mongonta555 2021年05月08日作成 (2021年05月08日更新)
製作品 製作品 閲覧数 1912
mongonta555 2021年05月08日作成 (2021年05月08日更新) 製作品 製作品 閲覧数 1912




obniz IoT 2021に向けて、obnizを使うとステッピングモーターをドライバなしで駆動できる点を活かして360°の監視カメラを作ってみました。









協和ハーモネット シールドスリムロボットケーブル(Amazon)




obniz MaixBit
VCC(5V) + 5V
UART TX(10) RX(IO25)
UART RX(11) TX(IO24)



obniz ステッピングモーター
0 a(赤)
1 aa(黄)
2 b(青)
3 bb(橙)





"use strict"; class Grove_UnitVAICamera { // Constants // Header of a receive packet static get _HOP() { return [0xFF, 0xD8, 0xEA, 0x01]; } // "Take a picture" instruction static get _TAP() { return [0xFF, 0xD8, 0xEA, 0x00]; } constructor() { this.keys = ["vcc", "cam_tx", "cam_rx", "gnd", "baud", "grove"]; this.requiredKeys = ["cam_tx", "cam_rx"]; this.ioKeys = this.keys; this.displayName = "Cam"; this.displayIoNames = { cam_tx: "camTx", cam_rx: "camRx" }; } static info() { return { name: "Grove_UnitVAICamera", }; } wired(obniz) { this.obniz = obniz; if (this.params.grove) { this.uart = this.params.grove.getUart(this.params.baud, "3v"); } else { this.obniz.setVccGnd(this.params.vcc, this.params.gnd, "5v"); this.uart = obniz.getFreeUart(); this.uart.start({ tx: this.params.cam_tx, rx: this.params.cam_rx, baud: this.params.baud, bits: this.params.bits, parity: this.params.parity, stop: this.params.stop, }); } } arrayToBase64(array) { //return Buffer.from(array).toString("base64"); // this line just work in obniz.js let uint8Array = new Uint8Array(array.length); for(let i = 0; i < uint8Array.length; i++) { uint8Array[i] = array[i]; } return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(uint8Array))); } async _drainUntil(uart, search, recv) { this.log("_drainUntil" + search); if (!recv) { recv = []; } this.log("recv:" + recv + ":" ); while (true) { const readed = uart.readBytes(); recv = recv.concat(readed); this.log("recv:" + recv + ":" ); const tail = this._seekTail(search, recv); if (tail >= 0) { recv.splice(0, tail); return recv; } await this.obniz.wait(10); } } _seekTail(search, src) { let f = 0; for (let i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { if (src[i] === search[f]) { f++; if (f === search.length) { this.log("find"); return i + 1; } } else { f = 0; } } return -1; } log(value) { // HTMLの<div id="log">log</div>にログを表示します。 // var target = document.getElementById("log"); // var text = target.innerHTML + "<BR>" + value; // target.innerHTML = text; } async takeContinuousWait() { this.log("takeContinuousWait") const uart = this.uart; let recv = await this._drainUntil(uart, Grove_UnitVAICamera._HOP); let databytes; while (true) { console.log("uartRecv"); const readed = uart.readBytes(); recv = recv.concat(readed); if (recv.length >= 6) { databytes = (recv[0] << 16) | (recv[1] << 8) | recv[2]; // size of JPEG data break; } await this.obniz.wait(10); } console.log("image: " + databytes + " Bytes"); recv.splice(0, 6); // remove tail of packet header from the received data while (true) { const readed = uart.readBytes(); recv = recv.concat(readed); if (recv.length >= databytes) { break; } await this.obniz.wait(10); } recv = recv.splice(0, databytes); // remove tail console.log(recv); return recv; } async takeOneTimeWait() { const uart = this.uart; uart.send(Grove_UnitVAICamera._TAP); // send "Take a picture" instruction this.log("Request") let recv = await this._drainUntil(uart, Grove_UnitVAICamera._HOP); this.log("Request Recv") let databytes; while (true) { const readed = uart.readBytes(); recv = recv.concat(readed); if (recv.length >= 6) { databytes = (recv[0] << 16) | (recv[1] << 8) | recv[2]; // size of JPEG data break; } await this.obniz.wait(10); } //console.log("image: " + databytes + " Bytes"); recv.splice(0, 6); // remove tail of packet header from the received data while (true) { const readed = uart.readBytes(); recv = recv.concat(readed); if (recv.length >= databytes) { break; } await this.obniz.wait(10); } recv = recv.splice(0, databytes); // remove tail return recv; } } if (typeof module === 'object') { module.exports = Grove_UnitVAICamera; }



import sensor from fpioa_manager import fm from machine import UART import _thread import time,sys BOARD_NAME = "MAIXBIT" # M5STICKV or UNITV if BOARD_NAME == "M5STICKV": import lcd from board import board_info from Maix import GPIO elif BOARD_NAME == "UNITV": from modules import ws2812 class_ws2812 = ws2812(8,100) elif BOARD_NAME == "MAIXBIT": print("MAIXBIT") ##### User settings section Begin ##### # Baud rate(should be matched with obniz.) BAUD_RATE = 115200 # Shooting mode # When SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME is True, Wait for "take a picture" instruction from obniz. SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME = True # JPEG Compression Quality(0-100) JPEG_COMP_QUALITY = 50 # Camera Resolution(sensor.VGA, QVGA, QQVGA ...) CAMERA_RESOLUTION = sensor.QVGA # Use LED indicator USE_LED = False ##### User settings section End ##### # Send Flag SEND_MODE = False # RGB LED Settings BRIGHTNESS = 0x10 LED_INTERVAL = 100 # msec # Initialize of UART fm.register(24, fm.fpioa.UART1_TX, force=True) fm.register(25, fm.fpioa.UART1_RX, force=True) #uart_Port = UART(UART.UART1, BAUD_RATE, 8, UART.PARITY_ODD, 1, timeout=1000, read_buf_len= 4096) uart_Port = UART(UART.UART1, BAUD_RATE, 8, None, 1, timeout=1000, read_buf_len= 4096) uart_Port.init() # camera sensor.reset() sensor.set_framesize(CAMERA_RESOLUTION) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) if BOARD_NAME == "M5STICKV": lcd.init(type=3) # type=3 is required for maixpy 0.6.0 and above. lcd.rotation(2) fm.register(board_info.LED_W, fm.fpioa.GPIO3) led_w = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO3, GPIO.OUT) led_w.value(1) #RGBW LEDs are Active Low fm.register(board_info.LED_R, fm.fpioa.GPIO4) led_r = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO4, GPIO.OUT) led_r.value(1) #RGBW LEDs are Active Low fm.register(board_info.LED_G, fm.fpioa.GPIO5) led_g = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO5, GPIO.OUT) led_g.value(1) #RGBW LEDs are Active Low fm.register(board_info.LED_B, fm.fpioa.GPIO6) led_b = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO6, GPIO.OUT) led_b.value(1) #RGBW LEDs are Active Low def BlinkLED(r, g, b): # M5StickV can't control brightness if r > 0: led_r.value(0) if g > 0: led_g.value(0) if b > 0: led_b.value(0) time.sleep_ms(LED_INTERVAL) led_r.value(1) led_g.value(1) led_b.value(1) time.sleep_ms(LED_INTERVAL) elif BOARD_NAME == "UNITV": sensor.set_vflip(1) sensor.set_hmirror(1) class_ws2812 = ws2812(8, 1) a = class_ws2812.set_led(0, (100, 0, 100)) a = class_ws2812.display() time.sleep(1) a = class_ws2812.set_led(0, (0, 0, 0)) a = class_ws2812.display() # Blink RGB LED def BlinkLED(r,g,b): if USE_LED == True: class_ws2812.set_led(0,(r,g,b)) class_ws2812.display() time.sleep_ms(LED_INTERVAL) class_ws2812.set_led(0,(0,0,0)) class_ws2812.display() time.sleep_ms(LED_INTERVAL) elif BOARD_NAME == "MAIXBIT": def BlinkLED(r,g,b): time.sleep_ms(100) # sensor.skip_frames(1, 300) sensor.set_brightness(1) sensor.set_auto_whitebal(1) sensor.set_auto_exposure(1) def take(shooting_mode): global SEND_MODE if USE_LED == True: # Turn on the red LED during the process. BlinkLED(BRIGHTNESS,0,0) img = sensor.snapshot() if BOARD_NAME == "M5STICKV": lcd.display(img) if (SEND_MODE == True or SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME == False): if BOARD_NAME == "M5STICKV": img.draw_string(320, 240 , "Send", color=lcd.RED) lcd.display(img) # Lowering the quality value increases the frame rate. #img = sensor.snapshot() img.compress(quality=JPEG_COMP_QUALITY) sendImage(img) if USE_LED == True: BlinkLED(0,0,BRIGHTNESS) def sendImage(p_buf): global SEND_MODE # Packet header buf_size1 = (p_buf.size()& 0xFF0000)>>16 buf_size2 = (p_buf.size()& 0x00FF00)>>8 buf_size3 = (p_buf.size()& 0x0000FF)>>0 data_packet = bytearray([0xFF,0xD8,0xEA,0x01,buf_size1,buf_size2,buf_size3,0x00,0x00,0x00]) #data_packet = bytearray([0x02,0xD8,0xEA,0x01,buf_size1,buf_size2,buf_size3,0x00,0x00,0x00]) uart_Port.write(data_packet) # Transmit image data. uart_Port.write(p_buf) print("Data Sent") #time.sleep(0.5) if SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME == True: SEND_MODE = False def recvData(uart_Port): global SEND_MODE while True: print("recvdata") while uart_Port.any() == False: #print("data wait") time.sleep_ms(100) recv_data = #recv_str = recv_data.decode('utf-8') print(recv_data) if (recv_data == bytearray([0x00, 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xEA, 0x00])) or \ (recv_data == bytearray([0xFF, 0xD8, 0xEA, 0x00])): SEND_MODE = True time.sleep_ms(100) if SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME == True: # SINGLE SHOT _thread.start_new_thread(recvData, (uart_Port,)) try: while True: #print("Take Picture") take(SHOOTING_MODE_ONE_TIME) time.sleep_ms(500) except Exception as e: uart_Port.deinit() del _thread sys.print_exception(e) sys.exit()



<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" ></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="bower_components/console-log-div/console-log-div.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="obniz-debug"></div> <script> console.log("Start") var obniz = new Obniz("OBNIZ_ID_HERE"); // called on online obniz.onconnect = async function() { // パーツライブラリの登録 Obniz.PartsRegistrate(Grove_UnitVAICamera); obniz.display.clear(); obniz.display.print("360 Camera"); var cam = obniz.wired("Grove_UnitVAICamera", { gnd:8, vcc:9, cam_rx:10, cam_tx:11, baud:115200, parity:"off", stop:1 }); // var cam = obniz.wired("Grove_UnitVAICamera", { grove: obniz.grove0, baud:115200 }); // Groveの場合(未検証) var motor = obniz.wired("StepperMotor", {a:0, aa:1, b:2, bb:3}); motor.rotationStepCount = 200; const image_area = [ "image0", "image1", "image2", "image3", "image4", "image5", "image6", "image7" ]; const rotation = [ -45, -45, -45, -45, -45, -45, -45, -45 ]; //if the "Take Picture" clicked $("#take_picture").on("click", async function() { //show input text on obniz display obniz.display.clear(); obniz.display.print("Take Picture"); all_rotation = 0; for (let i = 0; i < image_area.length; i++) { console.log(rotation[i]); await motor.rotateWait(rotation[i]); const jpegData = await cam.takeOneTimeWait(); console.log("recv"); // <img id="image?">に表示 document.getElementById(image_area[i]).src = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + cam.arrayToBase64(jpegData); all_rotation = all_rotation + rotation[i]; }; await obniz.wait(500); console.log("home") await motor.rotateWait(-1 * all_rotation); }); // called while online. obniz.onloop = async function() { }; }; // called on offline obniz.onclose = async function() { }; </script> <button class="btn btn-primary" id="take_picture">Take Picture</button> <hr> <img id="image0"><img id="image1"><img id="image2"><img id="image3"><img id="image4"><img id="image5"><img id="image6"><img id="image7"> <hr> <div id="log"></div> </body> </html>


