // calculate noise spectrum mean for (int i = 0; i < FFT_LEN / 2; i++) { meanMagnNoise[i] /= (float)cnt_noise_add; } printf("exit make_noise_profile...\n"); } void setup() { Serial.println("subcore setup"); int ret = 0; int sndid = 10; /* Initialize MP library */ ret = MP.begin(); if (ret < 0) { errorLoop(2); } /* receive with non-blocking */ MP.RecvTimeout(100000); /* begin FFT */ FFT.begin(WindowRectangle,MAX_CHANNEL_NUM,0); arm_rfft_1024_fast_init_f32(&iS); // for IFFT // make noise profile make_noise_profile(3000); } void loop() { int ret; int8_t sndid = 10; /* user-defined msgid */ int8_t rcvid; Request *request; static Result result[g_result_size]; static float fftIn[FFT_LEN]; static float magnIn[FFT_LEN / 2]; static float phaseIn[FFT_LEN / 2]; static float magnDenoised[FFT_LEN / 2]; static float fftOut[FFT_LEN]; static float wavOut[FFT_LEN]; //static q15_t wavOverlap_q15[OVERLAP] = {0}; static q15_t wavOut_q15[FFT_LEN]; static q15_t bufOut[g_result_size][FFT_LEN * 2]; // stereo static int pos = 0; /* Receive PCM captured buffer from MainCore */ ret = MP.Recv(&rcvid, &request); if (ret >= 0) { FFT.put((q15_t*)request->buffer,request->sample); } while (!FFT.empty(0)) { // 1. Perform FFT for current frame int cnt = FFT.get_raw(fftIn,0); // 2. get magnitude and phase from fft result magn_from_fft(fftIn, magnIn); phase_from_fft(fftIn, phaseIn); // 3. subtract noise magnitude from magnitude of input subtract_noise(magnIn, magnDenoised); // 4. convert denoised magnitude and original phase to fft result fft_from_magn_phase(magnDenoised, phaseIn, fftOut); // 5. IFFT arm_rfft_fast_f32(&iS, fftOut, wavOut, 1); // 6. Send result to main core arm_float_to_q15(wavOut, wavOut_q15, FFT_LEN); for(int j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { bufOut[pos][j * 2] = wavOut_q15[j]; bufOut[pos][j * 2 + 1] = 0; } result[pos].buffer = (void*)MP.Virt2Phys(&bufOut[pos][0]); result[pos].sample = cnt; ret = MP.Send(sndid, &result[pos], 0); pos = (pos + 1) % g_result_size; if (ret < 0) { errorLoop(11); } } } void errorLoop(int num) { int i; while (1) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { ledOn(LED0); delay(300); ledOff(LED0); delay(300); } delay(1000); } }


"make_noise_profile called!"の表示から3秒間、背景ノイズの振幅スペクトルを記録するので静かにします。
"exit make_noise_profile..."が表示されたら準備完了です。


SPRESENSEのヘッドホン端子からオーディオインターフェースのLINE INに接続してDAWで録音しました。






製作過程でSPRESENSEのライブラリのソースを読んだり、ARMのCMSIS DSPライブラリを使用したりと、とても勉強になりました。
Neural Network Consoleを使ったAutoEncoderによるノイズ処理も試しているので、うまくいったら投稿します。

  • kjakx さんが 2022/09/25 に 編集 をしました。 (メッセージ: 初版)
  • Opening
    void2610のアイコン画像 void2610 2023/11/15



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