610t 2024年12月11日作成 (2025年01月05日更新) © MIT
製作品 製作品 Lチカ Lチカ 閲覧数 95
610t 2024年12月11日作成 (2025年01月05日更新) © MIT 製作品 製作品 Lチカ Lチカ 閲覧数 95

SpreM5ScratchSense: SPRESENSE x M5Stack x Scratch

SpreM5ScratchSense: SPRESENSE x M5Stack x Scratch

このプロジェクトは、2024年 SPRESENSE™ 活用コンテストに応募するために作成しました。













  • ディスプレイ(320x240)
  • 加速度センサー(IMU)
  • LED
  • スピーカー
  • などなど




Microbit More

Microbit Moreは、Scratchからmicro:bitの全ての機能を利用できるようにした拡張機能です。



M5bitLess(github, M5bitLess: M5Stack x Scratch3 = So Fun!!(ProtoPedia))は、M5StackとScratchを使うためのArduinoプログラムです。

そのため、Microbit More拡張機能の機能が利用できるようになります。


  • 5x5 Matrix LED表示エミュレーション
  • 文字列表示
  • 加速度センサー
  • LED明滅
  • トーン音
  • などなど

Geo Scratch

Geo Scratchのブロック

Geo Scratchは、Scratchで地図情報を扱うことができる拡張機能です。




このシステムでは、SPRESENSEはM5Stack Core2とシリアル経由で接続され、GPSやLEDのオンオフ状態をやり取りします。
M5Stack Core2とScratchは、Microbit Moreを使ってBluetooth経由で情報のやり取りを行います。
SPRESENSEから得たGPSやLEDの情報は、M5Stack Core2経由でScratchに送られます。



名称 SKU 用途
SPRESENSE用 BLEベースボード SSCI-063340 Bluetooth Low Energy対応 (未使用)
M5Stack Core2 M5STACK-K010-V11 Scratchとのやりとり(M5bitLess)
M5Stack Module Plus M5STACK-PLUSEM SPRESENSEとCore2の接続
GROVE - 4ピン - ジャンパオスケーブル SEEED-110990210 SPRESENSEとCore2の接続

データのやり取りについて(Microbit Moreラベルとデータ)

データは、Microbit Moreのラベルとデータ(M5bitLess label & data extension(ProtoPedia))という機能を用いて実現しています。ラベルとデータでは、任意の文字列(ラベル)に対して、任意の値(データ)を送ることができる仕組みです。



  • Date: 日時
  • Time: 時間
  • Fix: GPSのデータ取得状態
  • alt: 高度
  • numSat: 確認できている衛星の数
  • numSatC: 測位に使っている衛星の数
  • Lon: 経度
  • Lat: 緯度


https://github.com/610t/SpreM5ScratchSense/ でソースコードを公開しています。


  • SpreM5ScratchSense/examples/M5Stack/*: M5Stack用のプログラム群です。
  • SpreM5ScratchSense/examples/SPRESENSE/SPRESENSE.ino: SPRESENSE用のプログラムです。
  • SpreM5ScratchSense/examples/Scratch/GPS.sb3: ScratchでGPSデータを扱う例です。



  • LEDのon/off命令をSPRESENSEに送る。
  • SPRESENSEからのGPS関連データをScratchで操作できるようにする。


//// Global variables. // For Stack-chan bool stackchan_mode = false; // Screen size int screen_w = 320; int screen_h = 240; // Converter 32bit float little endian and uint8_t x 4 each other. static union { uint8_t b[sizeof(float)]; float f; } cd; // PortB A/D I/O, GPIO I/O, PWM, Servo, etc. int pin[17]; // Microbit More can handle P0-P16. enum pin_mode_t { PIN_ANALOG_INPUT, PIN_ANALOG_OUTPUT, PIN_DIGITAL_INPUT, PIN_DIGITAL_OUTPUT, PIN_PWM, PIN_SERVO, PIN_PULL, PIN_EVENT }; pin_mode_t pin_mode[17] = { PIN_ANALOG_INPUT }; #include <M5Unified.h> #include <M5Dial.h> #include <M5StackUpdater.h> #include "esp_mac.h" //// Global variables for M5Stack. // Board name m5::board_t myBoard = m5gfx::board_unknown; //// FastLED for Atom Matrix, Lite. #if !defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3) #include <FastLED.h> #define NUM_LEDS 25 #define LED_DATA_PIN 27 CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; #endif //// Mic for M5StickC/Plus #include <driver/i2s.h> #define PIN_CLK 0 #define PIN_DATA 34 #define READ_LEN (2 * 256) #define SAMPLING_RATE 11025 uint8_t BUFFER[READ_LEN] = { 0 }; int16_t *adcBuffer = NULL; int soundLevel = 0; void i2sInit() { i2s_config_t i2s_config = { .mode = (i2s_mode_t)(I2S_MODE_MASTER | I2S_MODE_RX | I2S_MODE_PDM), .sample_rate = SAMPLING_RATE, .bits_per_sample = I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT, // is fixed at 12bit, stereo, MSB .channel_format = I2S_CHANNEL_FMT_ALL_RIGHT, .communication_format = I2S_COMM_FORMAT_I2S, .intr_alloc_flags = ESP_INTR_FLAG_LEVEL1, .dma_buf_count = 2, .dma_buf_len = 128, }; i2s_pin_config_t pin_config; pin_config.bck_io_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE; pin_config.ws_io_num = PIN_CLK; pin_config.data_out_num = I2S_PIN_NO_CHANGE; pin_config.data_in_num = PIN_DATA; i2s_driver_install(I2S_NUM_0, &i2s_config, 0, NULL); i2s_set_pin(I2S_NUM_0, &pin_config); i2s_set_clk(I2S_NUM_0, SAMPLING_RATE, I2S_BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16BIT, I2S_CHANNEL_MONO); } void mic_record_task(void *arg) { size_t bytesread; while (1) { int total = 0; i2s_read(I2S_NUM_0, (char *)BUFFER, READ_LEN, &bytesread, (100 / portTICK_RATE_MS)); adcBuffer = (int16_t *)BUFFER; for (int i = 0; i < READ_LEN / 2; i++) { total += abs(adcBuffer[i]); } soundLevel = total / (READ_LEN / 2); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } } #include <Wire.h> /// Drawing Function for M5Stack #define Draw M5.Lcd //// BLE related headers. #include <BLEDevice.h> #include <BLEUtils.h> #include <BLEServer.h> #include <BLE2902.h> //// BLE characteristics. #define MBIT_MORE_SERVICE "0b50f3e4-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" #define MBIT_MORE_CH_COMMAND "0b500100-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R&W(20byte) #define MBIT_MORE_CH_STATE "0b500101-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R(7byte) #define MBIT_MORE_CH_MOTION "0b500102-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R(18byte) :pitch,roll,accel,and gyro #define MBIT_MORE_CH_PIN_EVENT "0b500110-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R&N #define MBIT_MORE_CH_ACTION_EVENT "0b500111-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R&N(20byte) :Buttons with timestamp #define MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P0 "0b500120-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R #define MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P1 "0b500121-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R #define MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P2 "0b500122-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R #define MBIT_MORE_CH_MESSAGE "0b500130-607f-4151-9091-7d008d6ffc5c" // R : only for v2 #define ADVERTISING_STRING "BBC micro:bit [m5scr]" /// Data of channels. // COMMAND CH 20byte uint8_t cmd[] = { 0x02, // microbit version (v1:0x01, v2:0x02) 0x02, // protocol 0x02 only 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; // STATE CH 7byte uint8_t state[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // GPIO 0-3 0x00, // lightlevel 0x00, // temperature(+128) 0x00 // soundlevel }; // MOTION CH 18 byte uint8_t motion[] = { 0x00, 0x00, // pitch 0x00, 0x00, // roll 0xff, 0xff, // ax 0xff, 0x00, // ay 0x00, 0xff, // az 0x00, 0x00, // gx 0x00, 0x00, // gy 0x00, 0x00, // gz 0x00, 0x00 // ?? }; // ACTION CH 20 byte uint8_t action[] = { 0x01, // BUTTON cmd; BUTTON:0x01, GESTURE: 0x02 0x01, 0x00, // Button Name;1:A,2:B,100:P0,101:P1,102:P2,121:LOGO 0x00, // Event Name;1:DOWN, 2:UP, 3:CLICK, 4:LONG_CLICK, 5:HOLD, 6:DOUBLE_CLICK 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // Timestamp 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x12 // ACTION Event }; // Define for label command #define DATA_NUMBER 0x13 #define DATA_TEXT 0x14 // ANALOG PIN 2 byte uint8_t analog[] = { 0x00, 0x00 }; BLEServer *pServer = NULL; BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic[9] = { 0 }; bool deviceConnected = false; // for pixel pattern #define TEXT_SPACE 30 uint16_t pixel[5][5] = { 0 }; void drawPixel(int x, int y, int c) { int ps = (screen_w < (screen_h - TEXT_SPACE)) ? screen_w / 5 : (screen_h - TEXT_SPACE) / 5; // Pixel size if (c == TFT_RED && (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StackCoreInk || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Paper)) { Draw.fillRect(x * ps, y * ps + TEXT_SPACE, ps, ps, TFT_WHITE); } else { Draw.fillRect(x * ps, y * ps + TEXT_SPACE, ps, ps, c); } #if !defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3) if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Atom) { if (c == TFT_BLACK) { leds[x + y * 5] = CRGB::Black; } else if (c == TFT_RED) { leds[x + y * 5] = CRGB::Red; } else if (c == TFT_BLUE) { leds[x + y * 5] = CRGB::Blue; } FastLED.show(); } #endif }; void displayShowPixel() { for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { log_i("%1d", pixel[y][x] & 0b1); if (pixel[y][x] & 0b1) { drawPixel(x, y, TFT_RED); } else { drawPixel(x, y, TFT_BLACK); } } } }; void fillScreen(int c) { Draw.fillScreen(c); // for Atom Matrix and Lite if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Atom) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { drawPixel(x, y, c); } } } }; class MyServerCallbacks : public BLEServerCallbacks { void onConnect(BLEServer *pServer) { log_i("connect\n"); deviceConnected = true; fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); }; void onDisconnect(BLEServer *pServer) { log_i("disconnect\n"); deviceConnected = false; ESP.restart(); } }; // dummy callback class DummyCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { log_i("DUMMY Read\n"); } void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { log_i("DUMMY Write\n"); } }; // for cmd // Global variable for drawing graphics using data & label. uint32_t label_flag = 0; uint32_t x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2 = 0; // (x,y) axis uint32_t x_c, y_c = 0; // position of cursor for text String str = ""; // String for text output uint32_t size = 1; // text size uint32_t tc = 0; // text color uint32_t w, h = 0; // width & height uint32_t r = 0; // radius for circle uint32_t c = 0; // color void getLabelDataValue(char *var_name, String label_str, uint32_t *var, int data_val) { if (!label_str.compareTo(var_name)) { *var = data_val; } } // Stackchan Draw command int norm_x(int x) { return (int(x / 320.0 * screen_w)); } int norm_y(int y) { return (int(y / 240.0 * screen_h)); } void clear_eyes() { Draw.fillRect(norm_x(0), norm_y(0), norm_x(320), norm_y(120), TFT_BLACK); } void clear_mouth() { Draw.fillRect(norm_x(0), norm_y(120), norm_x(320), norm_y(120), TFT_BLACK); } void draw_eye() { clear_eyes(); Draw.fillCircle(norm_x(90), norm_y(93), norm_y(8), TFT_WHITE); Draw.fillCircle(norm_x(230), norm_y(96), norm_y(8), TFT_WHITE); } void draw_closeeye() { clear_eyes(); Draw.fillRect(norm_x(82), norm_y(93), norm_x(16), norm_y(4), TFT_WHITE); Draw.fillRect(norm_x(222), norm_y(93), norm_x(16), norm_y(4), TFT_WHITE); } void draw_mouth() { clear_mouth(); Draw.fillRect(norm_x(163 - 45), norm_y(148), norm_x(90), norm_y(4), TFT_WHITE); } void draw_openmouth() { clear_mouth(); Draw.fillRect(norm_x(140), norm_y(130), norm_x(40), norm_y(40), TFT_WHITE); } // Microbit More Command handling class CmdCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { log_i("CMD read\n"); pCharacteristic->setValue(cmd, 20); } void cmd_pin(const char *cmd_str) { char pin_cmd = (cmd_str[0] & 0x0f); int pin_num = cmd_str[1]; int pin_value = cmd_str[2]; log_i("CMD_PIN\n"); log_i(" pin:%d, dat:%d\n", pin_num, pin_value); switch (pin_cmd) { case 0x01: // OUTPUT log_i(" OUTPUT\n"); pin_mode[pin_num] = PIN_DIGITAL_OUTPUT; pinMode(pin[pin_num], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pin[pin_num], pin_value); break; case 0x02: // PWM log_i(" PWM\n"); pin_mode[pin_num] = PIN_PWM; analogWrite(pin[pin_num], pin_value); break; case 0x03: // SERVO log_i(" SERVO\n"); log_i(" range:%d, center:%d\n", cmd_str[3], cmd_str[4]); pin_mode[pin_num] = PIN_SERVO; analogWrite(pin[pin_num], pin_value / 1.80 + 2.5); // The pin_value means angle for servo. break; case 0x04: // PULL log_i(" PULL\n"); pin_mode[pin_num] = PIN_PULL; break; case 0x05: // EVENT log_i(" EVENT\n"); pin_mode[pin_num] = PIN_EVENT; break; } } void display_text(const char *text) { log_i(">> text\n"); log_i("%s\n", text); Draw.fillRect(0, 0, screen_w, TEXT_SPACE - 1, TFT_BLACK); if (stackchan_mode) { Draw.fillEllipse(0, 0, screen_w, TEXT_SPACE, TFT_WHITE); Draw.fillTriangle(screen_w / 2 - screen_w * 0.1, TEXT_SPACE * 0.8, screen_w / 2, TEXT_SPACE * 1.5, screen_w / 2 + screen_w * 0.1, TEXT_SPACE * 0.5, TFT_WHITE); Draw.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK); } else { Draw.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); } int text_size = 4; if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickC || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5AtomS3) { text_size = 2; } else if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2) { text_size = 3; } Draw.setCursor(0, 0); Draw.setTextSize(text_size); Draw.println(text); } void cmd_display(const char *cmd_str) { char cmd_display = cmd_str[0] & 0b11111; switch (cmd_display) { case 0x00: // CLEAR log_i(">> clear\n"); fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); break; case 0x01: // TEXT display_text(&(cmd_str[1])); break; case 0x02: // PIXELS_0 log_i(">> pixel0\n"); for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { pixel[y][x] = (cmd_str[y * 5 + (x + 1)] & 0xb); } } break; case 0x03: // PIXELS_1 log_i(">> pixel1\n"); for (int y = 3; y < 5; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { pixel[y][x] = (cmd_str[(y - 3) * 5 + (x + 1)] & 0xb); } } displayShowPixel(); break; } } void cmd_audio(const char *cmd_str) { char cmd_audio = cmd_str[0] & 0b11111; switch (cmd_audio) { case 0x00: // STOP_TONE 0x00 log_i(">> Stop tone\n"); M5.Speaker.stop(); break; case 0x01: // PLAY_TONE 0x01 const uint8_t max_volume = 255; log_i(">> Play tone\n"); uint32_t duration = (cmd_str[4] & 0xff) << 24 | (cmd_str[3] & 0xff) << 16 | (cmd_str[2] & 0xff) << 8 | (cmd_str[1] & 0xff); uint16_t freq = 1000000 / duration; uint8_t volume = map(cmd_str[5], 0, 255, 0, max_volume); log_i("Volume:%d\n", volume); log_i("Duration:%d\n", duration); log_i("Freq:%d\n", freq); M5.Speaker.setVolume(volume); M5.Speaker.tone(freq); break; } } void display_label_data(char *label, char *data, float data_val) { int label_location_x = 210; int label_location_y = 40; int font_height = 10; int text_size = 1; if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Stack || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StackCore2 || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StackCoreS3) { label_location_x = 210; label_location_y = 40; } else if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickC || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2) { label_location_x = 0; if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickC) { label_location_y = 110; } else if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2) { label_location_y = 170; } } else if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Cardputer) { label_location_x = 0; label_location_y = 170; } else if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5AtomS3) { label_location_x = 0; label_location_y = 100; } Draw.setTextSize(text_size); Draw.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); // Draw.fillRect(0, label_location_y, screen_w, screen_h - label_location_y, TFT_BLACK); // Draw.fillRect(label_location_x, label_location_y, screen_w - label_location_x, screen_h, TFT_BLACK); Draw.fillRect(label_location_x, label_location_y, screen_w - label_location_x, screen_h - label_location_y, TFT_BLACK); Draw.setCursor(label_location_x, label_location_y); Draw.printf("Label:%s\n", label); Draw.setCursor(label_location_x, label_location_y + font_height * 1); Draw.printf("Data:%s\n", data); Draw.setCursor(label_location_x, label_location_y + font_height * 2); Draw.printf(" val:"); if (data_val < 100000) { Draw.printf("%8.2f", data_val); } else { Draw.printf("too big"); } } void set_variables(String label_str, float data_val, String data_str) { // Display label & data? getLabelDataValue("label", label_str, &label_flag, data_val); // Store variables getLabelDataValue("x0", label_str, &x_0, data_val); getLabelDataValue("y0", label_str, &y_0, data_val); getLabelDataValue("x1", label_str, &x_1, data_val); getLabelDataValue("y1", label_str, &y_1, data_val); getLabelDataValue("x2", label_str, &x_2, data_val); getLabelDataValue("y2", label_str, &y_2, data_val); getLabelDataValue("xc", label_str, &x_c, data_val); getLabelDataValue("yc", label_str, &y_c, data_val); if (!label_str.compareTo("str")) { str = data_str; } getLabelDataValue("size", label_str, &size, data_val); getLabelDataValue("tc", label_str, &tc, data_val); getLabelDataValue("w", label_str, &w, data_val); getLabelDataValue("h", label_str, &h, data_val); getLabelDataValue("r", label_str, &r, data_val); getLabelDataValue("c", label_str, &c, data_val); } void label_draw_cmd(String label_str, String data_str) { if (!label_str.compareTo("cmd")) { if (!data_str.compareTo("drawPixel")) { Draw.drawPixel(x_0, y_0, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("drawLine")) { Draw.drawLine(x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("drawRect")) { Draw.drawRect(x_0, y_0, w, h, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("drawTriangl")) { // "drawTriangle" is over data length limit. Draw.drawTriangle(x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("drawRoundRe")) { // "drawRoundRect" is over data length limit. Draw.drawRoundRect(x_0, y_0, w, h, r, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("fillScreen")) { Draw.fillScreen(c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("fillRect")) { Draw.fillRect(x_0, y_0, w, h, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("fillCircle")) { Draw.fillCircle(x_0, y_0, r, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("fillTriangl")) { // "fillTriangle" is over data length limit. Draw.fillTriangle(x_0, y_0, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("fillRoundRe")) { // "fillRoundRect" is over data length limit. Draw.fillRoundRect(x_0, y_0, w, h, r, c); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("print")) { Draw.setTextColor(tc); Draw.setTextSize(size); Draw.setCursor(x_c, y_c); Draw.print(str); } } } void label_stackchan_cmd(String label_str, String data_str) { if (!label_str.compareTo("stack")) { if (!data_str.compareTo("eye")) { draw_eye(); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("closeeye")) { draw_closeeye(); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("mouth")) { draw_mouth(); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("openmouth")) { draw_openmouth(); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("say")) { draw_openmouth(); delay(10); draw_mouth(); delay(10); } else if (!data_str.compareTo("on")) { stackchan_mode = true; } else if (!data_str.compareTo("off")) { stackchan_mode = false; } } } void cmd_data(const char *cmd_str) { log_i("CMD DATA\n"); // Show input data. log_i(">>> Data input:"); for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { log_i("(%d)%02x%c:", i, cmd_str[i], cmd_str[i]); } log_i("\n"); // Convert from input data to label & data. char label[9] = { 0 }; strncpy(label, &cmd_str[1], sizeof(label) - 1); String label_str = String(label); char data[12] = { 0 }; strncpy(data, &cmd_str[9], sizeof(data) - 1); String data_str = String(data); // Convert from 8bit uint8_t x 4 to 32bit float with little endian. cd.b[0] = cmd_str[9]; cd.b[1] = cmd_str[10]; cd.b[2] = cmd_str[11]; cd.b[3] = cmd_str[12]; float data_val = cd.f; log_i("Label str:%s, Data str:%s, Data value:%f.\n", label_str, data_str, data_val); // Can't get correct command for number=0x13 and text=0x14. Why? char cmd_data = cmd_str[20]; if (cmd_data == 0x13) { log_i("Data is Number.\n"); } else if (cmd_data == 0x14) { log_i("Data is Text.\n"); } else { log_i("Data is Unknown:%02x.\n", cmd_data); } // Show label & data at display. if (label_flag != 0) { display_label_data(label, data, data_val); } // On and off LED at M5StickC family. // Change the LED brightness level to an integer value labeled "led". if (strcmp(label, "led") == 0) { M5.Power.setLed(constrain(data_val, 0, 255)); } // LED output to Spresense const char *led = data_str.c_str(); if (strcmp(label, "led0") == 0) { Serial2.printf("LED0:%s\n", led); } else if (strcmp(label, "led1") == 0) { Serial2.printf("LED1:%s\n", led); } else if (strcmp(label, "led2") == 0) { Serial2.printf("LED2:%s\n", led); } else if (strcmp(label, "led3") == 0) { Serial2.printf("LED3:%s\n", led); } // Set variables for drawing object. set_variables(label_str, data_val, data_str); // Do command: for drawing and stackchan label_draw_cmd(label_str, data_str); label_stackchan_cmd(label_str, data_str); } void onWrite(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { log_i("CMD write\n"); ////// MUST implement!! //// CMD_CONFIG 0x00 // MIC 0x01 // TOUCH 0x02 //// CMD_PIN 0x01 // SET_OUTPUT 0x01 // SET_PWM 0x02 // SET_SERVO 0x03 // SET_PULL 0x04 // SET_EVENT 0x05 std::string value = pCharacteristic->getValue(); log_i("CMD len:%d\n", value.length()); log_i("%s\n", value.c_str()); const char *cmd_str = value.c_str(); log_i("%s\n", cmd_str); char cmd = (cmd_str[0] >> 5); switch (cmd) { case 0x01: // CMD_PIN log_i("CMD pin\n"); cmd_pin(cmd_str); break; case 0x02: //// CMD_DISPLAY log_i("CMD display\n"); cmd_display(cmd_str); break; case 0x03: //// CMD_AUDIO log_i("CMD audio\n"); cmd_audio(cmd_str); break; case 0x04: //// CMD_DATA (only v2) log_i("CMD data\n"); cmd_data(cmd_str); break; } } }; // for state class StateCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { float temp = 0; int r0 = 0, r1 = 0; // GPIO input from PIN0 & PIN1. if (pin_mode[0] == PIN_ANALOG_INPUT) { r0 = analogRead(pin[0]); } if (pin_mode[1] == PIN_ANALOG_INPUT) { r1 = analogRead(pin[1]); } state[0] = 0; if (r0 >= 2048) { state[0] |= 0b01; } if (r1 >= 2048) { state[0] |= 0b10; } if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickC || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2) { state[6] = ((int)map(soundLevel, 0, 1024, 0, 255) & 0xff); } else { state[6] = (random(256) & 0xff); // Random sensor value for soundlevel } M5.Imu.getTemp(&temp); // get temperature from IMU state[4] = (random(256) & 0xff); // Random sensor value for lightlevel state[5] = ((int)(temp + 128) & 0xff); // temperature(+128) log_i("STATE read %s", (char *)state); pCharacteristic->setValue(state, 7); } }; // for accelerometer related values #define ACC_MULT 512 #if !defined(RAD_TO_DEG) #define RAD_TO_DEG 57.324 #endif float ax, ay, az; int16_t iax, iay, iaz; float gx, gy, gz; float pitch, roll, yaw; void updateIMU() { M5.Imu.getAccel(&ax, &ay, &az); // get accel M5.Imu.getGyro(&gx, &gy, &gz); // get gyro iax = (int16_t)(ax * ACC_MULT); iay = (int16_t)(ay * ACC_MULT); iaz = (int16_t)(az * ACC_MULT); } class MotionCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { updateIMU(); motion[0] = ((int)(pitch * ACC_MULT) & 0xff); motion[1] = (((int)(pitch * ACC_MULT) >> 8) & 0xff); motion[2] = ((int)(roll * ACC_MULT) & 0xff); motion[3] = (((int)(roll * ACC_MULT) >> 8) & 0xff); motion[4] = (iax & 0xff); motion[5] = ((iax >> 8) & 0xff); motion[6] = (iay & 0xff); motion[7] = ((iay >> 8) & 0xff); motion[8] = (-iaz & 0xff); motion[9] = ((-iaz >> 8) & 0xff); pCharacteristic->setValue(motion, 20); // debug print char msg[256] = { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(motion); i++) { sprintf(&msg[i * 3], "%02x,", motion[i], sizeof(motion) * 3 - 3 * i); } log_i("MOTION read: %s\n", msg); } }; // for button class ActionCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { log_i("BTN read\n"); pCharacteristic->setValue("Read me!!"); // dummy data } }; // for Analog pin class AnalogPinCallback0 : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { int r = 0; r = map(analogRead(pin[0]), 0, 4095, 0, 1023); log_i("Analog Pin0 Read:%d\n", r); analog[0] = (r & 0xff); analog[1] = ((r >> 8) & 0xff); pCharacteristic->setValue(analog, 2); } }; class AnalogPinCallback1 : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { int r = 0; r = map(analogRead(pin[1]), 0, 4095, 0, 1023); log_i("Analog Pin1 Read:%d\n", r); analog[0] = (r & 0xff); analog[1] = ((r >> 8) & 0xff); pCharacteristic->setValue(analog, 2); } }; class AnalogPinCallback2 : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { int r = 0; r = map(analogRead(pin[2]), 0, 4095, 0, 1023); log_i("Analog Pin2 Read:%d\n", r); analog[0] = (r & 0xff); analog[1] = ((r >> 8) & 0xff); pCharacteristic->setValue(analog, 2); } }; void setup_M5Stack() { // Init M5Stack. auto cfg = M5.config(); M5.begin(cfg); // for support BinsPack-for-StackChan-Core2 https://github.com/NoRi-230401/BinsPack-for-StackChan-Core2 if (m5gfx::board_M5StackCore2) { checkSDUpdater(SD, MENU_BIN, 2000); } M5.Display.init(); // Init speaker. auto spk_cfg = M5.Speaker.config(); M5.Speaker.config(spk_cfg); M5.Speaker.begin(); myBoard = M5.getBoard(); // Setup M5Dial if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Dial) { M5Dial.begin(cfg, true, false); } #if !defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S3) // Init FastLED(NeoPixel). if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Atom) { FastLED.addLeds<WS2811, LED_DATA_PIN, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS); FastLED.setBrightness(20); } #endif // for Mic input if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickC || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus || myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2) { i2sInit(); xTaskCreate(mic_record_task, "mic_record_task", 2048, NULL, 1, NULL); } } void setup_pins() { //// GPIO // Dirty hack for CoreS3, M5Dial and StampS3 #if !defined(GPIO_NUM_22) #define GPIO_NUM_22 22 #endif #if !defined(GPIO_NUM_25) #define GPIO_NUM_25 25 #endif switch (myBoard) { case m5gfx::board_M5Atom: case m5gfx::board_M5AtomU: case m5gfx::board_M5AtomPsram: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_32; pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_26; break; case m5gfx::board_M5Stack: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_36; // Port.B pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_26; // Port.B pin[2] = GPIO_NUM_22; // Port.A pin[8] = GPIO_NUM_21; // Port.A break; case m5gfx::board_M5StackCore2: case m5gfx::board_M5Tough: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_33; // Port.A pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_32; // Port.A pin[2] = GPIO_NUM_36; // Port.B pin[8] = GPIO_NUM_26; // Port.B break; case m5gfx::board_M5StickC: case m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus: case m5gfx::board_M5StickCPlus2: case m5gfx::board_M5StackCoreInk: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_33; // Port.A (Universal) pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_32; // Port.A (Universal) break; case m5gfx::board_M5Paper: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_32; // Port.A pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_25; // Port.A pin[2] = GPIO_NUM_33; // Port.B pin[8] = GPIO_NUM_26; // Port.B break; case m5gfx::board_M5StackCoreS3: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_1; // Port.A pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_2; // Port.A pin[2] = GPIO_NUM_8; // Port.B pin[8] = GPIO_NUM_9; // Port.B break; case m5gfx::board_M5Dial: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_1; // Port.A pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_2; // Port.A pin[2] = GPIO_NUM_15; // Port.B pin[8] = GPIO_NUM_13; // Port.B break; case m5gfx::board_M5AtomS3: case m5gfx::board_M5Cardputer: pin[0] = GPIO_NUM_1; // Port.A (Universal) pin[1] = GPIO_NUM_2; // Port.A (Universal) break; default: break; } } void setup_BLE() { // Create MAC address base fixed ID uint8_t mac0[6] = { 0 }; // Create random mac address for avoid conflict ID. esp_efuse_mac_get_default(mac0); randomSeed(analogRead(analogRead(pin[0]))); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(mac0); i++) { mac0[i] = random(256); } String ID; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { char ID_char = (((mac0[i] - 0x61) & 0b0011110) >> 1) + 0x61; ID += ID_char; } log_i("ID char:%s\n", ID.c_str()); char adv_str[32] = { 0 }; String("BBC micro:bit [" + ID + "]").toCharArray(adv_str, sizeof(adv_str)); // Start up screen fillScreen(TFT_BLUE); Draw.setTextSize(2); Draw.setCursor(0, 0); Draw.print("Welcome to\nM5bit Less!!\nPlease connect to\n"); Draw.println(adv_str); log_i("BLE start.\n"); log_i("%s\n", adv_str); BLEDevice::init(adv_str); BLEServer *pServer = BLEDevice::createServer(); pServer->setCallbacks(new MyServerCallbacks()); BLEService *pService = pServer->createService(BLEUUID(MBIT_MORE_SERVICE), 27); // CMD pCharacteristic[0] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_COMMAND, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ | BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE | BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_WRITE_NR); pCharacteristic[0]->setCallbacks(new CmdCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[0]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); // STATE pCharacteristic[1] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_STATE, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[1]->setCallbacks(new StateCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[1]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); // MOTION pCharacteristic[2] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_MOTION, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[2]->setCallbacks(new MotionCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[2]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); pCharacteristic[3] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_PIN_EVENT, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ | BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY); pCharacteristic[3]->setCallbacks(new DummyCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[3]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); // ACTION pCharacteristic[4] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_ACTION_EVENT, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ | BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_NOTIFY); pCharacteristic[4]->setCallbacks(new ActionCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[4]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); // PINS pCharacteristic[5] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P0, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[5]->setCallbacks(new AnalogPinCallback0()); pCharacteristic[5]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); pCharacteristic[6] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P1, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[6]->setCallbacks(new AnalogPinCallback1()); pCharacteristic[6]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); pCharacteristic[7] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_ANALOG_IN_P2, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[7]->setCallbacks(new AnalogPinCallback2()); pCharacteristic[7]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); // MESSAGE (only for v2) pCharacteristic[8] = pService->createCharacteristic( MBIT_MORE_CH_MESSAGE, BLECharacteristic::PROPERTY_READ); pCharacteristic[8]->setCallbacks(new DummyCallbacks()); pCharacteristic[8]->addDescriptor(new BLE2902()); pService->start(); BLEAdvertising *pAdvertising = pServer->getAdvertising(); pAdvertising->start(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(115200); setup_M5Stack(); screen_w = M5.Lcd.width(); screen_h = M5.Lcd.height(); setup_pins(); setup_BLE(); } void sendBtn(uint8_t btnID, uint8_t btn, uint8_t btn_status, uint8_t prev) { memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[0] = 0x01; // for Button event action[19] = 0x12; // ACTION_EVENT action[1] = btnID; // btnID 0x01:BtnA, 0x02:BtnB, 121:BtnC(LOGO) // Set TimeStamp (Little Endian) uint32_t time = (uint32_t)millis(); action[4] = (time & 0xff); action[5] = (time >> 8) & 0xff; action[6] = (time >> 16) & 0xff; action[7] = (time >> 24) & 0xff; if (btn) { // Button CLICK log_i(" button clicked!\n"); action[3] = 0x03; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } if (btn_status == 0 && prev == 1) { // Button Up log_i(" button up!\n"); action[3] = 0x02; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } else if (btn_status == 1 && prev == 0) { // Button Down log_i(" button down!\n"); action[3] = 0x01; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } } // Previous button state uint8_t prevA = 0, prevB = 0, prevC = 0; uint32_t old_label_time = 0; void loop() { // Board status update. M5.update(); if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Dial) { M5Dial.update(); } if (deviceConnected) { // Send notify data for button A, B and C(LOGO). uint8_t btnA = 0, btnB = 0, btnC = 0, btn_statusA = 0, btn_statusB = 0, btn_statusC = 0; // Get all button status btnA = M5.BtnA.wasPressed(); btn_statusA = M5.BtnA.isPressed(); btnB = M5.BtnB.wasPressed(); btn_statusB = M5.BtnB.isPressed(); btnC = M5.BtnC.wasPressed(); btn_statusC = M5.BtnC.isPressed(); #define BUTTON_DELAY 50 //// Button A action[1] = 0x01; sendBtn(0x01, btnA, btn_statusA, prevA); prevA = btn_statusA; delay(BUTTON_DELAY); //// Button B action[1] = 0x02; sendBtn(0x02, btnB, btn_statusB, prevB); prevB = btn_statusB; delay(BUTTON_DELAY); //// Button C (LOGO) action[1] = 121; // LOGO 121 sendBtn(121, btnC, btn_statusC, prevC); prevC = btn_statusC; delay(BUTTON_DELAY); updateGesture(); uint32_t label_time = (uint32_t)millis(); if (label_time - old_label_time > 50) { // Send dummy data label='a' data=random('a'-'z') every 50ms memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[19] = DATA_TEXT; action[0] = 'a'; // Label 'a' action[1] = 0; action[8] = 'a' + random(26); // 'a-z' action[9] = 0; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); //// Send touch panel information // Get touch panel data. float tx; float ty; if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Dial) { auto t = M5Dial.Touch.getDetail(); tx = t.x; ty = t.y; } else { auto t = M5.Touch.getDetail(); tx = t.x; ty = t.y; } // Send X axis as 'tx' cd.f = (float)tx; memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[19] = DATA_NUMBER; action[0] = 't'; // Label 'tx' action[1] = 'x'; action[8] = cd.b[0]; action[9] = cd.b[1]; action[10] = cd.b[2]; action[11] = cd.b[3]; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); // Send Y axis as 'ty' cd.f = (float)ty; memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[19] = DATA_NUMBER; action[0] = 't'; // Label 'ty' action[1] = 'y'; action[8] = cd.b[0]; action[9] = cd.b[1]; action[10] = cd.b[2]; action[11] = cd.b[3]; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); //// Encoder for M5Dial if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Dial) { cd.f = (float)M5Dial.Encoder.read(); memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[19] = DATA_NUMBER; action[0] = 'e'; // Label 'e' action[8] = cd.b[0]; action[9] = cd.b[1]; action[10] = cd.b[2]; action[11] = cd.b[3]; pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } if (myBoard == m5gfx::board_M5Stack) { // keyboard input for M5Stack Faces if (digitalRead(5) == LOW) { Wire.requestFrom(0x08, 1); // 0x08 means FACES_KEYBOARD_I2C_ADDR. while (Wire.available()) { char c = Wire.read(); // receive a byte as character Serial.printf("Key:%c\n", c); // print the character memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer action[19] = DATA_TEXT; action[0] = 'K'; // Label 'Key' action[1] = 'e'; action[2] = 'y'; action[3] = 0x00; action[8] = c; // Key character action[9] = 0; delay(50); // Wait 50ms pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } } } old_label_time = label_time; } } //// Get data from Spresense via Serial2. int av = Serial2.available(); // When serial2 data is available... while (av > 0) { String label = Serial2.readStringUntil(':'); String value = Serial2.readStringUntil('\n'); av = Serial2.available(); memset((char *)(action), 0, 20); // clear action buffer const char *label_str = label.c_str(); strncpy((char *)action, label_str, 7); // These data is passed as String(TEXT). if (label.startsWith("Date") || label.startsWith("Fix")) { action[19] = DATA_TEXT; // Data send as text. // The data buffer can handle 18 - 8 characters. const char *buf = value.c_str(); for (int i = 0; i < av && i + 8 < 19; i++) { action[i + 8] = buf[i]; } } else { // Other data is passed as float. action[19] = DATA_NUMBER; // Data send as number. cd.f = value.toFloat(); action[8] = cd.b[0]; action[9] = cd.b[1]; action[10] = cd.b[2]; action[11] = cd.b[3]; } // Send data to Scratch with label 'GPS'. pCharacteristic[4]->setValue(action, 20); pCharacteristic[4]->notify(); } };



#include <GNSS.h> #define STRING_BUFFER_SIZE 128 #define RESTART_CYCLE (60 * 5) // Every 5min static SpGnss Gnss; int led_pins[] = { PIN_LED0, PIN_LED1, PIN_LED2, PIN_LED3 }; void setup() { int result; Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(115200); // Connect to M5Stack via Serial2. ledOn(PIN_LED0); // Turn on LED0 to indicate initialize Gnss.setDebugMode(PrintInfo); // Set Debug mode to Info if (Gnss.begin() != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss begin error!!"); ledOn(PIN_LED1); exit(0); } // Select all GPS mode. Gnss.select(GPS); Gnss.select(GLONASS); Gnss.select(QZ_L1CA); // Start positioning if (Gnss.start(COLD_START) != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss start error!!"); ledOn(PIN_LED2); exit(0); } ledOff(PIN_LED0); /// Turn off LED0 :Setup done. } // Print received data Serial for debug and Serial2 for M5Stack static void print_with_debug(char *strbuf) { Serial.print(strbuf); Serial2.print(strbuf); } static void print_pos(SpNavData *pNavData) { char StringBuffer[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]; // print date & time snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "Date:%04d/%02d/%02d\n", pNavData->time.year, pNavData->time.month, pNavData->time.day); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "Time:%02d%02d%02d.%02d\n", pNavData->time.hour, pNavData->time.minute, pNavData->time.sec, int(pNavData->time.usec / 10000)); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); // print satellites count snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "numSat:%2d\n", pNavData->numSatellites); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "numSatCalc:%2d\n", pNavData->numSatellitesCalcPos); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); // HDOP snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "HDOP:%.1f\n", pNavData->hdop); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); // altitude snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "alt:%.1f\n", pNavData->altitude); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); // print position data if (pNavData->posFixMode == FixInvalid) { print_with_debug("Fix:No-Fix\n"); } else { print_with_debug("Fix:Fix\n"); } if (pNavData->posDataExist == 0) { Serial.print("Post:No Position\n"); } else { snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "Lat:%f\nLon:%f\n", pNavData->latitude, pNavData->longitude); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); } } static void print_condition(SpNavData *pNavData) { char StringBuffer[STRING_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned long cnt; // Print satellite count. snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "numSat:%2d\n", pNavData->numSatellites); print_with_debug(StringBuffer); for (cnt = 0; cnt < pNavData->numSatellites; cnt++) { const char *pType = "GPS"; SpSatelliteType sattype = pNavData->getSatelliteType(cnt); // Get print conditions. unsigned long Id = pNavData->getSatelliteId(cnt); unsigned long Elv = pNavData->getSatelliteElevation(cnt); unsigned long Azm = pNavData->getSatelliteAzimuth(cnt); float sigLevel = pNavData->getSatelliteSignalLevel(cnt); // Print satellite condition. snprintf(StringBuffer, STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "[%2ld] Type:%s, Id:%2ld, Elv:%2ld, Azm:%3ld, CN0:", cnt, pType, Id, Elv, Azm); Serial.print(StringBuffer); Serial.println(sigLevel, 6); } } String getStrValue(String data, String pattern) { data.replace(pattern.c_str(), ""); return (data); } float getFloatValue(String data, String pattern) { data.replace(pattern.c_str(), ""); return (data.toFloat()); } int getIntValue(String data, String pattern) { data.replace(pattern.c_str(), ""); return (data.toInt()); } void loop() { static int LoopCount = 0; static int LastPrintMin = 0; int av = Serial2.available(); while (av > 0) { String line = Serial2.readStringUntil('\n'); av = Serial2.available(); if (line.startsWith("LED")) { line.replace("LED", ""); int led_num = (int)line.charAt(0) - 48; // 48 means ascii code of '0' line.replace(String(led_num) + ":", ""); if (strcmp(line.c_str(), "on") == 0) { ledOn(led_pins[led_num]); } else { ledOff(led_pins[led_num]); } } } // Check update. if (Gnss.waitUpdate(-1)) { // Get NaviData. SpNavData NavData; Gnss.getNavData(&NavData); // Print satellite information to Serial every minute. if (NavData.time.minute != LastPrintMin) { print_condition(&NavData); LastPrintMin = NavData.time.minute; } // Send position information via Serial2 print_pos(&NavData); } else { // Not update. Serial.println("data not update"); } // Check loop count. LoopCount++; if (LoopCount >= RESTART_CYCLE) { int error_flag = 0; // Restart GNSS. if (Gnss.stop() != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss stop error!!"); error_flag = 1; } else if (Gnss.end() != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss end error!!"); error_flag = 1; } else { Serial.println("Gnss stop OK."); } if (Gnss.begin() != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss begin error!!"); error_flag = 1; } else if (Gnss.start(HOT_START) != 0) { Serial.println("Gnss start error!!"); error_flag = 1; } else { Serial.println("Gnss restart OK."); } // If error on LED3 and halt. if (error_flag == 1) { ledOn(PIN_LED3); exit(0); } LoopCount = 0; } }





Geo Scratchを使うことで、現在位置の地図情報だけでなく、県名や市名が表示できるようになっています。




Bluetooth UART接続による有線シリアル接続の排除

SPRESENSE Bluetooth UARTボード(SPRESENSE用 BLEベースボード)が手元にあるため、これを利用して、SPRESENSEとM5Stackを接続します。こうすることで、SPRESENSEとCore2を離して配置することが可能となるため、配置の自由度が大きくなると考えています。


SPRESENSE用 BLEベースボードは、BLEモジュールISP1507を使っているということで、ファームウエアを更新することで、UART以外にも利用できるようです。これを使うと、M5Stackを介さずに、直接SPRESENSEからScratchに接続できるようになります。



Enjoy your SPRESENSE life with Scratch and M5Stack!!
